引用本文: | 李可铖, 王富贵, 王再旺, 张晓玉,
尤古丽, 杨生超, 梁艳丽.三七开花生物学与繁育系统研究[J].广西植物,2025,45(2):360-376.[点击复制] |
LI Kecheng, WANG Fugui, WANG Zaiwang, ZHANG Xiaoyu,
YOU Guli, YANG Shengchao, LIANG Yanli.Flowering biology and breeding system of Panax notoginseng[J].Guihaia,2025,45(2):360-376.[点击复制] |
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三七开花生物学与繁育系统研究 |
李可铖1,2,3, 王富贵1,2,3, 王再旺1,2,3, 张晓玉1,2,3,
尤古丽4, 杨生超1,2, 梁艳丽1,2,3*
1. 云南农业大学 西南中药材种质创新与利用国家地方联合工程研究中心, 昆明 650201;2. 云南农业大学
云南省药用植物生物学重点实验室, 昆明 650201;3. 云南农业大学 农学与生物技术学院,
昆明 650201;4. 寻甸县农业农村局, 昆明 655200
摘要: |
三七(Panax notoginseng)作为我国的名贵中药材,存在繁殖率低和野生资源灭绝等问题,为探究三七的开花生物学与繁育系统特征,阐明其自然状态下结实率低的原因,该文对其开花生物学参数、传粉系统和人工授粉进行了研究。结果表明:(1)三七单花花期4~5 d,花序花期20~25 d,群体花期约60 d。(2)存在雌雄异位异熟现象,为典型的雄蕊先熟类型。(3)花粉粒为中型花粉粒,具有3条萌发孔沟。(4)开花第1天的花粉活力最高,开花第12天的柱头可授性最高。(5)杂交指数(OCI)为4,繁育系统为异交型,部分自交亲和,需要传粉者,花粉/胚珠比为(450.0~1 037.5),繁育系统为专性异交。(6)由授粉实验可知,繁育系统类型为自交授粉和异交授粉同时存在的混合交配系统,虫媒与风媒均可帮助其完成传粉。(7)访花昆虫有中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana)、黑带食蚜蝇(Episyrphus balteatus)和点蜂缘蝽(Riptortus pedestris),中华蜜蜂是主要传粉昆虫。综上认为,三七的繁育系统为兼性异交型,部分自交亲和,需风媒与虫媒传粉,花粉受限与花果期病害严重是影响其结实率的关键因素。该研究结果可为三七的良种选育及其扩繁提供理论依据。 |
关键词: 三七, 开花生物学, 繁育系统, 访花昆虫, 传粉生物学 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw202401043 |
分类号:Q944; Q945 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2025)02-0360-17 |
基金项目:云南省中青年学术和技术带头人后备人才项目(202005AC160040); 云南省科技厅乡村振兴科技专项(202304BI090009)。 |
Flowering biology and breeding system of Panax notoginseng |
LI Kecheng1,2,3, WANG Fugui1,2,3, WANG Zaiwang1,2,3, ZHANG Xiaoyu1,2,3,
YOU Guli4, YANG Shengchao1,2, LIANG Yanli1,2,3*
1. National-Local Joint Engineering Research Center on Germplasms Innovation &2.Utilization of Chinese Medicinal Materials in Southwest China,
Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming 650201, China;3.2. Yunnan Provincial Key Laboratory of Medicinal Plant Biology, Yunnan
Agricultural University, Kunming 650201, China;4.3. College of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Yunnan Agricultural University,
Kunming 650201, China;5.4. Xundian County Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Development, Kunming 650200, China
1. National-Local Joint Engineering Research Center on Germplasms Innovation & Utilization of Chinese Medicinal Materials in Southwest China,
Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming 650201, China; 2. Yunnan Provincial Key Laboratory of Medicinal Plant Biology, Yunnan
Agricultural University, Kunming 650201, China; 3. College of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Yunnan Agricultural University,
Kunming 650201, China; 4. Xundian County Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Development, Kunming 650200, China
Abstract: |
Panax notoginseng is a precious traditional Chinese medicine, it faces the challenges of low reproduction rate and extinction of wild resources. In order to explore the characteristics of its flowering biology and breeding system, and to clarify the reasons for the low fruiting rate of P. notoginseng in the natural state. The paper investigated its flowering biological parameters, pollination system and artificial pollination. The results were as follows:(1)The single flower, inflorescence, and flowering period of the population, were approximately 4-5 d, 20-25 d and about 60 d, respectively.(2)P. notoginseng had the floral characteristics of herkogamy and dichogamy, which was protandrous type.(3)The pollen grains were medium-size and had three germinations holes.(4)P. notoginseng had the highest pollen viability on the first day of flowering, and the stigma had the highest acceptability on the 12th day.(5)The hybridization index(out-crossing index, OCI)was 4, the breeding system of P. notoginseng was mainly out-crossing type with partially self-compatible, which required pollinator and the pollen/ovule ratio ranged from 450.0 to 1 037.5, the breeding system was obligate out-crossing.(6)Pollination test showed that the breeding system was a mixed mating system with both self-pollination and out-crossing pollination, pollination was assisted by both insect and wind vectors.(7)The main flower-visiting insects were Apis cerana, Episyrphus balteatus and Riptortus pedestris. Apis cerana was dominant flower-visiting insect. Based on the above, the breeding system of Panax notoginseng belonged to the facultative out-crossing type, partially self-compatible, and insect-mediated pollination was critical, needing wind and insect pollinators. Pollen limitation and high disease severity at flowering and fruiting stage are the key factors affecting its fruitfulness. These results can provide theoretical basis for the cultivation and improving seed breeding of P. notoginseng. |
Key words: Panax notoginseng, flowering biology, breeding system, flower-visiting insect, pollination biology |