引用本文: | 葛斌杰, 陈 彬, 钟 鑫, 陈建平, 李晓晨.建设当代植物标本馆体系的探索——以上海辰山植物标本馆(CSH)为例[J].广西植物,2022,42(Z1):116-126.[点击复制] |
GE Binjie, CHEN Bin, ZHONG Xin, CHEN Jianping, LI Xiaochen.Exploration of growing a contemporary herbarium system — Shanghai Chenshan Herbarium[J].Guihaia,2022,42(Z1):116-126.[点击复制] |
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建设当代植物标本馆体系的探索——以上海辰山植物标本馆(CSH)为例 |
葛斌杰*, 陈 彬, 钟 鑫, 陈建平, 李晓晨
华东野生濒危资源植物保育中心, 上海辰山植物园, 上海 201602
摘要: |
21世纪已进入第三个十年,世界范围内的维管植物系统发育研究工作的大框架已基本完成,属级、种级和群体的系统发育学研究正在深入。但是,自地球进入人类世以来,大片原生森林遭到破坏,地表植被发生了深刻变化,多个植物种群萎缩甚至濒于灭绝,这使得野外第一手材料的采集变得越来越困难。此外,国内外对于植物资源的保护意识在不断加强,这虽有利于植物保育,但也给正常的科研交流造成了一定程度的障碍。经过4个多世纪的发展与积累,全球标本馆馆藏标本已达3.97亿份,在分子生物学技术不断迭代和完善的背景下,这些系统性收集与科学馆藏的标本正在成为开展属级、种级和群体系统发育研究的重要科研材料。因此,当下探讨当代植物标本馆体系建设如何适应学科发展的需求恰逢其时。该文通过回顾世界与中国植物标本馆概况,结合上海辰山植物标本馆(CSH)建设的经验,提出6个方面的思考:(1)革新标本管理者的理念,转变“等人来”的被动式服务习惯,通过各种渠道吸引业内外人士来访,提升标本馆的人气。(2)规范合理规划标本馆功能区域,为标本提供安全的馆藏环境,为来访者营造舒适的研究氛围。(3)秉承开放共享的理念不断提升馆藏物数字化覆盖率,注重数据标准化,保证数据的科学有效性。(4)合理利用信息技术替代重复性工作岗位,让标本馆工作更富成效和吸引力。(5)按照国家级平台要求不断提升馆藏物收藏多样性和馆藏环境,时刻为能在国家级或国际平台展示馆藏资源做好准备。(6)积极响应社会发展需求,让标本馆成为集信息咨询、资源服务、培训教育于一体的多元化机构,成为国家或地方的植物资源科技服务平台。 |
关键词: 植物标本馆, 馆藏资源, 数字化, 信息技术, 流程管理, 标准化 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw202102019 |
分类号:Q94-34 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2022)增刊1-0116-11 |
基金项目:上海市绿化和市容管理局科学技术项目(G212416); 国家重要野生植物种质资源库(ZWGX2202)。 |
Exploration of growing a contemporary herbarium system — Shanghai Chenshan Herbarium |
GE Binjie*, CHEN Bin, ZHONG Xin, CHEN Jianping, LI Xiaochen
Eastern China Conservation Center for Wild Endangered Plant Resources, Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden, Shanghai 201602, China
Eastern China Conservation Center for Wild Endangered Plant Resources, Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden, Shanghai 201602, China
Abstract: |
As the 21st century has entered its 3rd decade, the broad framework of phylogenetic studies on vascular plants worldwide has been largely completed, and phylogenetic studies at the genera level, species level and population level are in progress. However, since the Earth entered the Anthropocene, large areas of native forests have been destroyed, vegetation has undergone profound changes, and several plant populations have shrunk or even become endangered, which makes the collection of first-hand materials in the field increasingly difficult. In addition, the awareness of plant resources conservation at home and abroad is increasing, which is beneficial to plant conservation, but also creates a certain degree of obstacle to normal scientific exchange. After more than four centuries of development and accumulation, the global herbarium collection has reached 397 million specimens. In the context of continuous iteration and improvement of molecular biology techniques, these systematically collected and scientifically curated specimens are becoming important scientific materials for genera-level, species-level, and population-level phylogenetic studies, and it is therefore timely to discuss how the construction of contemporary herbarium systems can adapt to the needs of disciplinary development. This paper reviews the herbarium situation in the world and China, and proposes six considerations in the light of the experience of the construction of the Shanghai Chenshan Herbarium:(1)Innovate the concept of herbarium managers, to change the passive service habit of “waiting for people to come”, to attract people from inside and outside the professional through various channels, and to enhance the popularity of the herbarium.(2)Standardize and reasonably plan the functional areas of the herbarium to provide a safe collection environment for specimens and a comfortable research atmosphere for visitors.(3)Continuously improve the digital coverage of the collection with a highly open and shared mind, pay attention to data standardization, and ensure the scientific validity of data.(4)Make reasonable use of information technology to replace repetitive jobs and make the work of the herbarium more effective and attractive.(5)Constantly improve the storage conditions and diversity of the collection in accordance with the requirements of the national platform, and always be ready to display the collection resources in the national or international platform.(6)Respond positively to the needs of the society, so that the herbarium can become a diversified institution integrating information consultation, resource services, training and education, and become a national or local platform for plant resources science and technology services. |
Key words: herbarium, collection resources, digitization, information technology, workflow management, standardization |