Page 144 - 《广西植物》2020年第2期
P. 144
2 期 贾泽峰等: 中国地衣新记录属———裂孔衣属 2 8 1
Acknowledgments The first author is very subantarctic regions excluding Tasmania [J]. Lichenologistꎬ
42(2): 203-224.
grateful to Dr. Harrie Sipman for his help with TLC
MANGOLD Aꎬ ELIX JAꎬ LUMBSCH HTꎬ 2009. Thelotremata ̄
studies and also thanks the Botanic Garden and
ceae [J]. Flora Australiaꎬ 57: 195-420.
Botanical Museum (BGBM)ꎬ Free University of Berlinꎬ
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for its hospitality during a research visit in Jꎬ PLANCHON JE. Prodromus florae Novo Granatensis ou
Germany. The collaborative study of family Énumération des plantes de la Nouvelle ̄Grénade avec de ̄
scription des espèces nouvelles. Ann Sci Natꎬ sér. 5(Bot)ꎬ
Graphidaceae was also done with the project of
7: 301-354.
Shandong Provincial Education Association for Interna ̄
REDINGER Kꎬ 1936. Thelotremaceae brasilienses imprimis ex
tional Exchanges.
herbario Regnelliano cognitae praetereaque in herbariis
Krempelhuberiꎬ Mülleri Arg.ꎬ Nylanderiꎬ Wainionis et
Zahlbruckneri asservatae [J]. Ark Botꎬ 28A(8): 1-122.
2010. A world ̄wide key to the thelotremoid Graphidaceaeꎬ
JIA ZFꎬ LI Jꎬ YANG MZꎬ 2017. Carbacanthographis (Graphi ̄ excluding the Ocellularia ̄Myriotrema ̄Stegobolus clade
daceae)ꎬ a lichen genus new to Guangxi [J]. Guihaiaꎬ 37 [J]. Lichenologistꎬ 42(2): 139-185.
(2): 231-233. [贾泽峰ꎬ 李健ꎬ 杨梦竹ꎬ 2017. 广西地衣新 RIVAS PLATA Eꎬ LÜCKING Rꎬ LUMBSCH HTꎬ 2012. A new
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LÜCKING Rꎬ MONGOLD Aꎬ LUMBSCH HTꎬ 2016. A world daceaeꎬ Ostropales)ꎬ a lichen genus new to China [J]. J
wide key to species of the genera Myriotrema and Trop Subtrop Botꎬ 24(5): 495-498. [徐丽丽ꎬ 吴青华ꎬ 王
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survey of thelotremoid lichens (Ascomycota: Ostropales) in