









BERTLING M, 2019. Trace fossils mistaken as plants: the nomenclatural status of Tetraphyllum (Gesneriaceae) [J]. Phytotaxa, 425(1): 63-66.
BURTT BL, 1962. Studies in the Gesneriaceae of the old word ⅩⅫ: Miscellaneous transfers and new species [J]. Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, 24: 41-49.
CLARKE CB, 1883. Cyrtandreae (Gesneracearum tribus) [M]//CANDOLLE A, CANDOLLE C. Monographiae phanerogamarum: prodromi, nunc continuatio, nunc revisio: Vol. 5. Fasc. 1. G. Masson, Paris: 1-304.
DING HB, WANG LY, QUAN DL, et al. , 2023. Additions to the seed plant flora in Yunnan, China [J]. Biodivers Sci, 31(10): 23254. [丁洪波, 王立彦, 全东丽, 等, 2023. 中国云南种子植物区系新资料 [J]. 生物多样性, 31(10): 23254. ]
DRAKE M, 1890. Contribution a la flore du Tonkin [J]. Bulletin de la Société philomathique de Paris, 8(2): 127-130.
DOWELD AB, 2017. Tetraphylloides, a new replacement name for Tetraphyllum C. B. Clarke (Gesneriaceae) non Tetraphyllum Hosius & von der Marck (fossil Magnoliophyta) [J]. Phytotaxa, 329(3): 293-295.
FENG XX, CHEN YM, LIU JX, et al. , 2023. Begonia barosma, a new species in Begonia sect. Coelocentrum (Begoniaceae) from limestone karsts across Sino-Vietnamese Border [J]. Taiwania, 68(3): 349-354.
HU RC, WU WH, HUANG YS, et al. , 2023. Discovery of Sauropus racemosus (Phyllanthaceae) from China with supplementary description [J]. Guihaia, 43(9): 1721-1724. [胡仁传, 吴望辉, 黄俞淞, 等, 2023. 多支守宫木在中国的发现及其补充描述 [J]. 广西植物, 43(9): 1721-1724. ]
LIM CK, LEE KE, CHO HS, et al. , 2021. New records of flowering plants collected from the Phou Khao Khouay National Biodiversity Conservation Area for the flora of Laos [J]. Korean J Plant Taxon, 51(3): 305-318.
LONG B, ZHANG Z, ZHANG Y, et al. , 2023. Tainia epiphytica, a new record of Orchidaceae from China [J]. Subtrop Plant Sci, 52(4): 343-346. [龙波, 张泽, 张煜, 等, 2023. 中国带唇兰属一新记录种——金平带唇兰 [J]. 亚热带植物科学, 52(4): 343-346. ]
LU NT, WEI HJ, VUONG LD, et al. , 2023. Cyrtomium calcis sp. nov. and six new records of the shield fern family (Dryopteridaceae) from Vietnam [J]. Phytotaxa, 583(1): 15-26.
MIDDLETON DJ, BERTLING M, MCNEILL J, et al. , 2021. (2809) Proposal to conserve the name Tetraphyllum Griff. ex CB Clarke (Gesneriaceae) against Tetraphyllum Hosius & Marck (published as fossil Magnoliophyta) [J]. Taxon, 70(2): 437-438.
RIDLEY HN, 1896. Cyrtandraceae Malayenses [J]. J Linnean Soc Bot, 32: 497-528.
PELLEGRIN F, 1926. Les Gesnéracées-Cyrtandrées d’Indo-Chine [J]. Bulletin de la Société botanique de France, 73: 412-429.
VU XP, 2017. Flora of Vietnam-Gesneriaceae: Vol. 18 [M]. Hanoi: Publishing House for Science & Technology, 76-264.
WEI YG, 2018. The distribution and conservation status of native plants in Guangxi, China [M]. Beijing: China Forestry Publishing House: 543-567. [韦毅刚, 2018. 广西本土植物及其濒危状况 [M]. 北京: 中国林业出版社: 543-567. ]
WEI YG, DO VT, WEN F, 2022. A checklist to the plants of Northern Vietnam [M]. Beijing: China Forestry Publishing House: 378-388. [韦毅刚, DO Van Truong, 温放, 2022. 越南北部地区植物名录 [M]. 北京: 中国林业出版社: 378-388. ]
WEI YG, WEN F, XIN ZB, et al. , 2023. A checklist of wild vascular plants in Guangxi, China [J]. Biodivers Sci, 31(6): 23078. [韦毅刚, 温放, 辛子兵, 等, 2023. 广西野生维管植物名录 [J]. 生物多样性, 31(6): 23078. ]
XIONG C, LI ZL, YANG ZM, et al. , 2023. Polystichum napoense (Dryopteridaceae), a new cave-dwelling fern species from Guangxi, China [J]. Phytotaxa, 601(1): 42-50.


