摘要: |
广西位于中国南部,地质复杂地形多样,生物多样性丰富,是我国南方重要生态屏障。广西植物研究所自1935年建所以来一直致力于摸清广西植物资源家底,在全区开展了广泛的野外调查,累计采集植物标本约60万份,建立了全区馆藏量最大的广西植物标本馆(IBK),联合区内外28家单位完成《广西植物志》全部六卷的编研出版工作。该套志书共收录广西维管植物307科、2 073属、9 051种(含种下等级),是首次全面而系统描述广西植物资源的大型志书。该文介绍了《广西植物志》的基本情况和编著特色,系统回顾了该志书编研的曲折历程,并将编研历程分为三个阶段进行描述,最后简要介绍了《广西植物志》在业界同行获得的评价和各类荣誉。回顾历史展望未来,结合当前植物学科的发展趋势,笔者浅谈了广西的植物分类学及相关学科发展愿景,为今后广西植物资源的研究、保护和可持续利用提供借鉴。 |
关键词: 植物名录, 物种多样性, 维管植物, 植物分类学, 生物多样性保护 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw202503006 |
分类号:Q948 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2025)03-0389-07 |
Fund project:国家植物标本资源库建设运行项目(E0117G1001)。 |
Compilation and research journey of “Flora of Guangxi” — Also discussing the development vision for plant taxonomy and related disciplines in Guangxi |
XU Weibin, LIU Yan*, WEI Fanan
Guangxi Key Laboratory of Plant Conservation and Restoration Ecology in Karst Terrain/Nonggang Karst Ecosystem Observation
and Research Station of Guangxi, Guangxi Institute of Botany, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guilin 541006, Guangxi, China
Abstract: |
Guangxi is located in the south of China, with complex geology, diverse terrain, and abundant biodiversity, also serving as a vital ecological barrier in southern China. Since its establishment in 1935, Guangxi Institute of Botany has been dedicated to finding out the background of plant resources in Guangxi all the time, conducting extensive field surveys across all the region, and accumulated approximately 600 000 plant specimens. It established the largest collection of herbarium(International code IBK)for Guangxi, and jointly completed the compilation and publication of all six volumes of “Flora of Guangxi” with 28 institutes or universities inside and outside of Guangxi. This flora includes 307 families, 2 073 genera, and 9 051 species(including infraspecies)of vascular plants in Guangxi, marking the first comprehensive and systematic description for plant diversity of Guangxi in a large-scale. This article introduces the basic information and compilation features of “Flora of Guangxi”, systematically reviews the winding course of its compilation and research journey, which is divided into three stages for introduction, and briefly introduces the evaluations from peers and various honors received by “Flora of Guangxi”. Looking back at history and forward to the future, combining with the modern development trends of botanical disciplines also, the author briefly discusses the development vision for plant taxonomy and related disciplines in Guangxi, which provides some suggestions for future research, protection, and sustainable utilization of plant resources in Guangxi. |
Key words: plant checklist, species diversity, vascular plants, plant taxonomy, biodiversity conservation |