







CROUS PW, CARNEGIE AJ, WINGFIELD MJ, et al. , 2019. Fungal Planet description sheets: 868-950 [J]. Persoonia, 42: 291-473.
FUNGSIN B, TAKASHIMA M, ARTJARIYASRIPONG S, et al. , 2002. Bullera arundinariae sp. nov. , a new species of ballistoconidium-forming yeast isolated from a plant in Thailand [J]. Microbiol Cult Collect, 18: 83-90.
GINNS J, SUNHEDE S, 1978. Three species of Christiunsenia (Corticiaceae) and the teratological galls on Collybia dryophila [J]. Bot Notiser, 131: 167-173.
GINNS J, 1986. The genus Syzygospora (Heterobasidiomycetes: Syzygosporaceae) [J]. Mycologia, 78(4): 619-636.
HALL TA, 1999. BioEdit: a user-friendly biological sequence alignment editor and analysis program for Windows 95/98/NT [J]. Nucl Acids Symp Ser, 41: 95-98.
KARASIŃSKI D, WOŁKOWYCKI M, 2015. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of polypores (Agaricomycetes) of the białowieża forest (NE Poland) [J]. Pol Bot J, 60(2): 217-292.
LIU XZ, WANG QM, GÖKER M, et al. , 2015. Towards an integrated phylogenetic classification of the Tremellomycetes [J]. Stud Mycol, 81: 85-147.
MILLANES AM, DIEDERICH P, EKMAN S, et al. , 2011. Phylogeny and character evolution in the jelly fungi (Tremellomycetes, Basidiomycota, Fungi) [J]. Mol Phylogenet Evol, 61(1): 12-28.
OBERWINKLER F, BANDONI R, 1982. Carcinomycetaceae: a new family in the Heterobasidiomycetes [J]. Nord J Bot, 2(5): 501-516.
REID DA, 1970. New or interesting records of British Hymenomycetes, IV [J]. Trans Brit Mycol Soc, 55(3): 413-441.
ROBERTS P, 2007. British Tremella species IV: Tremella obscura, T. penetrans, T. giraffa & T. polyporina [J]. Field Mycol, 8(4): 127-133.
SETLIFF EC, 1982. Tremella polyporina from New York State [J]. Can J Bot, 60(6): 1028-1029. STAMATAKIS A, 2014. RAxML version 8: a tool for phylogenetic analysis and post-analysis of large phylogenies [J]. Bioinformatics, 30(9): 1312-1313.
WANG Y, FAN YG, TULIGUER, 2010. Checklist of macrofungi collected from different forests in Changbai Mountain(Ⅲ): Coniferous forest [J]. J Fungal Res, 8(4): 200-210. [王耀, 范宇光, 图力古尔, 2010. 长白山不同植被带大型真菌多样性调查名录Ⅲ针叶林带 [J]. 菌物研究, 8(4): 200-210. ]
WHITE TJ, BRUNS T, LEE S, et al. , 1990. PCR: protocols: a guide to methods and applications. Amplification and direct sequencing of fungal ribosomal RNA genes for phylogenetics [M]. San Diego: Academic Press: 315-322.
WU G, LI YC, ZHU XT, et al. , 2016. One hundred noteworthy boletes from China [J]. Fungal Divers, 81(1): 25-188.


    该文通过形态特征研究和基于ITS序列的分子系统学分析,对采自甘肃省连城国家级自然保护区的1份形态特殊的胶瘤菌属标本进行分类学研究。结果表明:该标本是孔生胶瘤菌(新拟)(Carcinomyces polyporina),隶属于担子菌门(Basidiomycota)、银耳纲(Tremellomycetes)、银耳目(Tremellales)、胶瘤菌科(新拟)(Carcinomycetaceae)。该物种代表了中国的1个新记录属、种,是该属在东亚地区的首次报道。孔生胶瘤菌寄生于多孔菌类真菌的子实体上,形成胶质状菌瘿,担子纵裂,担孢子可萌发后形成分生孢子。研究标本保存于中国科学院昆明植物研究所标本馆隐花植物标本室,馆藏号为HKAS 115765。


    This study reported a macrofungus specimen with special morphology collected from Liancheng National Nature Reserve in Gansu Province. Morphological characteristics observation and molecular phylogenetic analysis based on ITS sequences were performed. The results show that the specimen is Carcinomyces polyporina, belonging to Basidiomycota, Tremellomycetes, Tremellales, Carcinomycetaceae, which represents a newly recorded genus and species in China, and is the first report of this genus in East Asia. Carcinomyces polyporina is characterized by parasitism on polypores fruitbody, forming gelatinous mycocecidium, basidia with longitudinally septate, and conidia commonly gemmated from basidiospores germination. The specimen is deposited in the Herbarium of Cryptoflora, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences (HKAS 115765).