    该文报道了中国苦苣苔科(Gesneriaceae)一新记录属——四轮苣苔属(Tetraphyllum Griff. ex C. B. Clarke)。该新记录属,即四轮苣苔属仅有3种,其中密花四轮苣苔[T. confertiflorum (Drake) B. L. Burtt]在我国首次记录。该研究提供了该属的形态描述和分种区别特征,并提供了该种的详细形态描述及彩色照片。凭证标本馆藏于广西植物研究所标本馆(IBK)和上海辰山植物标本馆(CSH)。


    Tetraphyllum Griff. ex C. B. Clarke, a newly recorded genus of Gesneriaceae from Guangxi, China is reported. Tetraphyllum has only three species. The morphological description and the distinctive features to the species of Tetraphyllum are provided, and the detailed morphological description and photos of T. confertiflorum (Drake) B. L. Burtt are provided. The voucher specimens are preserved in the Herbarium of Guangxi Institute of Botany (IBK) and Shanghai Chenshan Herbarium (CSH).

  • 四轮苣苔属(Tetraphyllum Griff. ex C. B. Clarke)于1883年建立(Clarke,1883),建立之初为单型属,只有四轮苣苔(T. bengalense C. B. Clarke)1种,分布于孟加拉国、不丹以及印度东北部。1896年,Stapf发表了该属第2个物种——玫红四轮苣苔(T. roseum Stapf),分布于泰国(Ridley,1896),Lim等(2021)报道了其在老挝的新分布记录。1962年,Burtt将原肋蒴苣苔属(Didissandra C. B. Clarke)中的D. confertiflora Drake(Drake,1890)归入四轮苣苔属,即密花四轮苣苔[Tetraphyllum confertiflorum(Drake)B. L. Burtt],分布于越南北部(Burtt,1962)。但是,在越南植物志中(Vu,2017),作者同意Pellegrin(1926)的观点,认为其为短筒苣苔属(Boeica C. B. Clarke)的1种,即密花短筒苣苔 [Boeica confertiflora(Drake)Pellegr.]。经过标本查阅和文献研究,我们认为其与四轮苣苔属叶对生、聚伞花序腋生、紧密、柱头不明显2裂等特征相符,而与短筒苣苔属叶互生、聚伞花序多次分枝似圆锥状或不分枝、柱头头状等特征不同,属于四轮苣苔属植物。因此,目前四轮苣苔属内已知共3种。

  • 值得一提的是,Doweld认为早在1880年,属名“Tetraphyllum”就作为被子植物化石属Tetraphyllum Hosius &von der Marck发表,Tetraphyllum Griff. ex C. B. Clarke为晚出同名,应被修订为Tetraphylloides Doweld(Doweld,2017)。Bertling在仔细研究化石模式标本后认为,其代表的是某种动物的痕迹化石,由于动物学和植物学属名不存在竞争关系,因此Doweld的修订不合法(Bertling,2019)。Middleton等认为,根据国际藻类、菌物和植物命名法规(深圳法规)条款54.1a,尽管Tetraphyllum Griff. ex C. B. Clarke作为晚出同名是不合法的,但根据条款36.1,Tetraphyllum Hosius &von der Marck在发表时被暂时归入植物类,被其作者接受,发表的合法性存在争议(Middleton et al.,2021)。由于Tetraphyllum Hosius &von der Marck是否合法发表决定Tetraphyllum Griff. ex C. B. Clarke是否为晚出同名,并且前者自发表以来未出现在其他文献中,因此Middleton等建议保留Tetraphyllum Griff. ex C. B. Clarke。我们同意Middleton等人的观点。

  • 2023年7月,笔者在广西那坡县百省乡进行野外植物调查时,于林下沟谷边发现一较为特别的苦苣苔科植物,该物种4枚叶片生于茎顶端,花白色,簇生于叶腋。对其进行详细的观察记录,拍摄彩色照片,并对花部进行精细解剖,同时查阅相关标本和文献(Drake,1890; Pellegrin,1926; Burtt,1962; Vu,2017; 韦毅刚,2018; 韦毅刚等, 2022),笔者确认该植物是中国首次记录的物种——Tetraphyllum confertiflorum,其中四轮苣苔属(Tetraphyllum)为我国首次记录,特报道如下。

  • 四轮苣苔属

  • Tetraphyllum Griff. ex C. B. Clarke in A. L. P. P. de Candolle &A. C. P. de Candolle, Monogr. Phan.5: 137.1883. Type: T. bengalense C. B. Clarke.

