引用本文: | 朱光福, 伊廷双, 刘 杰.数字植物标本在科学研究中的应用: 进展及挑战[J].广西植物,2022,42(Z1):127-141.[点击复制] |
ZHU Guangfu, YI Tingshuang, LIU Jie.Application of digitized plant specimens in scientific research: progress and challenges[J].Guihaia,2022,42(Z1):127-141.[点击复制] |
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数字植物标本在科学研究中的应用: 进展及挑战 |
朱光福1,3, 伊廷双1, 刘 杰1,2*
1. 中国科学院昆明植物研究所 西南野生生物种质资源库, 昆明 650201;2. 中国科学院昆明植物研究所
中国科学院东亚植物多样性和生物地理学重点实验室, 昆明 650201;3. 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049
摘要: |
全球自然历史博物馆中保存着约3.9亿份植物标本,这些标本为科学研究提供了重要支撑。近20年来,随着标本数字化的发展,数字植物标本在科学研究中的应用日益广泛。数字植物标本不仅为标本传统的用途提供了便利,而且衍生出了新的研究主题和方向。鉴于目前中文文献中缺乏数字植物标本在科学研究中的应用概述及所面临挑战的分析,该文概述了全球植物标本数字化的现状,并对数字标本在生物地理学、入侵生物学、气候变化和保护生物学等领域中的应用情况进行了综述。主要集中在以下5个方面:(1)生物地理学研究中物种分布格局及其成因;(2)编制入侵植物名录、重建入侵历史和预测入侵风险;(3)气候变化情景下植物分布格局的变迁机制;(4)生物多样性编目和保护区规划;(5)其他相关应用(如农业和民族药物学等)。最后,针对数字植物标本应用中存在的问题进行了讨论,并提出了应对策略,同时提出开发将数字标本与其他学科大数据进行整合分析的新理论、新方法和新工具,为植物学及相关学科提供参考。 |
关键词: 植物标本, 数字标本, 生物地理学, 入侵生物学, 气候变化, 保护生物学, 生物多样性, 民族药物学 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw202102026 |
分类号:Q94 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2022)增刊1-0127-15 |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(41971071, 31770367); 中国科学院“从0到1”原始创新项目(ZDBS-LY-7001); 云南省“万人计划”青年拔尖人才项目(YNWR-QNBJ-2018-146)。 |
Application of digitized plant specimens in scientific research: progress and challenges |
ZHU Guangfu1,3, YI Tingshuang1, LIU Jie1,2*
1. Germplasm Bank of Wild Species, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China;2. CAS Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asia, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy
of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China;3. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
1. Germplasm Bank of Wild Species, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China;
2. CAS Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asia, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy
of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China; 3. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Abstract: |
About 390 million plant specimens are permanently stored in natural history museums around the world, and these specimens provide important support for scientific research. Increasingly, the application digital plant specimens have become widespread in scientific research, especially with the rapid development of the specimen digitization in the last two decades. The digitized plant specimens not only provide convenience for the traditional use of specimens, but also open a new window for other research fields. However, few studies in Chinese literature have reviewed the application of digitized plant specimens in scientific research, and the associated future challenges. In this review, we summarized the current state of specimen digitization across the globe, and provided a brief overview of its application in biogeography, invasion biology, climate change, conservation biology, and other fields. Here, we mainly focused on the following five aspects:(1)Species distribution patterns and determinants of biodiversity in biogeography;(2)the compilation of invasive plant checklist, reconstruction of the invasion history, and prediction of future invasion risk;(3)Range shift mechanisms of plants under climate change scenarios;(4)Biodiversity inventories and protected areas designing;(5)Other fields( Such as agriculture and ethnopharmacology). Finally, we discuss the challenges that digitized plant specimens are facing, and suggest potential solutions such as the adoption of new theories, methods and tools for the integration and analysis of digitized plant specimens with other big data in biological sciences. The present study may offer new insights into botany and other relevant disciplines. |
Key words: plant specimens, digitized specimens, biogeography, invasion biology, climate change, conservation biology, biodiversity, ethnopharmacology |