









DONG L, CAO HL, YE WH, et al. , 2011. Leaf anatomic traits of 5 species in southwestern China’s karst region [J]. Chin J Appl Environ Biol, 17(5): 747-749. [董蕾, 曹洪麟, 叶万辉, 等, 2011. 5 种喀斯特生境植物叶片解剖结构特征 [J]. 应用与环境生物学报, 17(5): 747-749. ]
GENG BJ(KENG PC), WANG ZP(CP), 1996. Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae [M]. Beijing: Science Press, 9(1): 40-43. [耿伯介, 王正平, 1996. 中国植物志 [M]. 北京: 科学出版社, 9(1): 40-43. ]
GENG BJ(KENG PC), 1982. A revision of the genera of bamboos for the world. I. [J]. J Bamboo Res, 1: 1-19. [耿伯介, 1982. 世界竹亚科各属的考订(之一) [J]. 竹子研究汇刊, 1: 1-19. ]
GOVAERTS R, NIC LE, BLANK N, et al. , 2021. The world checklist of vascular plants [J]. Sci Data, 8: 215.
LIN WT, 1993. Five new species of bamboosfrom Guangdong [J]. J Bamboo Res, 12(3): 1-10. [林万涛, 1993. 广东竹类5新种 [J]. 竹子研究汇刊, 12(3): 1-10. ]
JIA LZ(CHIA LC), FENG XL(FUNG HL), YANG YL, 1988. Monocladus, genus movum Bambusoidearum (Poaceae) [J]. Acta Phytotax Sin, 26(3): 211-216. [贾良智, 冯学琳, 杨雅玲, 1988. 竹亚科一新属—单枝竹属 [J]. 植物分类学报, 26(3): 211-216. ]
PAN QL, LIU GJ, CAI DX, et al. , 2016. Distribution and phenotypic variation of Bonia resources at limestone areas of Guangxi [J]. Nonwood For Res, 34(1): 147-152. [潘启龙, 刘光金, 蔡道雄, 等, 2016. 广西石灰岩地区单枝竹属资源的分布和变异 [J]. 经济林研究, 34(1): 147-152. ]
SONG TQ, 2015. Plants and the environment in karst areas of Southwest China [M]. Beijing: Science Press. [宋同清, 2015. 西南喀斯特植物与环境 [M]. 北京: 科学出版社. ]
STAPLETON CMA, 1997. Morphology of woody bamboos [M]//CHAPMAN GP. The bamboos [M]. Pittsburgh: Academic Press: 251-267.
STAPLETON CMA, LI DZ, XIA NH, 2005. New combinations for Chinese bamboos (Poaceae, Bambuseae) [J]. Novon, 15(4): 599-601.
WANG ZP(CP), YE GH, 1980. On the problems of the classification of Chinese bamboos with creeping rhizomes [J]. Acta Phytotax Sin, 18(3): 283-291. [王正平, 叶光汉, 1980. 关于我国散生竹的分类问题 [J]. 植物分类学报, 18(3): 283-291. ]
XIA NH, 1996. A study of the genus Bonia (Gramineae: Bambusoideae) [J]. Kew Bull, 51(3): 565-569.
XIA NH, STAPLETON CMA, 2006. Flora of China (Vol. 22) [M]. Beijing: Science Press; St. Louis: Missouri Botanical Garden Press: 49-50.
YI TP, SHI JY, MA LS, et al. , 2009. Key to the genus and species of Bambooaceae in China [M]. Beijing: Science Press: 23. [易同培, 史军义, 玛丽莎, 等, 2009. 中国竹亚科属种检索表 [M]. 北京: 科学出版社: 23. ]




    Reproductive organs are of great significance in taxonomic studies of bamboo plants. In this paper, Latin and Chinese supplementary descriptions are provided for flowering branches and reproductive organs characteristics of bamboo species Bonia amplexicaulis distributed according to observed flowering condition and anatomical observation results of the collected specimens in Mashan County, Guangxi. By comparing the floral characteristics of the reproductive organ structures of Bonia species B. saxatilis, B. parvifloscula and B. amplexicaulis, the three species have the same reproductive organ structure characteristics, but there are differences in the number and size of florets. The comparison of reproductive organs shows that the reproductive organs of Bonia species have special adaptability to karst geomorphic environment, supports that they are independent species according to the differences of nutritive organs.