  • 多年生草本。茎直立,被长柔毛,叶对生,在近顶端节间极度缩短,呈假轮生。叶具短柄或(近)无柄,卵形、菱形或宽披针形,部分两侧不对称,基部偏斜。聚伞花序腋生,紧密。萼片5,离生或基部联合。花白色、蓝色或粉红色,花冠钟形,2唇形或近辐射对称。可育雄蕊4,二强;或2。子房卵球形,花柱细长,柱头不明显2裂。蒴果4裂。

  • 目前本属共有3种,产于南亚西部和中南半岛。密花四轮苣苔(T. confertiflorum)的花白色,明显2唇形,其余2者花不为白色,近辐射对称,易于区别。玫红四轮苣苔(T. roseum)的花粉红色,花序疏散,而四轮苣苔(T. bengalense)的花蓝色,花序头状,可以区别。

  • 密花四轮 图版I

  • Tetraphyllum confertiflorum (Drake) B. L. Burtt in Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 24: 49.1962; — Didissandra confertiflora Drake in Bull. Annuel Soc. Philom. Paris, sér.8, 2: 127.1890.

  • 图版 I 密花四轮苣苔

  • Plate I Tetraphyllum confertiflorum (Drake) B. L. Burtt

  • 多年生草本。茎直立,高15~30 cm,密被棕黄色长柔毛。叶对生,在近顶端节间极度缩短,通常第二、第三节间上的成熟叶片较大,呈假轮生,具柄,最顶端有时散生1对幼叶;第四节间及以下生有成对的狭三角形叶(苞叶),无柄。叶片纸质,卵形或菱状卵形,长5~12 cm,宽3~6 cm,顶端急尖,基部宽楔形,稍不对称,边缘有小牙齿,两面初被绢状柔毛,后上面变无毛,下面沿脉被贴伏棕黄色长柔毛,侧脉6~11条,近平行;叶柄长0.5~1.5 cm,被棕黄色长柔毛。聚伞花序生于叶腋,簇生状,花序梗短,不明显,具15或更多花;苞叶狭三角形,长约1.5 cm,宽约0.6 cm;约有7条细脉,脉上被柔毛;花梗长0.5~1.2 cm,被长柔毛。花萼5裂达基部,裂片阔披针形至狭三角形,长7~9 mm,宽2~3 mm,外面沿中肋被长柔毛,内面无毛。花冠阔钟形,白色,长约5 mm,2唇形,上唇长约4 mm,2裂至中部,裂片卵状三角形,顶端圆钝,下唇长约6 mm,具2浅紫红色斑纹,3浅裂,裂片三角形,近等大,顶端圆钝。雄蕊5,着生于花冠基部,可育雄蕊4,二强,上部雄蕊长约3 mm,花丝线形,花朵初开时候稍弯曲,花朵开放后期或花粉散出后螺旋状缠绕;下部雄蕊长约4 mm,稍扭曲;退化雄蕊1,不明显,线形,长约2 mm。花盘不明显,高约0.5 mm。雌蕊长约6 mm,被短柔毛和腺毛,子房长圆形,长2~3 mm,直径1~1.2 mm,花柱长3~4 mm,柱头浅裂,扇形。蒴果长约1 cm,直径约1.5 mm。花期5—7月。

  • China(中国):Guangxi(广西),Napo(那坡),Baisheng(百省),Nonglong Village(弄陇村),23°12′ N,105°33′ E. Alt.685 m,2023-07-03,B. Chen,H. J. Wei &Z. W. Zhu(陈彬,韦宏金,朱宗威)CB04343(CSH!); 同地(same location),2023-07-08,C. Xiong &Z. L. Li(熊驰,李政隆)XC20230708-01(IBK!)。

