Page 136 - 《广西植物》2020年第2期
P. 136

2 期                   牟凤娟等: 大叶九里香ꎬ芸香科新等级组合及生物学特征补述                                         2 7 3

       摘  要: 为理清芸香科(Rutaceae)九里香属(Murraya)中大叶九里香[M. kwangsiensis (C. C. Huang) C. C. Huang
       var. macrophylla C. C. Huang]与其原变种广西九里香[M. kwangsiensis (C. C. Huang) C. C. Huang var. kwangsien ̄
       法对九里香属植物数个种类进行分类学相关研究ꎮ 结果发现:大叶九里香在叶片、花、果实等形态特征方面与广

       西九里香间的差异极大ꎬ故将其处理为一个独立的种ꎬ并提出新等级组合 Murraya macrophylla (C. C. Huang)
       F. J. Mouꎻ首次对大叶九里香的形态特征及分布进行详尽描述ꎻ该物种的羽状复叶及小叶均为九里香属中最大
       者ꎬ更接近仅分布于越南的光叶九里香[M. glabra (Guillaumin) Swingle]ꎬ但其较大的小叶、叶面叶脉下凹且叶片
       皱缩等特征使其明显不同于九里香属其他种类ꎮ 大叶九里香是一个独立种而非广西九里香的变种ꎬ此关于大叶
       关键词: 广西九里香ꎬ 大叶九里香ꎬ 生物学特征ꎬ 新等级ꎬ 新组合ꎬ 芸香科

       Genus Murraya J. Koenig (under the name Mur ̄  taxonomic status and systematic position of this taxon.
   raea) was first published based on a single speciesꎬ  The morphological descriptions of few morphological
   Murraea exotica L.ꎬ while Bergera L. was described  characteristicsꎬ only size of leaflet blades and fruit color
   based on B. koenigii J. Koenig (Linnaeusꎬ 1771). Later  are described after the publication of M. kwangsiensis
   taxonomists unanimously treated Murraya and Bergera as  var. macrophyllaꎬ and always is a variety of M. kwang ̄
   congenericꎬ and Murraya has been conserved against  siensis ( Huangꎬ 1978ꎬ 1997ꎻ Zhang et al.ꎬ 2010).
   Chalcas L.ꎬ though Chalcas was earlier published (Lin ̄  Totallyꎬ there are ten specimens including type in three
   naeusꎬ 1767). Most species of Murraya distribute in  herbariaꎬ namely IBKꎬ GXMI and GXMG. Owing to lac ̄
   South China and Indo ̄Malaysiaꎬ although some species  king informationꎬ little is known about the taxon. For the
   can reach Sri Lankaꎬ New Caledonia and Northeast Aus ̄  above reasonsꎬ this taxon needs further studies on field
   tralia ( Swingleꎬ 1938ꎻ Swingle & Reeceꎬ 1967 ).  researches and other experiments. During conducting the
   Tanaka ( 1929 ) recognized eight species and two  program “The taxonomic revision and systimatics of Mur ̄
   varieties in the genus (under the name Chalcas). The  raya s. l.”ꎬ several populations of M. kwangsiensis
   species of Murraya were classified into two or three  var. macrophylla were only found in Guangxi.
   groupsꎬ and eleven species and four varieties were re ̄
   cognized (Tanaka 1929ꎻ Swingle 1938ꎻ Swingle & Re ̄  1  Materials and Methods
   eceꎬ 1967ꎻ But et al.ꎬ 1986). Subsequent studies on
   Chinese materials led to the addition of one new species  All specimens of Murraya kwangsiensis var. macro ̄
   Murraya tetramera C. C. Huang (Huangꎬ 1959)ꎬ one  phylla and M. kwangsiensis var. kwangsiensis preserved
   new combination M. kwangsiensis ( C. C. Huang )   in IBKꎬ GXMIꎬ GXMGꎬ KUNꎬ IBSCꎬ SYSꎬ PE and
   C. C. Huang and one new variety M. kwangsiensis   NAS were carefully studied for collecting information
   var. macrophylla C. C. Huang ( Huangꎬ 1978). Nine  and many morphological characteristics. From 2016 to
   species or one variety are endemic to China (Huangꎬ  2017ꎬ field researches such as morphological characte ̄
   1997ꎻ Zhang et al.ꎬ 2010). Considering the differences  risticsꎬ growth stateꎬ population status and ecological
   of chemical constituents between two sections of  condition were finished in Longzhou Countyꎬ Daxin
   Murrayaꎬ M.   kwangsiensis  var.  macrophylla  was  County and Napo Countyꎬ Guangxi. For successively ob ̄
   included into sect. Bergeraꎬ along with M. kwangsiensis  serving the biological and phenological characteristics of
   var. kwangsiensis ( But et al.ꎬ 1986)ꎬ otherwiseꎬ the  this speciesꎬ a few plants from Napo and Daxin counties
   former should  belong  to  sect.  Murraya  as  an  were transplanted in the greenhouse of Southwest
   independent speciesꎬ based on the morphological cha ̄  Forestry University in 2016 and 2017 respectively.
   racteristics of the leaf epidermis of nine Chinese species  During 2017-2018ꎬ flowering and fruiting were in ̄
   of Murraya (Zou et al.ꎬ 1997ꎬ 1999). At presentꎬ ex ̄  tensively investigated in cultivated environmentsꎻ leavesꎬ
   tremely limited findings are controversial concerning the  flowers and fruits are studied by microanatomy methods.
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