引用本文: | 王 萌, 张淑梅, 王 欣, 李丁男, 王 丹, 张 旭.东北地区木本植物一个新记录属和五个新记录种[J].广西植物,2017,37(7):930-933.[点击复制] |
WANG Meng, ZHANG Shu-Mei, WANG Xin, LI Ding-Nan, WANG Dan, ZHANG Xu.One genus and five species newly recorded of ligneous plants in Northeast China[J].Guihaia,2017,37(7):930-933.[点击复制] |
摘要: |
东北地区位于我国东北部,地处欧亚大陆东部,地域辽阔,植物种类丰富,共有维管束植物164科928属3 103种。该文根据野外调查结果及相关资料,报道了东北地区木本植物1个新记录属是黄连木属(Pistacia L.)(漆树科Anacardiaceae)和5个新记录种,分别是黄连木(Pistacia chinensis)、野皂荚(Gleditsia microphylla)、东北忍冬(Lonicera elisae)、郁香忍冬(L. fragrantissima)、毛叶水栒子(Cotoneaster submultiflorus)。该文报道的新记录种凭证标本保存于大连自然博物馆植物标本室。这些新记录木本植物的发现,对东北地区生物多样性的研究具有重要意义,为其在我国的地理分布研究提供了新资料。 |
关键词: 东北地区, 木本植物, 新记录属, 新记录种, 分类 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201607005 |
分类号:Q948.15 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2017)07-0930-04 |
基金项目:大连自然博物馆科学研究基金[Supported by the Research Foundation of Dalian Natural History Museum]。 |
One genus and five species newly recorded of ligneous plants in Northeast China |
WANG Meng, ZHANG Shu-Mei*, WANG Xin, LI Ding-Nan, WANG Dan, ZHANG Xu
Dalian Natural History Museum, Dalian 116023, Liaoning, China
Dalian Natural History Museum, Dalian 116023, Liaoning, China
Abstract: |
Northeast of China has varieties of plants species, a total of 164 families, 928 genera and 3 103 species of vascular bundle plants. In this paper, based on the results of field investigation and related data, one newly recorded genus(Pistacia L.)and five newly recorded species of ligneous plants, Gleditsia microphylla, Pistacia chinensis, Lonicera elisae, L. fragrantissima, Cotoneaster submultiflorus were reported. The voucher specimens were preserved in the herbarium of Dalian Natural History Museum. In conclusion, these newly recorded plants have a great significant meaning to study the plant species diversity and provide new materials for investigation of their geographical distributions in China. |
Key words: Northeast China, ligneous plants, newly recorded genus, newly recorded species, classification |