  • 中越边境地区有中南半岛内陆“绿色大三角洲”之称,蕴藏着极为丰富的生物资源,植物物种多样性和特有性高。近年来,相关研究人员在该地区发现了大量新物种,如石生贯众(Cyrtomium calcis Liang Zhang,N. T. Lu &Li Bing Zhang)(Lu et al.,2023)、那坡耳蕨(Polystichum napoense C. Xiong &R. H. Jiang)(Xiong et al.,2023)、醉香秋海棠(Begonia barosma X. X. Feng,Y. N. Huang &Z. X. Liu)(Feng et al.,2023)等;同时,发现了许多中国新记录属和新记录种,如心萼藤属(Cordisepalum Verdc.)——小花心萼藤(Cordisepalum phalanthopetalum Staples)(丁洪波等,2023)、金平带唇兰(Tainia epiphytica S. Sarkar,Agrawala,S. Chakraborty,D. Maity &Odyuo)(龙波等,2023)、多支守宫木(Sauropus racemosus Beille)(胡仁传等,2023)等。

  • 那坡县位于中国广西西南部,紧邻越南北部河江省(Tình Hà Giang),两地植物区系相似,越南北部河江省有密花四轮苣苔标本记录,而中国广西那坡县很可能有该物种的分布。密花四轮苣苔发现于林下沟谷边,其群落草本层主要伴生种为薄叶卷柏 [Selaginella delicatula(Desv.)Alston]、长柄赤车 [Pellionia latifolia(Blume)Boerl.]、十字苣苔 [Stauranthera umbrosa(Griff.)C. B. Clarke]。此外,我们还对周围相似的生境进行了考察,但并未发现第2个分布点,目前已知唯一居群仅有10余个个体,并且距离公路较近,受人类活动干扰较严重。因此,有必要对周围展开更详尽的调查,从多方面来评估工作。广西苦苣苔科植物资源丰富,在本属的国家级分布新记录被发现之前,境内共有野生苦苣苔科植物33属285种16变种(韦毅刚等,2023),四轮苣苔属的发现,使广西的苦苣苔科植物提升到了34个属,不仅为我国苦苣苔科植物研究提供了更为丰富的基础资料,也为广西植物区系研究和多样性保护提供了材料。

  • 参考文献

    • BERTLING M, 2019. Trace fossils mistaken as plants: the nomenclatural status of Tetraphyllum (Gesneriaceae) [J]. Phytotaxa, 425(1): 63-66.

    • BURTT BL, 1962. Studies in the Gesneriaceae of the old word ⅩⅫ: Miscellaneous transfers and new species [J]. Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, 24: 41-49.

    • CLARKE CB, 1883. Cyrtandreae (Gesneracearum tribus) [M]//CANDOLLE A, CANDOLLE C. Monographiae phanerogamarum: prodromi, nunc continuatio, nunc revisio: Vol. 5. Fasc. 1. G. Masson, Paris: 1-304.

    • DING HB, WANG LY, QUAN DL, et al. , 2023. Additions to the seed plant flora in Yunnan, China [J]. Biodivers Sci, 31(10): 23254. [丁洪波, 王立彦, 全东丽, 等, 2023. 中国云南种子植物区系新资料 [J]. 生物多样性, 31(10): 23254. ]

    • DRAKE M, 1890. Contribution a la flore du Tonkin [J]. Bulletin de la Société philomathique de Paris, 8(2): 127-130.

    • DOWELD AB, 2017. Tetraphylloides, a new replacement name for Tetraphyllum C. B. Clarke (Gesneriaceae) non Tetraphyllum Hosius & von der Marck (fossil Magnoliophyta) [J]. Phytotaxa, 329(3): 293-295.

    • FENG XX, CHEN YM, LIU JX, et al. , 2023. Begonia barosma, a new species in Begonia sect. Coelocentrum (Begoniaceae) from limestone karsts across Sino-Vietnamese Border [J]. Taiwania, 68(3): 349-354.

    • HU RC, WU WH, HUANG YS, et al. , 2023. Discovery of Sauropus racemosus (Phyllanthaceae) from China with supplementary description [J]. Guihaia, 43(9): 1721-1724. [胡仁传, 吴望辉, 黄俞淞, 等, 2023. 多支守宫木在中国的发现及其补充描述 [J]. 广西植物, 43(9): 1721-1724. ]

    • LIM CK, LEE KE, CHO HS, et al. , 2021. New records of flowering plants collected from the Phou Khao Khouay National Biodiversity Conservation Area for the flora of Laos [J]. Korean J Plant Taxon, 51(3): 305-318.

    • LONG B, ZHANG Z, ZHANG Y, et al. , 2023. Tainia epiphytica, a new record of Orchidaceae from China [J]. Subtrop Plant Sci, 52(4): 343-346. [龙波, 张泽, 张煜, 等, 2023. 中国带唇兰属一新记录种——金平带唇兰 [J]. 亚热带植物科学, 52(4): 343-346. ]

    • LU NT, WEI HJ, VUONG LD, et al. , 2023. Cyrtomium calcis sp. nov. and six new records of the shield fern family (Dryopteridaceae) from Vietnam [J]. Phytotaxa, 583(1): 15-26.

