Page 143 - 《广西植物》2020年第2期
P. 143

2 8 0                                  广  西  植  物                                         40 卷
   ascospores muriformꎻ presence of psoromic acid.   cool ̄temperate to warm ̄temperate rainforests. Tasmaniaꎬ
       Ecology and Distribution: On bark. French Guianaꎬ  New Zealandꎬ Argentinaꎬ Australia ( Mangold et al.ꎬ
   Brazilꎬ Costa Rica (Nylanderꎬ 1867ꎻ Redingerꎬ 1936)ꎬ  2009ꎻ Lumbsch et al.ꎬ 2010).
   Venezuela (Kalbꎬ 2009).                               Schizotrema subzebrinum Mangoldꎬ in Mangold ꎬ
       Schizotrema flavolucens ( Sipman ) Lückingꎬ in  Elix & Lumbschꎬ Fl. Australia 57: 657 (2009).
   Lückingꎬ Mangold & Lumbschꎬ Herzogia 29: 506          Schizotrema subzebrinum is characterized by incon ̄
   ( 2016 ). — Myriotrema flavolucens Sipmanꎬ Trop.  spicuousꎬ erumpentꎬ distinctly layered and distinctly car ̄
   Bryol. 6: 5 (1992).                               bonized ascomataꎻ asci 8 ̄sporedꎻ ascospores hyalineꎬ
       Schizotrema flavolucens is characterized by conspi ̄  non ̄amyloidꎬ 20-35 μm × 7-10 μmꎬ submuriformꎬ with
   cuousꎬ layered ascomata with carbonized proper excipleꎻ  10 - 14 × 1 - 2 ( - 3) loculesꎻ absence of lichen
   asci 8 ̄sporedꎻ ascospores hyalineꎬ non ̄amyloidꎬ 18-25  substances.
   μm × 7-11 μmꎬ transversely septateꎬ with (3-) 5 (-6)  Ecology and Distribution: On bark in warm ̄tem ̄
   loculesꎻ presence of lichexanthone.               perate rainforest. NSW (Mangold et al.ꎬ 2009).
       Ecology and Distribution: On twigs in humid       Schizotrema zebrinum Mangoldꎬ in Mangoldꎬ Elix
   savannah vegetation on sandstone flats at tableland.  & Lumbschꎬ Fl. Australia 57: 657 (2009).
   Veneznela (Sipmanꎬ 1992).                             Schizotrema zebrinum is characterized by conspi ̄
       Schizotrema schizolomum (Müll. Arg.) Mangold &  cuousꎬ layered ascomata with carbonized thick proper
   Lumbschꎬ in Mangoldꎬ Elix & Lumbschꎬ Fl. Australia  excipleꎻ asci 6-8 ̄sporedꎻ ascospores hyalineꎬ non ̄amy ̄
   57: 657 (2009). — Leptotrema schizoloma Müll. Arg.ꎬ  loidꎬ 30-80 μm × 6-11 μmꎬ transversely septateꎬ with
   Nuov. Giorn. Botan. Ital. 21: 49 (1889).          12 - 22 loculesꎻ presence of variable chemistry
       Schizotrema schizolomumis characterized by regener ̄  containing stictic acidꎬ constictic acidꎬ conprotocetraric
   atingꎬ distinctly layered and carbonized ascomataꎻ 1-4  acidꎬ protocetraric acidꎬ and so on (major to absent).
   (- 6) spored asciꎻ largeꎬ thin walledꎬ mainly non ̄    Ecology and Distribution: On bark in cool ̄
   amyloidꎬ muriform ascospores sized 60-180 μm × 20-40  temperate to warm ̄temperate and tropical montane rain ̄
   μmꎻ presence of salazinic acid or no lichen substances .  forests. Australia (Mangold et al.ꎬ 2009)ꎬ New Zealand
       Ecology and Distribution: On bark and wood in  (Lumbsch et al.ꎬ 2010).

                                 World ̄wide key to species of Schizotrema

   1a. Ascospores transversely septate   2
   1b. Ascospores (sub ̄) muriform    3
   2a. Ascospores 30-80 μm × 6-11 μmꎬ with 12-22 loculesꎻ stictic or fumarprotocetraric acids present  
           Schizotrema zebrinum Mangold
   2b. Ascospores 18-25 μm × 7-11 μmꎬ with (3-)5(-6) loculesꎻ lichexanthone present 
           S. flavolucens (Sipman) Lücking
   3a. Ascospores submuriformꎬ 20-35 μm × 7-10 μmꎻ no lichen substances   S. subzebrinum Mangold
   3b. Ascospores muriformꎬ 35-180 μm × 15-40 μmꎻ chemistry variable   4
   4a. Ascospores 60-180 μm × 20-40 μmꎻ salazinic acid or no lichen substances 
           S. schizolomum (Müll. Arg.) Mangold & Lumbsch
   4b. Ascospores 35-80 μm × 15-30 μmꎻ psoromic or stictic acid or cinchonarum unknowns   5
   5a. Stictic acid (major) and constictic acid (trace)ꎻ apothecia with distinctly layered margins  
          S. guadeloupense (Hale) Mangold & Lumbsch
   5b. Psoromic acid presentꎻ apothecia morphologically crypticꎬ with indistinctly layered margins  
           S. cryptotrema (Nyl.) Rivas Plata & Mangold
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