  • 胶瘤菌属(新拟)(Carcinomyces)由Oberwinkler和Bandoni于1982年建立,最初置于异担子菌纲(Heterobasidiomycetes)、胶瘤菌科(新拟)(Carcinomycetaceae)中,所属目当时未确定(Oberwinkler &;Bandoni,1982)。该属真菌通常寄生于某些担子菌子实体或植物上(Fungsin et al.,2002;Crous et al.,2019),常导致宿主的局部组织肿瘤状生长,形成透明至半透明胶质状菌瘿结构,新鲜时呈无色至淡黄色;其菌丝末端可同时形成分生孢子梗和担子。

  • 孔生胶瘤菌(新拟)(Carcinomyces polyporina)发表于1970年,最初被置于银耳属(Tremella)中(Reid,1970);1982年,Oberwinkler和Bandoni因其具菌瘿状的子实体,将其并入了胶瘤菌属(Oberwinkler &;Bandoni,1982);但是1986 年Ginns将胶瘤菌属的模式种Carcinomyces effibulatus并入了链孢耳属(Syzygospora)中(Ginns,1986),自此研究者就胶瘤菌属是否成立产生了争议,孔生胶瘤菌的归属问题也悬而未决。

  • 近年来,银耳纲的分子系统发育分析研究结果显示,Carcinomyces effibulatus(Ginns &;Sunhede,1978)、Carcinomyces arundinariae(Fungsin et al.,2002)和孔生胶瘤菌,应隶属于担子菌门(Basidiomycota)、银耳纲(Tremellomycetes)、银耳目(Tremellales)、胶瘤菌科、胶瘤菌属,与链孢耳属亲缘关系较远(Liu et al.,2015;Crous et al.,2019)。Crous 等(2019)依据分子系统学和形态学的证据,发表了物种Carcinomyces nordestinensis,所构建的系统发育树也支持胶瘤菌属成立,隶属于银耳目、胶瘤菌科。

  • 胶瘤菌属真菌此前在我国未见有报道。本研究对采集自我国的1号该属真菌标本进行了形态解剖学与分子系统学研究。

  • 1 材料与方法

  • 1.1 标本信息

  • 所研究标本于2019年8月1日采自甘肃省兰州市永登县,连城国家级自然保护区内棚子沟,针阔混交林中,地理位置为102°44′55.257″ E、36°37′42.288″ N,海拔1 941 m,主要植被为青海云杉(Picea crassifolia)、青杄(P. wilsonii)、红桦(Betula albosinensis)等。标本采集号为ye629,标本馆保藏号为HKAS 115765。

  • 1.2 形态学观察

  • 使用Panasonic lux 10相机拍摄生态照片;用解剖镜(Motic SMZ-171)观察干标本的颜色、形状等;制作徒手切片,使用5%的KOH溶液制作水封片,在光学显微镜(ZEISS AX10)下观察显微结构,用Canon 70D相机拍摄显微照片。分别选取20个成熟的分生孢子和担孢子进行测量,长、宽以(a)b~c(d)表示,a和d分别表示测量的最小值与最大值,b、c表示90%的置信区间;孢子长宽比用Q表示,Qm = Q的均值 ± 标准差(Wu et al.,2016)。

  • 1.3 分子系统学分析

  • 用CTAB法提取标本的总DNA,对ITS(internal transcribed spacer内转录间隔区片段)进行扩增,引物为ITS5/ITS4(ITS5:5′-GGAA GGTA AAAG TCAA GG-3′,ITS4:5′-TCCT CCGC TTAT TGAT ATGC-3′)(White et al.,1990)。PCR产物由北京奥科鼎盛生物科技有限责任公司测序,所得的基因序列用BioEdit进行手动校对调整(Hall,1999),在NCBI中进行BLAST比对,最终将准确的序列信息提交至GenBank库中。

  • 参考Liu 等(2015)的研究结果,从GenBank数据库中选取相关的ITS序列,加上本研究获得的序列构建矩阵。使用RAxML 8.1.24软件基于最大似然法ML(maximum likelihood)构建系统发育树,碱基替代模型为GTRGAMMAI,其余参数设置均为默认值(Stamatakis,2014);使用MEGA 7.0.26软件基于邻接法NJ(neighbor joining)进行系统发育分析;Bootstrap均重复1 000次以获得统计学支持。

  • 表1 构建系统发育树的ITS序列信息

  • Table1 Informations of ITS sequences used to construct phylogenetic tree

  • 注: 加粗字体者为本研究新提交序列。

  • Note: The bold letters mean the newly submitted.