    • MIDDLETON DJ, BERTLING M, MCNEILL J, et al. , 2021. (2809) Proposal to conserve the name Tetraphyllum Griff. ex CB Clarke (Gesneriaceae) against Tetraphyllum Hosius & Marck (published as fossil Magnoliophyta) [J]. Taxon, 70(2): 437-438.

    • RIDLEY HN, 1896. Cyrtandraceae Malayenses [J]. J Linnean Soc Bot, 32: 497-528.

    • PELLEGRIN F, 1926. Les Gesnéracées-Cyrtandrées d’Indo-Chine [J]. Bulletin de la Société botanique de France, 73: 412-429.

    • VU XP, 2017. Flora of Vietnam-Gesneriaceae: Vol. 18 [M]. Hanoi: Publishing House for Science & Technology, 76-264.

    • WEI YG, 2018. The distribution and conservation status of native plants in Guangxi, China [M]. Beijing: China Forestry Publishing House: 543-567. [韦毅刚, 2018. 广西本土植物及其濒危状况 [M]. 北京: 中国林业出版社: 543-567. ]

    • WEI YG, DO VT, WEN F, 2022. A checklist to the plants of Northern Vietnam [M]. Beijing: China Forestry Publishing House: 378-388. [韦毅刚, DO Van Truong, 温放, 2022. 越南北部地区植物名录 [M]. 北京: 中国林业出版社: 378-388. ]

    • WEI YG, WEN F, XIN ZB, et al. , 2023. A checklist of wild vascular plants in Guangxi, China [J]. Biodivers Sci, 31(6): 23078. [韦毅刚, 温放, 辛子兵, 等, 2023. 广西野生维管植物名录 [J]. 生物多样性, 31(6): 23078. ]

    • XIONG C, LI ZL, YANG ZM, et al. , 2023. Polystichum napoense (Dryopteridaceae), a new cave-dwelling fern species from Guangxi, China [J]. Phytotaxa, 601(1): 42-50.

  • 参考文献

    • BERTLING M, 2019. Trace fossils mistaken as plants: the nomenclatural status of Tetraphyllum (Gesneriaceae) [J]. Phytotaxa, 425(1): 63-66.

    • BURTT BL, 1962. Studies in the Gesneriaceae of the old word ⅩⅫ: Miscellaneous transfers and new species [J]. Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, 24: 41-49.

    • CLARKE CB, 1883. Cyrtandreae (Gesneracearum tribus) [M]//CANDOLLE A, CANDOLLE C. Monographiae phanerogamarum: prodromi, nunc continuatio, nunc revisio: Vol. 5. Fasc. 1. G. Masson, Paris: 1-304.

    • DING HB, WANG LY, QUAN DL, et al. , 2023. Additions to the seed plant flora in Yunnan, China [J]. Biodivers Sci, 31(10): 23254. [丁洪波, 王立彦, 全东丽, 等, 2023. 中国云南种子植物区系新资料 [J]. 生物多样性, 31(10): 23254. ]

    • DRAKE M, 1890. Contribution a la flore du Tonkin [J]. Bulletin de la Société philomathique de Paris, 8(2): 127-130.

    • DOWELD AB, 2017. Tetraphylloides, a new replacement name for Tetraphyllum C. B. Clarke (Gesneriaceae) non Tetraphyllum Hosius & von der Marck (fossil Magnoliophyta) [J]. Phytotaxa, 329(3): 293-295.

    • FENG XX, CHEN YM, LIU JX, et al. , 2023. Begonia barosma, a new species in Begonia sect. Coelocentrum (Begoniaceae) from limestone karsts across Sino-Vietnamese Border [J]. Taiwania, 68(3): 349-354.

    • HU RC, WU WH, HUANG YS, et al. , 2023. Discovery of Sauropus racemosus (Phyllanthaceae) from China with supplementary description [J]. Guihaia, 43(9): 1721-1724. [胡仁传, 吴望辉, 黄俞淞, 等, 2023. 多支守宫木在中国的发现及其补充描述 [J]. 广西植物, 43(9): 1721-1724. ]

    • LIM CK, LEE KE, CHO HS, et al. , 2021. New records of flowering plants collected from the Phou Khao Khouay National Biodiversity Conservation Area for the flora of Laos [J]. Korean J Plant Taxon, 51(3): 305-318.

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