Page 136 - 《广西植物》2023年第1期
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Guihaia Jan. 2023ꎬ 43(1): 132-138
DOI: 10.11931/ guihaia.gxzw202108047
盛天露ꎬ 付璐鹭ꎬ 许俊申ꎬ 等ꎬ 2023. 蒙古苍耳抑制坏死性凋亡(necroptosis)活性部位化学成分研究(Ⅰ) [J]. 广西植物ꎬ
43(1): 132-138.
SHENG TLꎬ FU LLꎬ XU JSꎬ et al.ꎬ 2023. Chemical constituents of the necroptosis ̄inhibited active fraction from Xanthium
mongolicum (Ⅰ) [J]. Guihaiaꎬ 43(1): 132-138.
盛天露 ꎬ 付璐鹭 ꎬ 许俊申 ꎬ 尚锐峰 ꎬ 陈钟文 ꎬ 刘 峰 ꎬ 刘 华 1∗
( 1. 江西中医药大学 药学院ꎬ 南昌 330004ꎻ 2. 江西中医药大学附属医院ꎬ 南昌 330006 )
摘 要: 苍耳(Xanthium strumarium)为民间传统药用植物ꎬ本课题组前期研究发现蒙古苍耳大孔树脂 50%
乙醇洗脱部位具有显著的抑制细胞坏死性凋亡(necroptosis)活性ꎮ 为明确蒙古苍耳(X. mongolicum)的活性
成分ꎬ活性部位采用反复硅胶柱色谱、Sephadex LH ̄20 柱色谱、制备高效液相色谱、重结晶等多种方法进行
分离和纯化ꎬ运用 NMR、MS 等波谱方法并结合文献数据对分离得到的化合物进行结构鉴定ꎮ 结果表明:从
该活性部位中分离得到 14 个化合物ꎬ分别鉴定为 hydroxydihydrobovolide(1)、树莓酮(2)、水杨醇(3)、对羟
基苯乙酮(4)、对羟基苯甲醛(5)、咖啡酸乙酯(6)、阿魏醛(7)、异东莨菪素(8)、3ꎬ3′ ̄bis(3ꎬ4 ̄dihydro ̄4 ̄
hydroxy ̄6 ̄methoxy ̄2H ̄1 ̄benzopyran)(9)、axillarin (10)、槲皮素(11)、( +)松脂素(12)、β ̄谷甾醇(13)和棕榈
酸(14)ꎮ 化合物 1-4、7-10 均为首次从苍耳中分离得到ꎮ
关键词: 苍耳ꎬ 坏死性凋亡ꎬ 活性部位ꎬ 化学成分ꎬ 江西
中图分类号: Q946 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1000 ̄3142(2023)01 ̄0132 ̄07
Chemical constituents of the necroptosis ̄inhibited
active fraction from Xanthium mongolicum (Ⅰ)
1 1 1 1
SHENG Tianlu ꎬ FU Lulu ꎬ XU Junshen ꎬ SHANG Ruifeng ꎬ
1 2 1∗
CHEN Zhongwen ꎬ LIU Feng ꎬ LIU Hua
( 1. College of Pharmacyꎬ Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicineꎬ Nanchang 330004ꎬ Chinaꎻ
2. Affiliated Hospitalꎬ Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicineꎬ Nanchang 330006ꎬ China)
Abstract: Xanthium strumarium is a traditional folk medicinal plant. The 50% ethanol eluting faction of X. mongolicum
had significant activity to inhibit necroptosis. In order to investigate the active constituentsꎬ the active fraction of
X. mongolicum were isolated and purified by various chromatographic methods such as repeated silica gel column
chromatographyꎬ Sephadex LH ̄20 column chromatographyꎬ preparative high performance liquid chromatography and
recrystallization. Their structures were established on the basis of NMRꎬ MS spectraoscopic analyses and comparison with
lirerature date. The results were as follows: A total of 14 compounds were isolated from the active part and identified as
收稿日期: 2022-01-10
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(81760706)ꎻ江西省中医药大学中药学一流学科专项科研基金( JXSYLXK ̄ZHYAO022ꎬJXSYLXK ̄
第一作者: 盛天露(1995-)ꎬ硕士研究生ꎬ主要从事天然产物的化学成分研究ꎬ(E ̄mail)2907078452@ qq.comꎮ
通信作者: 刘华ꎬ博士ꎬ教授ꎬ博士生导师ꎬ主要从事天然产物药效物质基础及活性研究ꎬ(E ̄mail)winner616@ 163.comꎮ