  • 繁殖器官形态性状是被子植物种类界定中最重要的依据,但竹类植物由于极少开花导致在分类鉴定中只能依靠营养器官形态性状,很多竹种发表时也仅能依靠营养体特征命名,加之竹类植物的营养器官差异又很小,往往给竹种的界定和其后的归类整理造成困难。虽然竹类植物很少开花,但是竹类植物的繁殖器官特征在分类学和系统学研究中仍然具有重要意义。繁殖器官发生发育时间相对较短,不易受环境影响,而且直接关系着植物的繁育,因此往往能为竹类植物类群划分和演化研究提供有力的支持,特别是为族、属的划分和分类修订提供重要依据(王正平和叶广汉,1980;耿伯介,1982;Stapleton,1997;易同培等,2009)。

  • 本研究组在广西马山县的石灰岩山峰上发现了正在开花的竹亚科(Bambusoideae)单枝竹属(Bonia Balansa1890)芸香竹 [B. amplexicaulis(L. C. Chia et al.)N. H. Xia](贾良智等,1988;耿伯介和王正平,1996;Xia,1996),该芸香竹居群分布于石灰岩山峰顶部,生长于裸露的石灰岩山地,居群内只有少数竹丛开花。开花竹丛未发现新竹笋生长,竹丛不同竿龄的竹竿上都有开花。开花竹竿花枝下部有正常枝叶,竿上有宿存箨鞘和繸毛等结构。作者根据营养体特征鉴定了该竹种,并解剖比较了其繁殖器官特征,现对其繁殖器官特征进行补充描述。营养体和花枝标本藏于陕西中医药大学中药标本馆。

  • 单枝竹属分布于以我国广西为中心的西南喀斯特山地,中国海南岛、越南北部喀斯特山地也有分布,该属植物是石灰岩山地的特有属。该属现已知有5种1变种(Xia,1996;Xia &;Stapleton,2006;Govaerts et al.,2021),主要分布于石灰岩山峰、残峰,常分布于裸露的石灰岩山顶、石隙,对石灰岩山地具有极强的适应性(董蕾等,2011),该属植物能够为其他植物提供遮蔽,也能防止泥土流失,具有重要的生态价值。

  • 芸香竹分布于我国广西西部和北部的石灰岩山地,在芸香竹的分布区域还有该属分布范围最广的竹种单枝竹 [B. saxatilis(L. C. Chia et al.)N. H. Xia],单枝竹分布范围比芸香竹广,还分布于广西南部、广东西部、云南东南部以及贵州南部,单枝竹和芸香竹的生长习性、外观特征和应用价值等都极为相似,鉴别特征差异也较小(贾良智等,1988;Xia,1996;潘启龙等,2016),两个种很容易混淆,芸香竹花枝和繁殖器官的描述,也为界定芸香竹和单枝竹2个竹种提供了依据。

  • 芸香竹Bonia amplexicaulis(L. C. Chia et al.)N. H. Xia(图版I)

  • Syn: Monocladus amplexicaulis Chia et al. in Act. Phytotax. Sin.26 (3) : 215. f.2 (1-3) 1988.