  • 所选序列的物种名称、来源地及GenBank登录号见表1。

  • 2 结果与分析

  • 基于ITS 序列,采用最大似然法和邻接法构建系统发育树,二者的拓扑结构基本一致,仅支持率略有差异,最大似然法构建的系统发育树见图1,ML和NJ的支持率BP(Bootstrap percentages)分别用BP1 和BP2表示。结果显示,本研究的序列与来自西班牙的孔生胶瘤菌标本AM20序列聚在一起,获得很高支持率(BP1=100,BP2=100),且与包括模式种Carcinomyces effibulatus在内的胶瘤菌属物种以高支持率(BP1=99,BP2=98)聚为一支。

  • 基于标本HKAS 115765进行的形态特征研究,结果如下。

  • 寄生于多孔菌的子实层上(图2),形成半透明至透明的胶质状菌瘿,新鲜时稍具乳白色,干燥后变薄膜状,呈土褐色至黑褐色。分生孢子梗与分生孢子常见;分生孢子梗短棒状;分生孢子长椭圆至纺锤形,光滑,薄壁,无色,(3.5)4.4~5.4(8.0)×(1.5)2.5~3.0(4.5)μm,Qm = 1.80 ± 0.12。担子近球形,9.8~12.8 × 8.8~11.0 μm,具纵向分隔;小梗2个或4个,长可达8 μm;担孢子球形至近球形,无色,(4.8)5.0~5.5(6.0)×(4.5)4.6~4.8(5.1)μm,Qm = 1.10 ± 0.01,可萌发后形成分生孢子(图3)。有锁状联合。

  • 图1 基于ITS序列采用最大似然法构建的分子系统发育树

  • Fig.1 Molecular phylogenetic tree based on an ITS dataset using maximum likelihood

  • 综合形态特征与分子系统学研究结果,确认该标本为孔生胶瘤菌:

  • Carcinomyces polyporina (D. A. Reid) A. M. Yurkov, 2015

  • =Tremella polyporina D. A. Reid, Trans. Br. Mycol.1970

  • 分布:英国(Reid,1970;Roberts,2007)、北美(Setliff,1982)、西班牙(Millanes et al.,2011)、波兰(Karasiński &;Wokowycki,2015)、中国。

  • 图2 孔生胶瘤菌及其宿主菌的宏观形态

  • Fig.2 Fruitbody of Carcinomyces polyporina and its parasitifer

  • 图3 孔生胶瘤菌和宿主菌的显微结构

  • Fig.3 Microstructure of Carcinomyces polyporina and its parasitifer

  • 3 讨论与结论

  • 本研究基于分子系统学与形态学的研究结果证实采自甘肃连城国家级自然保护区的标本HKAS 115765为Carcinomyces polyporina,是我国新记录属、种。Carcinomyces源于希腊文Kαξχoϛ,意为“癌症、肿瘤”,又因其胶质状的子实体,故将其中文名拟为“胶瘤菌”;其种加词“polyporina”表示该物种常寄生于多孔菌类真菌的子实层上,所以本文将该种的中文名拟定为“孔生胶瘤菌”。王耀等(2010)报道链孢耳菌(Syzygospora mycetophila)在中国的分布时,曾提及该物种所属的科Carcinomycetaceae,但并未给出相应的中文名称,本文根据词语含义,将其中文名拟定为“胶瘤菌科”。

  • 系统分类研究方面,胶瘤菌属的模式种Carcinomyces effibulatus曾被研究者置于链孢耳属中(Ginns,1986),链孢耳属目前隶属于线黑粉菌目(Filobasidiales)、线黑粉菌科(Filobasidiaceae)(Millanes et al.,2011;Liu et al.,2015),Index Fungorum系统目前采信这一处理,将胶瘤菌属放置于线黑粉菌目、线黑粉菌科(http://www.indexfungorum. org/Names/NamesRecord.asp?RecordID=823057)。但是,Liu 等(2015)构建的银耳纲系统发育树显示,Carcinomyces effibulatusC. arundinariaeC. polyporina以高支持率单独聚为一支,形成银耳目中的1个单属科——胶瘤菌科;链孢耳属的模式种Syzygospora alba则位于线黑粉菌目、线黑粉菌科的分支上,与胶瘤菌属亲缘关系较远。

