Page 92 - 《广西植物》2020年第1期
P. 92
8 8 广 西 植 物 40 卷
1. 早期的花药原基ꎬ表皮下的一层孢原细胞充当了初生周缘细胞的功能ꎬ平周分裂形成内外两层的次生周缘细胞(箭头所示)ꎻ
2. 外次生周缘壁细胞直接发育为第一层药室内壁ꎬ内次生周缘比细胞经过 1 ~ 2 次平周分裂形成了 3 层药室内壁和继续分裂形
成中层和绒毡层的子细胞(箭头所示)ꎻ 3ꎬ 4. 发育完全的花药壁 (药室内壁有 3 ~ 4 层)ꎻ 5. 4 中方框部分放大:示绒毡层细胞
为双核 (箭头)ꎻ 6-9. 小孢子母细胞减数分裂阶段ꎬ中层和绒毡层逐渐被吸收降解ꎬ药室内壁发生不均匀的纤维性加厚ꎬ表皮细
胞逐渐退化ꎻ 10ꎬ 11. 小孢子发生阶段ꎬ药室内壁逐层降解ꎻ 12. 2-细胞花粉时期ꎬ花药壁仅剩药室内壁ꎬ出现断裂ꎬ准备散粉ꎮ
en. 药室内壁ꎻ ep. 表皮ꎻ isp. 内次生周缘壁细胞ꎻ ml. 中层ꎻ osp. 外次生周缘壁细胞ꎻ ta. 绒毡层ꎮ
1. A hypodermal archesporial cell functioned as primary parietal cellꎬdividing into the outer and inner secondary parietal cellsꎻ 2. Outer one di ̄
rectly functioned as the first layer of endotheciumꎬ while the inner one produced other 2-3 endothecia and a middle layer and a tapetum (ar ̄
row)ꎻ 3ꎬ 4. A complete anther wall consisted of epidermisꎬ 3-4 endothecialꎬ a middle layerꎬ and a tapetumꎻ 5. Enlargement of a box part in 4ꎬ
noting the 2 ̄nucleated tapetum (arrows)ꎻ 6-9. During the meiosis of microspore mother cellsꎬ epidermisꎬ the middle layersꎬ and tapetum be ̄
came degenerated while 3 endothecial became fibrous thickenedꎻ 10ꎬ 11. Epidermal cells become flat and elongatedꎬ while endothecia became
degraded graduallyꎻ 12. At 2-celled pollen stageꎬ the anther wall continued degraded and split. en. Endotheciumꎻ ep. Epidermisꎻ isp. Inner
secondary parietal cellꎻ ml. Middle layerꎻ osp. Outer secondary parietal cellꎻ ta. Tapetum.
图版 Ⅲ 竹叶兰的花药壁发育
Plate Ⅲ Anther wall development in Arundina graminifolia