引用本文: | 温 放 张启翔 王 越.广西小花苣苔属(苦苣苔科)一新变种——阳朔小花苣苔[J].广西植物,2008,(3):290-291.[点击复制] |
WEN Fang, ZHANG Qi-Xiang, WANG Yue.A new variety of Chiritopsis(Gesneriaceae)from Guangxi, China——Chiritopsis glandulosa var.yangshuoensis[J].Guihaia,2008,(3):290-291.[点击复制] |
摘要: |
报道了在广西桂林阳朔县发现的苦苣苔科小花苣苔属一新变种——阳朔小花苣苔。新变种与原变种的主要区别在于叶较小; 叶柄、花序梗、花梗、苞片和花萼不具紫色腺体; 叶中脉及侧脉常具银白色脉纹; 花期6、7月,晚于原变种花期。 |
关键词: 小花苣苔属 阳朔小花苣苔 紫腺小花苣苔 苦苣苔科 新变种 广西 |
DOI: |
分类号:Q949.778.4 |
基金项目: |
A new variety of Chiritopsis(Gesneriaceae)from Guangxi, China——Chiritopsis glandulosa var.yangshuoensis |
WEN Fang, ZHANG Qi-Xiang*, WANG Yue
Colleg of Landscape and Architecture, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China
Colleg of Landscape and Architecture, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China
Abstract: |
Chiritopsis glandulosa D.Fang,L.Zeng et D.H.Qin var.yangshuoensis Fang Wen,Q.X.Zhang & Yue Wang,a new variety of Gesneriaceae from Guangxi,China,is described. It primarily differs from the typical one,by having smaller leaves usually with silvery-white midrib and tateral veins on the upper surfaces,and no purple glands on petioles,peduncles,pedicels,bracts,calyxes. And its'florescence is later than Ch.glandulosa and is June to July. |
Key words: Chiritopsis Chiritopsis glandulosa var.yangshuoensis Chiritopsis glandulosa Gesneriaceae new variety Guangxi |