  • 形态特征方面,胶瘤菌属物种大多寄生于担子菌的子实体上,在宿主上形成菌瘿,担子近球形或圆柱形,成熟后具有纵向或十字形分隔;线黑粉菌科物种多寄生在地衣上,担子管状或长棒状,无隔。目前,分子系统学和形态解剖学的证据均显示,胶瘤菌属应隶属于银耳目、胶瘤菌科,而非线黑粉菌目、线黑粉菌科,Index Fungorum系统中胶瘤菌属的系统发育位置相关信息需要进行订正。

  • 胶瘤菌属目前确认的物种仅4种:Carcinomyces effibulatus(模式种)(Ginns &;Sunhede,1978)、C. arundinariae(Fungsin et al.,2002)、C. nordestinensis(Crous et al.,2019)和孔生胶瘤菌(C. polyporina)(Reid,1970)。作为寄生型的真菌,这些物种的寄生方式复杂而独特,如C. effibulatus目前仅发现寄生在栎金钱菌(Collybia dryophila)的子实体上(Ginns,1986);Carcinomyces nordestinensis被发现寄生于红心凤梨(Bromelia antiacantha)的叶片上,同时是紫花风铃木(Handroanthus impetiginosus)的内生菌(Crous et al.,2019);孔生胶瘤菌的已知宿主有奶油波斯特孔菌(Tyromyces lacteus)和波状薄孔菌(Antrodia sinuosa)(Reid,1970;Roberts,2007)。本研究标本的宿主总DNA未能获得,仅根据子实体擦伤变蓝、担孢子腊肠形等形态特征,推测是波斯特孔菌或其近缘类群,准确的鉴定还有待更多标本的获得和研究。

  • 孔生胶瘤菌此前在欧洲、美国均有报道(Reid,1970;Setliff,1982;Roberts,2007;Millanes et al.,2011),此次在我国的发现,是该物种在东亚地区的首次报道。随着真菌多样性研究的广度和深度不断拓展,孔生胶瘤菌和胶瘤菌属其他物种必然会在更多的地方被发现,其分布规律和生态特征也会更加明晰。

  • 参考文献

    • CROUS PW, CARNEGIE AJ, WINGFIELD MJ, et al. , 2019. Fungal Planet description sheets: 868-950 [J]. Persoonia, 42: 291-473.

    • FUNGSIN B, TAKASHIMA M, ARTJARIYASRIPONG S, et al. , 2002. Bullera arundinariae sp. nov. , a new species of ballistoconidium-forming yeast isolated from a plant in Thailand [J]. Microbiol Cult Collect, 18: 83-90.

    • GINNS J, SUNHEDE S, 1978. Three species of Christiunsenia (Corticiaceae) and the teratological galls on Collybia dryophila [J]. Bot Notiser, 131: 167-173.

    • GINNS J, 1986. The genus Syzygospora (Heterobasidiomycetes: Syzygosporaceae) [J]. Mycologia, 78(4): 619-636.

    • HALL TA, 1999. BioEdit: a user-friendly biological sequence alignment editor and analysis program for Windows 95/98/NT [J]. Nucl Acids Symp Ser, 41: 95-98.

    • KARASIŃSKI D, WOŁKOWYCKI M, 2015. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of polypores (Agaricomycetes) of the białowieża forest (NE Poland) [J]. Pol Bot J, 60(2): 217-292.

    • LIU XZ, WANG QM, GÖKER M, et al. , 2015. Towards an integrated phylogenetic classification of the Tremellomycetes [J]. Stud Mycol, 81: 85-147.

    • MILLANES AM, DIEDERICH P, EKMAN S, et al. , 2011. Phylogeny and character evolution in the jelly fungi (Tremellomycetes, Basidiomycota, Fungi) [J]. Mol Phylogenet Evol, 61(1): 12-28.

    • OBERWINKLER F, BANDONI R, 1982. Carcinomycetaceae: a new family in the Heterobasidiomycetes [J]. Nord J Bot, 2(5): 501-516.

    • REID DA, 1970. New or interesting records of British Hymenomycetes, IV [J]. Trans Brit Mycol Soc, 55(3): 413-441.

    • ROBERTS P, 2007. British Tremella species IV: Tremella obscura, T. penetrans, T. giraffa & T. polyporina [J]. Field Mycol, 8(4): 127-133.

