摘要: |
通过对作者2005年采自贵州的119份黏菌标本和从湿室培养10份树皮基物获得的19份黏菌标本进行的鉴定分类研究,以及对保存在中国科学院微生物研究所真菌标本馆和中国科学院昆明植物研究所隐花植物标本馆的共21份黏菌标本的鉴定复核,报告了目前已明确了的贵州黏菌51种,分隶属于6目9科21属,其中44种为贵州新记录种,白鳞钙丝菌和红柄发菌为中国新记录种。 |
关键词: 黏菌 贵州 新记录种 |
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A preliminary report on Myxomycetes from Guizhou Province |
DAI Qun, CHEN ShuangLin*, CHEN Ping, XU MeiQin, ZHOU SongLin
College of Life Sciences, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210046, China
College of Life Sciences, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210046, China
Abstract: |
119 specimens of Myxomycetes collected from Guizhou and 19 specimens cultured by moist chamber of barks were identificated. And 17 specimens deposited in HMAS and 4 specimens in HKAS were reexamined. According to a taxonomic study,51 species of Myxomycetes from Guizhou are noted in this paper. They represented 6 orders 9 families 21genera. Among them,44 species are new records for Guizhou Province. Badhamia iowensis T.Macbr.and Comatricha erythropodia B.Ing are records for China. |
Key words: Myxomycetes Guizhou new records |