摘要: |
三果浆(三勒浆)为源于印度的传统果药剂,由使君子科植物诃子和毛诃子,以及大戟科植物余甘子等三种植物的果实为原料制作而成,是著名的藏药基础方,也是印度阿育吠陀传统药中使用频率最高的代表方剂。三种植物同时录入《中国药典》,余甘子列入我国药食两用植物目录。中古时期,三果浆随着中外文化的频繁交流及丝绸之路的开通传入中国,而今只在古代文献中留下蛛丝马迹。近年来,随着对民族医药的深入研究与开发利用,对藏药三果浆的研究有越来越多的报道。该文运用民族植物学和人类文化学相结合的理论与方法,以及历史植物地理学的调查研究,对古籍文献进行了梳理,并考证了其植物基源,以期探讨三果浆传入我国的路线和时期。结果表明:三果浆主要由古代栗特商人带入我国中原地区,并且随着佛教的东向传播而传入的时间更早。同时,在藏族地区,古代中国西藏象雄王国与古印度的原始交流,也是三果浆传入的途径之一。三果浆的基源植物在不同地区有一定的差异和替代品,主流原料则均为诃子、毛诃子和余甘子,三种基源植物在我国均有分布。如今,三果浆作为藏医药瑰宝在我国逐渐普及。 |
关键词: 民族药, 三果浆(三勒浆), 丝绸之路, 诃子, 毛诃子, 余甘子 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw202004019 |
分类号:Q949.9 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2021)03-0334-06 |
基金项目:云南省自然科学基金(2020FA018)[Supported by the Key Project of Basic Research Plan of Yunnan Province(2020FA018)]。 |
Introduction of triphala liquid from ancient India and its influence |
YANG Chongren*, ZHANG Yingjun
Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China
Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China
Abstract: |
Triphala liquid is a traditional fruit medicinal prescription originated from India. It composes of the fruits from Terminalia chebula, T. bellirica, and Phyllanthus emblica three medicinal plants, belonging to Combretaceae and Euphorbiaceae families respectively. Triphala liquid is the most famous and basic prescription in not only Tibetan medicine, but mostly frequent used in Indian Ayurvedic medicine. All the three original plants are recorded in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia, among which P. emlica is included in the medicine and food plant directory of China. Triphala liquid was introduced into China in the middle ages with the frequent cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries and the opening of the silk road. Now, there are left only traces in ancient literature information. In recent years, with the research and development of ethnic medicine, more and more articles reported on the research of Tibetan medicine triphala liquid. By application of the theory and method combining ethnobotany with cultural anthropology, as well as the investigation of historical plant geography, the ancient books and literatures were reviewed for their real, and the base plant sources of triphala liquid was investigated, in order to explore the route and period of triphala introduced into China. The results showed that the triphala liquid and its basic and original plant material was mainly brought into China by the ancient sogdiana(suliya)traders. It was even earlier having been introduced into China with the spread of Buddhism. Moreover, the primitive religious exchanges between ancient Tibetan Katao dynasty and ancient India was also one of the ways to introduce triphala liquid into China. The original plants of triphala liquid might be different in different regions, however, the main materials were Terminalia chebula, T. bellirica and Phyllanthus emblica. All the three species are distributed in China. Nowadays, triphala liquid become gradually popularized in China due to its importance and position in Tibetan medicine. |
Key words: ethno-medicine, triphala liquid, silk road, Terminalia chebula, Terminalia bellirica, Phyllanthus emblica |