    • SETLIFF EC, 1982. Tremella polyporina from New York State [J]. Can J Bot, 60(6): 1028-1029. STAMATAKIS A, 2014. RAxML version 8: a tool for phylogenetic analysis and post-analysis of large phylogenies [J]. Bioinformatics, 30(9): 1312-1313.

    • WANG Y, FAN YG, TULIGUER, 2010. Checklist of macrofungi collected from different forests in Changbai Mountain(Ⅲ): Coniferous forest [J]. J Fungal Res, 8(4): 200-210. [王耀, 范宇光, 图力古尔, 2010. 长白山不同植被带大型真菌多样性调查名录Ⅲ针叶林带 [J]. 菌物研究, 8(4): 200-210. ]

    • WHITE TJ, BRUNS T, LEE S, et al. , 1990. PCR: protocols: a guide to methods and applications. Amplification and direct sequencing of fungal ribosomal RNA genes for phylogenetics [M]. San Diego: Academic Press: 315-322.

    • WU G, LI YC, ZHU XT, et al. , 2016. One hundred noteworthy boletes from China [J]. Fungal Divers, 81(1): 25-188.

  • 参考文献

    • CROUS PW, CARNEGIE AJ, WINGFIELD MJ, et al. , 2019. Fungal Planet description sheets: 868-950 [J]. Persoonia, 42: 291-473.

    • FUNGSIN B, TAKASHIMA M, ARTJARIYASRIPONG S, et al. , 2002. Bullera arundinariae sp. nov. , a new species of ballistoconidium-forming yeast isolated from a plant in Thailand [J]. Microbiol Cult Collect, 18: 83-90.

    • GINNS J, SUNHEDE S, 1978. Three species of Christiunsenia (Corticiaceae) and the teratological galls on Collybia dryophila [J]. Bot Notiser, 131: 167-173.

    • GINNS J, 1986. The genus Syzygospora (Heterobasidiomycetes: Syzygosporaceae) [J]. Mycologia, 78(4): 619-636.

    • HALL TA, 1999. BioEdit: a user-friendly biological sequence alignment editor and analysis program for Windows 95/98/NT [J]. Nucl Acids Symp Ser, 41: 95-98.

    • KARASIŃSKI D, WOŁKOWYCKI M, 2015. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of polypores (Agaricomycetes) of the białowieża forest (NE Poland) [J]. Pol Bot J, 60(2): 217-292.

    • LIU XZ, WANG QM, GÖKER M, et al. , 2015. Towards an integrated phylogenetic classification of the Tremellomycetes [J]. Stud Mycol, 81: 85-147.

    • MILLANES AM, DIEDERICH P, EKMAN S, et al. , 2011. Phylogeny and character evolution in the jelly fungi (Tremellomycetes, Basidiomycota, Fungi) [J]. Mol Phylogenet Evol, 61(1): 12-28.

    • OBERWINKLER F, BANDONI R, 1982. Carcinomycetaceae: a new family in the Heterobasidiomycetes [J]. Nord J Bot, 2(5): 501-516.

    • REID DA, 1970. New or interesting records of British Hymenomycetes, IV [J]. Trans Brit Mycol Soc, 55(3): 413-441.

    • ROBERTS P, 2007. British Tremella species IV: Tremella obscura, T. penetrans, T. giraffa & T. polyporina [J]. Field Mycol, 8(4): 127-133.

    • SETLIFF EC, 1982. Tremella polyporina from New York State [J]. Can J Bot, 60(6): 1028-1029. STAMATAKIS A, 2014. RAxML version 8: a tool for phylogenetic analysis and post-analysis of large phylogenies [J]. Bioinformatics, 30(9): 1312-1313.

    • WANG Y, FAN YG, TULIGUER, 2010. Checklist of macrofungi collected from different forests in Changbai Mountain(Ⅲ): Coniferous forest [J]. J Fungal Res, 8(4): 200-210. [王耀, 范宇光, 图力古尔, 2010. 长白山不同植被带大型真菌多样性调查名录Ⅲ针叶林带 [J]. 菌物研究, 8(4): 200-210. ]

    • WHITE TJ, BRUNS T, LEE S, et al. , 1990. PCR: protocols: a guide to methods and applications. Amplification and direct sequencing of fungal ribosomal RNA genes for phylogenetics [M]. San Diego: Academic Press: 315-322.

    • WU G, LI YC, ZHU XT, et al. , 2016. One hundred noteworthy boletes from China [J]. Fungal Divers, 81(1): 25-188.