摘要: |
通过实地调查统计,香港吐露港附近岛屿共有维管植物180种,隶属于71科148属;植被类型主要有常绿灌丛和灌草丛、次生性常绿阔叶林、海边沙滩植物群落和红树林。热带、亚热带成分在该地区植物区系中占有较强优势。本文首次系统报道了吐露港附近各岛屿的植物种类和分布特点,比较了不同岛屿之间及与其邻近地区之间植物物种多样性特点,并对诸岛上分布的珍稀濒危植物的保护提出了相关建议。 |
关键词: 香港 吐露港 物种多样性 植被 植物区系 |
DOI: |
分类号:Q948.5 |
基金项目: |
Study on vegetation and vascular plant diversity on islands near Tolo Harbour, Hong Kong |
XIE Cong, ZENG QingWen*, XING FuWu
South China Botanical Garden, the Chinese Academy of Sciences
South China Botanical Garden, the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Abstract: |
180 species(including varieties) belonging to 148 genera and 71 families were identified and recorded on six islands near Tolo Harbour,Hong Kong through field investigation and related literatures. The major vegetation types on these islands are evergreen shrub,shrub and grassland,secondary evergreen broad leaved forests,beach vegetation and mangroves. Tropical and subtropical elements are dominant in the flora. In this paper,a checklist of vascular plants of six islands near Tolo Harbour were recorded for the first time. The characteristics of vascular plant diversity in different islands and adjacent areas were discussed, and some relative suggestions for the conservation of the rare or endangered species on these islands were offered. |
Key words: Hong Kong Tolo Harbour species diversity vegetation flora |