引用本文: | 朱慧玲, 刘金刚, 张金龙, 幸敬阳, 杨永佳, Gunter A. FISCHER.中国香港新记录的十个分类单元(英文)[J].广西植物,2018,38(9):1221-1228.[点击复制] |
ZHU Huiling, LIU Jingang, ZHANG Jinlong, HANG Kingyeung, YEUNG Wingkai, Gunter A. FISCHER.Ten newly recorded taxa to the flora of Hong Kong, China[J].Guihaia,2018,38(9):1221-1228.[点击复制] |
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中国香港新记录的十个分类单元(英文) |
朱慧玲1, 刘金刚1, 张金龙1*, 幸敬阳1, 杨永佳2, Gunter A. FISCHER1
1. 嘉道理农场暨植物园植物保育部, 香港特别行政区 新界 大埔林锦公路;2. 慕光书院, 香港特别行政区 九龙 观塘
摘要: |
中国香港位于热带北缘,其植被在历史上曾遭到大规模破坏,近几十年来逐渐恢复。香港植物标本采集有很长的历史,迄今为止已记录的维管植物超过2 170种,然而新种和新分布仍在不断增加。在最近的野外工作中,作者发现10种在香港新记录到的维管植物,分别是唇边书带蕨[Haplopteris elongata (Swartz) E. H. Crane]、雷公连[Amydrium sinense (Engl.) H. Li]、百足藤[Pothos repens (Lour.) Druce]、四川轮环藤(Cyclea sutchuenensis Gagnep.)、山黑豆(Dumasia truncata Siebold & Zucc.)、倒心叶珊瑚[Aucuba obcordata (Rehder) Fu ex W. K. Hu et Soong]、竹叶榕(Ficus stenophylla Hemsl.)、长叶冠毛榕[F. gasparriniana var. esquirolii (H. Lév. & Vaniot) Corner]、硬叶冬青(Ilex ficifolia C. J. Tseng ex S. K. Chen et Y. X. Feng)、假福王草[Paraprenanthes sororia (Miq.)C. Shih.]。雷公连属(Amydrium Schott)、山黑豆属(Dumasia DC.)和假福王草属(Paraprenanthes C. C. Chang ex C. Shih)为香港的新记录属。以上的发现不仅丰富了香港的植物区系,而且表明保护残存植被非常重要,且极小种群的保护也值得特别关注。 |
关键词: 新记录, 维管植物, 植物区系, 保护, 生物多样性 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201710024 |
分类号: |
文章编号:1000-3142(2018)09-1221-08 |
基金项目:单位自筹项目 [Supported by Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden]。 |
Ten newly recorded taxa to the flora of Hong Kong, China |
ZHU Huiling1, LIU Jingang1, ZHANG Jinlong1*, HANG Kingyeung1, YEUNG Wingkai2, Gunter A. FISCHER1
1. Flora Conservation Department, Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden, Lam Kam Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong SAR, China;2. Mu Kuang English School, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR, China
1. Flora Conservation Department, Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden, Lam Kam Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong SAR, China; 2. Mu Kuang English School, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR, China
Abstract: |
Hong Kong, located at the southern edge of Guangdong and the northern fringe of the tropics, has suffered from large scale habitat destruction throughout most of its history of inhabitance and has only been in recovery for several decades. It has a long history of botanical exploration, and up to now, more than 2 170 native vascular plant species have been recorded in its territories. Nonetheless, taxa new to science and new records are increasingly being discovered and described. During recent field trips, we found ten new records of vascular plants for Hong Kong. The newly recorded species or varieties are Haplopteris elongata (Swartz) E. H. Crane, Amydrium sinense (Engl.) H. Li, Pothos repens (Lour.) Druce, Cyclea sutchuenensis Gagnep., Dumasia truncata Siebold & Zucc., Aucuba obcordata (Rehder) Fu ex W. K. Hu et Soong, Ficus stenophylla Hemsl., F. gasparriniana var. esquirolii (H. Lév. & Vaniot) Corner, Ilex ficifolia C. J. Tseng ex S. K. Chen et Y. X. Feng and Paraprenanthes sororia (Miq.) C. Shih; Amydrium Schott, Dumasia DC. and Paraprenanthes C. C. Chang ex C. Shih are also newly recorded genera in Hong Kong. Our findings enrich the flora of Hong Kong and underline the importance and the need to conserve remnant vegetation patches and highlights the need to pay special attention to extremely small populations. |
Key words: new records, vascular plants, flora, conservation, biodiversity |