  • Rami floriferi laterales vel ex apicibus ramorum foliiferorum orientes. Rami florentes laterales 2-3-plo ramosi, longitudo ad 50 cm. Inflorescentiae iterauctantes. Terminales rami florentes fere10-20 cm longi, 6-10 nodi, vaginiformium anthesim fere20-25 mm longae, ad foliis metamorphosis subulatis 8-10 mm longae et 2-3 mm latae; rami florentes in utroque nodo 1 pseudospiculae. Pseudospiculae maturae3.0-6.0 cm longae, internodia pseudospiculae4-7 mm longae sunt, bracteae saepe1, sed tot esse possunt 3. Bracteae fere8-10 mm longi, lanceolati, apice acutus, dorsum laeve, venae non patentes, bracteae germen in axillis acuminatum, saepe non longius evolutum. Spiculae maturae2.5-5.0 cm longae, 4-6 flora, tantum terminali flosculo sterili. Glumae2, lanceolatae, apice apice mucronatae, laeves, venis inconspicuis praeter mediumvein, primo gluma est 8-10 mm longa, secunda gluma fere10-12 mm longa, uterque floretus gradatim maturescit, ita primus flosculus longissimus; rhachilla inter flosculos disarticulate. Cum spiculae immatura est, primum internodium et alia internodia spiculi perquam breves sunt, bases omnium florum glumis includuntur, et totum bracteis vaginis inclusum est; Cum spiculae maturae sunt, primum internodium valde elongatum est, usque ad 8-10 mm, ita ut flores omnes ultra glumas extendant, et flores etiam ultra bracteas vaginis extendunt, alia internodia longitudine similia, fere4-5 mm longa. lemmata ovato-lanceolata, cuspidibus brevibus, 12-14 mm longis, subleatheriis, subtus glabris, venis inconspicuis, palea ovato-lanceolata, 8-10 mm longa, apice obtusis, subtus cum 2 dorso pilis brunneolis; palea anguste lanceolate, apice obtuse, acuminata dorso pilis brunneis munita; lodiculae3, longis rectangulis, glabrae; stamina6, filamenta2-3 mm longe florescentia, antherae4-5 mm longae, ovario glabro circiter 1 mm longo, stylo brevissimo, stigmatibus 3, plumisis, 2-3 mm longis. Floret in Martio-Aprili. Fructus incogoiti.

  • 图版 I 芸香竹

  • Plate I Bonia amplexicaulis

  • 花枝侧生或自叶枝顶端生出,2~3次分枝,总长度可达50 cm;花序续次发生,末级花枝一般长10~20 cm,有6~10节,每节有一枚鞘状苞片,鞘状苞片内有假小穗。花期鞘状苞片的鞘部长20~25 mm,先端有长8~10 mm,宽2~3 mm,钻状的变态叶。花枝除基部2~3节无小穗外,每节各有1枚假小穗;成熟假小穗长3.0~6.0 cm,假小穗柄节间长4~7 mm,常有苞片1片,也可多至3片,苞片长8~10 mm,披针形,先端尖锐,背面光滑,脉不明显,苞片腋内具芽,针状,常不再发育。成熟小穗长2.5~5.0 cm,含4~6枚小花,顶生小花不育。颖片2片,披针形,先端具有短尖头,光滑,脉不明显,第一颖长8~10 mm,第二颖长10~12 mm;各小花渐次成熟,第一小花最大。小穗轴光滑无毛,脱节于各小花外稃下;在小穗未成熟时,小穗第一节间与其他节间极短,所有小花基部包被于颖片内,整体包被于鞘状苞片内;小穗成熟时,第一节间显著伸长,可达8~10 mm,使得小花全部伸出颖片外,也使得小花伸出鞘状苞片外,其他节间从4~5 mm逐渐变短。外稃卵状披针形,具有短尖头,长12~14 mm,近革质,背面光滑,脉不明显;内稃卵状披针形,先端钝尖,长8~10 mm,背面具有2脊,并有棕色细毛。鳞被3,透明膜质,近长矩形,长约1 mm,无毛。雄蕊6,花丝纤细,长2~3 mm,花药长4~5 mm。子房无毛,长约1 mm,花柱极短,柱头3,羽毛状,长2~3 mm。花期3—4月,果未见。

  • 标本:广西马山县政府后山,海拔426 m,2021.4.6,张雨曲2021040601。

  • 单枝竹属内,已知繁殖器官信息的有单枝竹和小花单枝竹 [B. parvifloscula(W. T. Lin)N. H. Xia](贾良智等,1988;林万涛,1993),比较芸香竹、单枝竹和小花单枝竹的繁殖器官表明,三者具有相同的繁殖器官结构,与其他属的繁殖器官相比(耿伯介和王正平,1996),这3个竹种假小穗包被于各节的鞘状总苞内,在小穗成熟时具有伸长的小穗第一节间,伸长的节间在花期将小花推出颖片和鞘状总苞外,使得鞘状总苞既在开花之前保护了小穗,又在开花时不影响小穗的授粉,该特征为单枝竹属特有。单枝竹属分布的东南亚季风区降水季节性明显,秋冬少雨干旱,春夏多雨湿润,而喀斯特地貌环境特别容易造成干旱和温度剧烈变化的局部环境(宋同清,2015),单枝竹属竹种在小穗生长发育的秋冬季环境较差,小穗轴不伸长使得小穗受到鞘状苞片的保护,在春季的开花时间环境变好,小穗第一节间显著伸长,将小花推出苞片外,适应开花需求,该特征表现为该属竹种对喀斯特地貌气候环境的适应。

