引用本文: | 肖家欣, 彭抒昂.两结实类型柑橘果实铁锰锌铜含量的年周期变化(英文)[J].广西植物,2008,(2):237-241.[点击复制] |
XIAO Jia-Xin, PENG Shu-Ang.Received date: 2006-05-17 Accepted date: 2007-10-16 Foundation item: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(30270924); Natural Science Foundation of Anhui Province(070411004); the National Science Foundation of Education Department of Anhui Province(2006KJ184B); the Foundation of Provincial Key Lab of Biotic Environment and Ecological Safety in Anhui Province Biography: XIAO Jia-Xin(1970-),male,Born in Luotian County of Hubei Province,Associate professor,Ph.D,mainly study on physiology and ecology of horticultural plants.Annual changes of iron,manganese,zinc and copper concentrations in both types of citrus fruit[J].Guihaia,2008,(2):237-241.[点击复制] |
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两结实类型柑橘果实铁锰锌铜含量的年周期变化(英文) |
肖家欣1,2, 彭抒昂2
1.安徽师范大学 园艺研究所 重要生物资源保护与利用研究安徽省重点实验室, 安徽 芜湖 241000;2.华中农业大学 园艺植物生物学教育部重点实验室, 武汉 430070
摘要: |
对单性结实的龟井温州蜜柑和自花授粉结实的鄂柑1号柑橘果实的铁、锰、锌和铜含量的年周期变化进行了测定。结果表明:(1)龟井子房的锌和铜含量在花前至花期居较高,花后趋下降,而鄂柑1号对应值在花期出现明显下降并居较低,花后却有一明显上升; 两品种子房(幼果)的铁和锰含量变化却无明显差异,花后呈类似的下降趋势。(2)幼果阶段的果实铁、锰、锌和铜含量均居较高,在果实膨大初期(干旱期)均出现一明显下降,而在果实膨大中期却出现显著上升,之后又趋下降。本文还对果实发育中的微量元素含量动态及其与果实发育之间的关系进行了讨论。 |
关键词: 柑橘 子房(幼果) 果实 铁 锰 锌 铜 |
DOI: |
分类号:Q945.1 |
基金项目: |
Received date: 2006-05-17 Accepted date: 2007-10-16 Foundation item: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(30270924); Natural Science Foundation of Anhui Province(070411004); the National Science Foundation of Education Department of Anhui Province(2006KJ184B); the Foundation of Provincial Key Lab of Biotic Environment and Ecological Safety in Anhui Province Biography: XIAO Jia-Xin(1970-),male,Born in Luotian County of Hubei Province,Associate professor,Ph.D,mainly study on physiology and ecology of horticultural plants.Annual changes of iron,manganese,zinc and copper concentrations in both types of citrus fruit |
XIAO Jia-Xin1,2, PENG Shu-Ang2
1.Anhui Provincial Key Lab of the Conservation and Exploitation of Biological Resources, Institute of Horticulture Research,
College of Life Sciences, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu 241000, China;2.Key Laboratory of Horticultural
Plant Biology, Ministry of Education, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China
1.Anhui Provincial Key Lab of the Conservation and Exploitation of Biological Resources, Institute of Horticulture Research,
College of Life Sciences, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu 241000, China; 2.Key Laboratory of Horticultural
Plant Biology, Ministry of Education, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China
Abstract: |
Annual changes in concentrations of iron(Fe),manganese(Mn),zinc(Zn)and copper(Cu)were measured in whole fruits from parthenocarpic Kamei satsuma mandarin(Citrus unshiu)and self-pollinated Egan 1 tangerine(C.reticulata)trees. The results were showed as follows:(1)Zn and Cu concentrations in the ovary of Kamei were relatively high before flowering and at full bloom,and decreased after flowering,whereas those of Egan 1 decreased obviously and were relatively low at full bloom,thereafter significant increases were observed. There were no significant differences in changes of Fe and Mn concentrations in the ovaries(fruitlets)between the two cultivars,which presented similarly decreasing trends after flowering.(2)Fe,Mn,Zn and Cu concentrations were relatively high in whole fruits of both cultivars during young fruit development,and decreased remarkably during early fruit enlargement(drought spell),whereas increased dramatically at the middle stage of fruit enlargement,thereafter decreased gradually. Dynamics of micronutrients concentrations in developing fruit and their possible relation with fruits development is discussed herein. |
Key words: citrus ovary(fruitlet) fruit iron manganese zinc copper |