引用本文: | 王晓宇, 熊源新.贵州泥炭藓属植物物种多样性研究[J].广西植物,2009,(2):208-211.[点击复制] |
WANG Xiao-Yu, XIONG Yuan-Xing.A study on the species diversity of Sphagnum from Guizhou Province, China[J].Guihaia,2009,(2):208-211.[点击复制] |
摘要: |
对采自贵州各地的150余份泥炭藓属植物标本进行整理,发现其中的拟狭叶泥炭藓和吕宋泥炭藓为贵州首次发现,至此,贵州有泥炭藓属植物18种1亚种和1变种。列入中国红色名录中的多纹泥炭藓在贵州的分布除原记录安顺地区外,这次研究还发现在贵州的麻江和雷公坪2个地方亦有分布。 |
关键词: 泥炭藓属 物种多样性 新记录种 贵州 |
DOI: |
分类号:Q949.352. |
基金项目: |
A study on the species diversity of Sphagnum from Guizhou Province, China |
WANG Xiao-Yu, XIONG Yuan-Xing
College of Life Science, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China
College of Life Science, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China
Abstract: |
After identification of more than 150 Sphagnum species collected from various areas of Guizhou province,the species of S.cuspidatulum C.Muell. and the species of S.luzonense Warnst. have been found for the first. Thus,there are 18 species,1 subspecies,1 variety of Sphagnum in Guizhou. The research also discovered that the distribution of the S.multifibrosum which was embodied into China Species Red List has reached Majing and Leigongping of Guizhou except the former area of Anshun. |
Key words: Sphagnum species diversity new record species Guizhou |