  • 芸香竹与单枝竹、小花单枝竹的繁殖器官虽然结构相同,但3个种之间也有差异。单枝竹的花枝在每节的鞘状苞片内有多枚假小穗,而芸香竹和小花单枝竹只有一枚;单枝竹的小穗有5~9枚小花,芸香竹和小花单枝竹只有4~6枚。小花单枝竹和芸香竹相比,2个种的假小穗和小花具有明显的大小差异,前者假小穗长1.7~2.0 cm,外稃长6~8 mm,前端钝,而后者假小穗长达3.0~6.0 cm,外稃长12~14 mm,具有短尖头。因此,虽然单枝竹属内的竹种形态特征极为相似,但繁殖器官比较表明繁殖器官特征支持依照营养体特征划分的单枝竹、小花单枝竹与芸香竹为独立的竹种。

  • 参考文献

    • DONG L, CAO HL, YE WH, et al. , 2011. Leaf anatomic traits of 5 species in southwestern China’s karst region [J]. Chin J Appl Environ Biol, 17(5): 747-749. [董蕾, 曹洪麟, 叶万辉, 等, 2011. 5 种喀斯特生境植物叶片解剖结构特征 [J]. 应用与环境生物学报, 17(5): 747-749. ]

    • GENG BJ(KENG PC), WANG ZP(CP), 1996. Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae [M]. Beijing: Science Press, 9(1): 40-43. [耿伯介, 王正平, 1996. 中国植物志 [M]. 北京: 科学出版社, 9(1): 40-43. ]

    • GENG BJ(KENG PC), 1982. A revision of the genera of bamboos for the world. I. [J]. J Bamboo Res, 1: 1-19. [耿伯介, 1982. 世界竹亚科各属的考订(之一) [J]. 竹子研究汇刊, 1: 1-19. ]

    • GOVAERTS R, NIC LE, BLANK N, et al. , 2021. The world checklist of vascular plants [J]. Sci Data, 8: 215.

    • LIN WT, 1993. Five new species of bamboosfrom Guangdong [J]. J Bamboo Res, 12(3): 1-10. [林万涛, 1993. 广东竹类5新种 [J]. 竹子研究汇刊, 12(3): 1-10. ]

    • JIA LZ(CHIA LC), FENG XL(FUNG HL), YANG YL, 1988. Monocladus, genus movum Bambusoidearum (Poaceae) [J]. Acta Phytotax Sin, 26(3): 211-216. [贾良智, 冯学琳, 杨雅玲, 1988. 竹亚科一新属—单枝竹属 [J]. 植物分类学报, 26(3): 211-216. ]

    • PAN QL, LIU GJ, CAI DX, et al. , 2016. Distribution and phenotypic variation of Bonia resources at limestone areas of Guangxi [J]. Nonwood For Res, 34(1): 147-152. [潘启龙, 刘光金, 蔡道雄, 等, 2016. 广西石灰岩地区单枝竹属资源的分布和变异 [J]. 经济林研究, 34(1): 147-152. ]

    • SONG TQ, 2015. Plants and the environment in karst areas of Southwest China [M]. Beijing: Science Press. [宋同清, 2015. 西南喀斯特植物与环境 [M]. 北京: 科学出版社. ]

    • STAPLETON CMA, 1997. Morphology of woody bamboos [M]//CHAPMAN GP. The bamboos [M]. Pittsburgh: Academic Press: 251-267.

    • STAPLETON CMA, LI DZ, XIA NH, 2005. New combinations for Chinese bamboos (Poaceae, Bambuseae) [J]. Novon, 15(4): 599-601.

    • WANG ZP(CP), YE GH, 1980. On the problems of the classification of Chinese bamboos with creeping rhizomes [J]. Acta Phytotax Sin, 18(3): 283-291. [王正平, 叶光汉, 1980. 关于我国散生竹的分类问题 [J]. 植物分类学报, 18(3): 283-291. ]

    • XIA NH, 1996. A study of the genus Bonia (Gramineae: Bambusoideae) [J]. Kew Bull, 51(3): 565-569.

