引用本文: | 罗开文, 彭定人, 冯国文, 覃永华, 张先来, 梁永延.广西拉沟自然保护区种子植物区系研究[J].广西植物,2012,(6):762-766.[点击复制] |
LUO Kai-Wen, PENG Ding-Ren, FENG Guo-Wen, QIN Yong-Hua,
ZHANG Xian-Lai, LIANG Yong-Yan.Floristic analysis of seed plants in Lagou Nature Reserve of Guangxi[J].Guihaia,2012,(6):762-766.[点击复制] |
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广西拉沟自然保护区种子植物区系研究 |
罗开文, 彭定人, 冯国文, 覃永华, 张先来, 梁永延
广西林业勘测设计院, 南宁 530011
摘要: |
通过调查统计,广西拉沟自然保护区共有野生种子植物153科594属985种。种子植物区系组成丰富,地理成分复杂,具有中亚热带向南热带过渡性质。在科、属水平上对植物区系特性进行了统计分析,热带性质均强于温带性质,属的成分以泛热带分布、热带亚洲分布为主。与邻近地区植物区系相比较,拉沟自然保护区与广西大瑶山自然保护区相似性较高,与广西花坪自然保护区相似性较低。 |
关键词: 种子植物 植物区系 拉沟自然保护区 广西 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-3142.2012.06.010 |
分类号:Q948.5 |
基金项目: |
Floristic analysis of seed plants in Lagou Nature Reserve of Guangxi |
LUO Kai-Wen, PENG Ding-Ren, FENG Guo-Wen, QIN Yong-Hua,
ZHANG Xian-Lai, LIANG Yong-Yan
Guangxi Forestry Inventory and Planning Institute, Nanning 530011, China
Guangxi Forestry Inventory and Planning Institute, Nanning 530011, China
Abstract: |
The statistics and floristic study of Lagou Nature Reserve was reported in this paper. The results indicated that the seed plants were bundant,represented by 985 species,belonging to 594 genera in 153 families. The reserve was in transitional region of center and southern subtropical zone,and was characterized by rich floristic components and complex phytogeographical elements. In addition,the statistics and results obtained from their intensive analyses at different levels revealed that the tropic elements were slightly higher than temperate elements,and the main geographical elements of the genera were Pantropic and E.Asia. Last,compared with its neighboring floras,the flora of Lagou Nature Reserve was closely related to Dayaoshan Nature Reserve,but distantly related to that of Huaping Nature Reserve. |
Key words: seed plants flora Lagou Nature Reserve Guangxi |