引用本文: | 吕仕洪 李先琨 陆树华 向悟生 覃家科 王晓英.桂西南岩溶地区珍稀濒危树种育苗与造林初报[J].广西植物,2009,(2):222-226.[点击复制] |
Lv Shi-Hong, LI Xian-Kun, LU Shu-Hua, XIANG Wu-Sheng,
QIN Jia-Ke, WANG Xiao-Ying.Preliminary study on seedling and afforestation of rare and endangered trees in karst region of Southwest Guangxi[J].Guihaia,2009,(2):222-226.[点击复制] |
摘要: |
2003~2005年,在广西平果县龙何示范区对10种岩溶珍稀濒危树种的育苗和造林的技术及效果进行了初步研究。试验结果表明,在苗圃育苗的9个树种中,仪花和广西顶果木的发芽率不足50%,其他树种则在70%以上; 蒜头果有轻微性的根结线虫危害,其他树种的病虫害很少,大多数树种苗木均表现出早期生长慢、后期生长快的势头。在直播造林中,苏木的效果最好,蒜头果次之,而蝴蝶果、广西顶果木和海南椴等很差; 任豆、东京桐等5个树种的植苗造林成活率超过75%,其中任豆和广西顶果木的株高平均年生长量大于40 cm,东京桐、蝴蝶果和海南椴等树种则小于25 cm。 |
关键词: 岩溶 珍稀濒危树种 育苗 造林 桂西南 |
DOI: |
分类号:S791.05 |
基金项目: |
Preliminary study on seedling and afforestation of rare and endangered trees in karst region of Southwest Guangxi |
Lv Shi-Hong, LI Xian-Kun, LU Shu-Hua, XIANG Wu-Sheng,
QIN Jia-Ke, WANG Xiao-Ying
Guangxi Institute of Botany, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guilin 541006, China
Guangxi Institute of Botany, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guilin 541006, China
Abstract: |
During 2003-2005,the technique and the effect of cultivating seedlings and afforestation of 10 karst rare and endangered trees were studied in Longhe Eco-restoration Demonstration District. The preliminary effect showed that 9 tree species which were seeded in the nursery,the germination rate of Lysidice rhodostegia and Acrocarpus fraxinifolius were under 50%,and the rest had over 70%. Malania oleifera was disserved lightly by root-knot nematode,and the rest was seldom plant diseases and insect pests. Most of the seedlings had the same trend of slow growing at early stage and rapid growing at late stage. Among the direct seedings,Caesalpinia sappan grew best,Malania oleifera followed,but Cleidiocarpon cavaleriei,Acrocarpus fraxinifolius and Hainania trichosperma showed poor growth. The survival rates of five tree species such as Zenia insignis and Deutzianthus tonkinensis were over 75%,and the average annual growth of Zenia insignis and Acrocarpus fraxinifolius were over 40 cm,Deutzianthus tonkiensis,Hainania trichosperma and Cleidiocarpon cavaleriei were less than 25 cm. |
Key words: karst rare and endangered trees cultivating seedlings afforestation Southwest Guangxi |