    • XIA NH, STAPLETON CMA, 2006. Flora of China (Vol. 22) [M]. Beijing: Science Press; St. Louis: Missouri Botanical Garden Press: 49-50.

    • YI TP, SHI JY, MA LS, et al. , 2009. Key to the genus and species of Bambooaceae in China [M]. Beijing: Science Press: 23. [易同培, 史军义, 玛丽莎, 等, 2009. 中国竹亚科属种检索表 [M]. 北京: 科学出版社: 23. ]

  • 参考文献

    • DONG L, CAO HL, YE WH, et al. , 2011. Leaf anatomic traits of 5 species in southwestern China’s karst region [J]. Chin J Appl Environ Biol, 17(5): 747-749. [董蕾, 曹洪麟, 叶万辉, 等, 2011. 5 种喀斯特生境植物叶片解剖结构特征 [J]. 应用与环境生物学报, 17(5): 747-749. ]

    • GENG BJ(KENG PC), WANG ZP(CP), 1996. Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae [M]. Beijing: Science Press, 9(1): 40-43. [耿伯介, 王正平, 1996. 中国植物志 [M]. 北京: 科学出版社, 9(1): 40-43. ]

    • GENG BJ(KENG PC), 1982. A revision of the genera of bamboos for the world. I. [J]. J Bamboo Res, 1: 1-19. [耿伯介, 1982. 世界竹亚科各属的考订(之一) [J]. 竹子研究汇刊, 1: 1-19. ]

    • GOVAERTS R, NIC LE, BLANK N, et al. , 2021. The world checklist of vascular plants [J]. Sci Data, 8: 215.

    • LIN WT, 1993. Five new species of bamboosfrom Guangdong [J]. J Bamboo Res, 12(3): 1-10. [林万涛, 1993. 广东竹类5新种 [J]. 竹子研究汇刊, 12(3): 1-10. ]

    • JIA LZ(CHIA LC), FENG XL(FUNG HL), YANG YL, 1988. Monocladus, genus movum Bambusoidearum (Poaceae) [J]. Acta Phytotax Sin, 26(3): 211-216. [贾良智, 冯学琳, 杨雅玲, 1988. 竹亚科一新属—单枝竹属 [J]. 植物分类学报, 26(3): 211-216. ]

    • PAN QL, LIU GJ, CAI DX, et al. , 2016. Distribution and phenotypic variation of Bonia resources at limestone areas of Guangxi [J]. Nonwood For Res, 34(1): 147-152. [潘启龙, 刘光金, 蔡道雄, 等, 2016. 广西石灰岩地区单枝竹属资源的分布和变异 [J]. 经济林研究, 34(1): 147-152. ]

    • SONG TQ, 2015. Plants and the environment in karst areas of Southwest China [M]. Beijing: Science Press. [宋同清, 2015. 西南喀斯特植物与环境 [M]. 北京: 科学出版社. ]

    • STAPLETON CMA, 1997. Morphology of woody bamboos [M]//CHAPMAN GP. The bamboos [M]. Pittsburgh: Academic Press: 251-267.

    • STAPLETON CMA, LI DZ, XIA NH, 2005. New combinations for Chinese bamboos (Poaceae, Bambuseae) [J]. Novon, 15(4): 599-601.

    • WANG ZP(CP), YE GH, 1980. On the problems of the classification of Chinese bamboos with creeping rhizomes [J]. Acta Phytotax Sin, 18(3): 283-291. [王正平, 叶光汉, 1980. 关于我国散生竹的分类问题 [J]. 植物分类学报, 18(3): 283-291. ]

    • XIA NH, 1996. A study of the genus Bonia (Gramineae: Bambusoideae) [J]. Kew Bull, 51(3): 565-569.

    • XIA NH, STAPLETON CMA, 2006. Flora of China (Vol. 22) [M]. Beijing: Science Press; St. Louis: Missouri Botanical Garden Press: 49-50.

    • YI TP, SHI JY, MA LS, et al. , 2009. Key to the genus and species of Bambooaceae in China [M]. Beijing: Science Press: 23. [易同培, 史军义, 玛丽莎, 等, 2009. 中国竹亚科属种检索表 [M]. 北京: 科学出版社: 23. ]