Page 146 - 《广西植物》2024年第10期
P. 146
1 9 4 8 广 西 植 物 44 卷
( 1. Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asiaꎬ Kunming Institute of Botanyꎬ Chinese Academy of Sciencesꎬ Kunming 650201ꎬ
Chinaꎻ 2. School of Ecology and Environmental Scienceꎬ Yunnan Universityꎬ Kunming 650091ꎬ Chinaꎻ 3. University of Chinese Academy of Sciencesꎬ
Beijing 100049ꎬ Chinaꎻ 4. Maguan Gulinqing Provincial Nature Reserve Management and Protection Bureauꎬ Wenshan 663701ꎬ Yunnanꎬ China )
Abstract: Based on the 25 hm karst forest big plot in Gulinqingꎬ Yunnanꎬ we carried out sample ̄plot investigationꎬ
specimen collection and identificationꎬ floristic analysisꎬ Jaccard similarity coefficient and principal component analysis
(PCA)ꎬ in order to explore its floristic characteristics and the status of the Gulinqing big plot in Yunnan and the
geographical relationships among Gulinqing in Yunnanꎬ Bubeng in Yunnanꎬ and Nonggang in Guangxiꎬ China. The
results were as follows: (1) There were about 78 familiesꎬ 238 generaꎬ and 406 species (including infraspecies taxa and
excluding woody vines)of woody plants with DBH≥1 cm. (2) In the plotꎬ the families with 2-5 species and with one
species were dominant and accounted for 37.18% and 34.62% of the total number of familiesꎬ respectivelyꎬ while the
genera with 2-4 species and with one species were also dominant and accounted for 30.25% and 65.13% of the total
number of generaꎬ respectively. (3) Through analysis of the areal ̄types of families and generaꎬ it was found that it had
been divided into 9 areal ̄types and 7 variations at the family levelꎬ and the proportion of families was the highest at
Pantropicꎬ accounting for 50.77%ꎬ and the ratio of tropical flora to temperate flora (R/ T) was 4.42ꎻ there were 11
areal ̄types at the genera levelꎬ mainly composed of Tropical Asianꎬ Pantropicꎬ Old World Tropicsꎬ accounting for
33.47%ꎬ 18.22%ꎬ and 13.98%ꎬ respectivelyꎬ and R/ T of the genera was 10.25. (4) The composition of Gulinqingꎬ
Bubeng and Nonggang big plots showed that Gulinqing and Bubeng had the highest similarity in family and genera level
at Jaccard similarity coefficient (0.674 and 0.395ꎬ respectively)ꎬ and Bubeng and Nonggang with the smallest Jaccard
similarity coefficient (0.575 and 0.297ꎬ respectively). (5) The analysis results of the floristic spectrum PCA and the
Jaccard similarity coefficient in the level of genera were similarꎬ but different one at the level of familiesꎬ e.g. a higher
geographical connection between Gulinqing and Nonggang through the PCA analysis of family. In summaryꎬ this plot has
a high diversity of families and generaꎬ significant tropical characteristicsꎬ ancient floristic characteristicsꎬ obvious
transitional status and extensive flora connections. Howeverꎬ there is an inconsistent geographical connection among
Gulinqingꎬ Bubeng and Nonggang from the composition and floristic spectrum.
Key words: floristic spectrumꎬ floristic geographyꎬ Gulinqingꎬ Southeast Yunnanꎬ tropical karst forest
植物区系地理学是研究某一区域或全世界所 所以对植物区系进行划分时一般选用属的分布区
有的植物区系种类组成、分布格局、分布规律、形成 类型表征该地区的区系性质和特点( 李春梅和张
机制和发展演化历史的科学(应俊生ꎬ1997)ꎮ 而植 华ꎬ2022)ꎮ 目前ꎬ国内外植物区系地理学正在朝着
物区系是研究某一时期的某一地区、某一分类群或 宏观向微观转变发展ꎬ已经进入了多学科交叉融合
某一类植物种类的总称ꎬ是植物在一定的自然历史 和多方法协同发展阶段ꎬ宏观上主要从地质历史、
条件特别是地质历史条件下长期发展和演化的结 生态环境、植物群落及大尺度空间格局等方面探讨
果(吴征镒和王荷生ꎬ1983)ꎮ 依据植物区系地理学 影响区系地理格局形成的原因ꎬ微观上从系统发育
和植物区系的概念ꎬ可以发现植物区系是植物区系 树和物种形成的分子机制揭示区系地理成分的起
地理学的研究对象ꎬ植物区系侧重研究植物种类和 源及进化机制ꎬ或是宏观和微观相结合共同揭示植
区系分布ꎬ而植物区系地理除了研究植物区系的内 物区系的形成演变历史以及空间分异(孙航ꎬ2017ꎻ
容外还结合地质历史探究区系的起源以及种群演 孙航等ꎬ2017)ꎮ
化发 展 过 程 ( 李 登 武ꎬ 2008ꎻ 吴 立 宏 和 杨 得 坡ꎬ 森林动态样地是以研究 生 物 多 样 性 维 持 机
2022)ꎮ 通过对该地区科和属的植物区系进行研究 制、多种生物共存机制、群落发展演替规律等为目
可以探究该地区区系起源以及物种迁移和分化的 标而建立的ꎬ对森林动态样地的研究内容主要体
历史情况ꎬ也可以摸清该地区植物资源的本底情况 现在物种组成及结构、植物区系特征、物种空间分
(吴征镒等ꎬ2006)ꎮ 因为属的形态特征比较稳定、 布格局、群落构建机制、种群存活和更新机制、物
地理分布相对固定且能反映植物分化和发生历程ꎬ 种与生境之间协同进化、植物与微生物之间的互