摘要: |
新西兰位于南半球太平洋南部,介于南极洲和赤道之间,是目前为止南半球唯一一个将银杏作为产业来发展的国家。银杏在新西兰已有100多年的栽培历史,其南岛和北岛的各个城市和地区均栽植有银杏,但主要用作庭院、公园、街道绿化树种零星种植,直到21世纪初才开始被作为一种产业来发展。通过对新西兰的Auckland,Wellington,Hamilton,Hastings等主要城市的银杏种质资源进行广泛调查和定点观测,结果只发现有梅核类、佛指类、马铃类、园子类等四种类型。种核也较小,最大的为2.15 g,最小的仅1.44 g。本文主要报道了银杏在新西兰的栽培历史、生物学特性、种质资源及发展现状等,以期为中新两国开展在银杏方面的合作提供相关信息。 |
关键词: 新西兰 银杏 生物学特性 种质资源 |
DOI: |
分类号:Q949 |
基金项目: |
Study on the germplasm resources of Ginkgo biloba in New Zealand |
TANG Hui1, CRAIG Winter2, QIN Xiang1
1.Guangxi Institute of Botany, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and the Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Guilin 541006, China;2.Hastings District Council Nursery, Hastings 4201, New Zealand
1.Guangxi Institute of Botany, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and the Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Guilin 541006, China; 2.Hastings District Council Nursery, Hastings 4201, New Zealand
Abstract: |
New Zealand lies in the southern Pacific Ocean,between Antarctica and equator. It's the first country to develop Ginkgo industry in the southern hemisphere. In New Zealand,the Ginkgo trees have been planted for over 100 years. Ginkgo trees can be found in most of cities on the southern and northern islands,but just used for greening of roadsides,streets,public parks and private gardens. As far as early 21st century,New Zealand has started to develop Ginkgo industry. The extensive investigation and fixed point observation on germplasm resources of Ginkgo were conducted in Auckland,Wellington,Hamilton,Hastings of New Zealand,the results show that there are only four types of nut of Ginkgo biloba,i.e.Meihe,Fozhi,Maling,Yuanzi. These nuts are very small,the biggest one is 2.15 g,the smallest one is only 1.44 g. This paper reports cultivation history,biological characteristics,germplasm resources and present developing conditions of Ginkgo in New Zealand,it can provide some valuable information for cooperation utilization of Ginkgo biloba between China and New Zealand. |
Key words: New Zealand Ginkgo biological characteristic germplasm resources |