引用本文: | 杨章旗, 冯源恒, 吴东山.细叶云南松天然种源林遗传多样性的SSR分析[J].广西植物,2014,(1):10-14.[点击复制] |
YANG Zhang-Qi, FENG Yuan-Heng, WU Dong-Shan.Analysis of genetic diversity of Pinus yunnanensis var. tenuifolia nature populations by SSR marker[J].Guihaia,2014,(1):10-14.[点击复制] |
摘要: |
利用12对SSR引物对三个不同种源的细叶云南松群体遗传多样性进行研究。结果表明:共检测到13个位点37个等位基因,每个位点平均观察等位基因数(A)为2.85,多态率为100%; 平均有效等位基因数(Ne)1.45。各群体内的有效等位基因数平均为1.447,观察杂合度平均为0.341,期望杂合度平均为0.281。三个群体的Nei's 基因多样度指标的变化范围为0.256~0.297,Shannon多样性指数变化范围为0.448~0.484,各群体间的多态性水平差异不大。细叶云南松群体间的基因分化系数(Gst)为0.089,群体间的遗传分化水平较低,大部分变异均存在群体内。细叶云南松群体间的基因流(Nm)在不同位点的变化范围从4.693~122.189,平均为11.17。说明细叶云南松群体间存在比较充分的基因交流 |
关键词: 细叶云南松 SSR分子标记 遗传多样性 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-3142.2014.01.003 |
分类号:Q949 |
基金项目: |
Analysis of genetic diversity of Pinus yunnanensis var. tenuifolia nature populations by SSR marker |
YANG Zhang-Qi1, FENG Yuan-Heng1, WU Dong-Shan2
1. Guangxi Academy of Forestry Sciences, Nanning 530002, China;2. Guangxi University, Nanning 530005, China
1. Guangxi Academy of Forestry Sciences, Nanning 530002, China; 2. Guangxi University, Nanning 530005, China
Abstract: |
SSR markers were used to study genetic diversity of tree different nature populations of Pinus yunnanensis var. tenuifolia. The results showed that 13 sites and 37 alleles were detected. For every site,the average value of observation allele number(A)was 2.85,polymorphism rate was 100% and the average values of effective number of alleles(Ne)was 1.45. The average value of effective number of alleles was 1.447 within each population. P. yunnanensis var. tenuifolia had a low genetic diversity level among the three populations, the average observed heterozygosity(Ho)was 0.341 and the average expected gene heterozygosity(He)was 0.281. Nei's gene diversities(h)at population level were 0.256 and 0.297. Shannon's information indexes(I)at population level were 0.448 and 0.484. In addition, the three populations deviated from Hardy-Weinberge quilibrium. The average coefficient gene differentiation(Gst)was 0.089. Most of variation appeared inner population and there was not gene differentiations among populations. The range of gene flow of different gene polymorphism sites was 4.693-122.189,the average number was 11.17,which indicated that the habitat of P. yunnanensis var. tenuifolia was limited and resulted in the limited natural variation,but there were abundant gene exchanges between each population. |
Key words: Pinus yunnanensis var. tenuifolia SSR molecular marker genetic diversity |