Page 22 - 《广西植物》2020年第10期
P. 22
10 期 蔡磊等: 苦苣苔科植物 Lysionotus bijantiae 的名实订正 1 4 0 5
A. Plants with flowers and young fruitsꎻ B. Plants with fruitsꎻ C. Adaxial leaf surfacesꎻ D. Abaxial leaf surfacesꎻ E. Calyxꎻ F. Corolla mouthꎻ
G. Opened corolla showing stamens and staminodeꎻ H. Pistil with calyxꎻ I-K. Seeds. Scale bars: Aꎬ Cꎬ D = 5 cmꎻ B = 10 cmꎻ E = 5 mmꎻ
Fꎬ Gꎬ H = 1 cmꎻ Iꎬ Jꎬ K = 100 μm.
Fig. 1 Henckelia oblongifolia
Silva 802 ( K). BHUTAN. Near Zimgangꎬ shongar 11044 ( P )ꎻ Assamꎬ Haflongꎬ 2 500 mꎬ August
Chu nr Mongarꎬ 1 475 mꎬ 15 June 1979ꎬ A. J. C. 1908ꎬ William G Craib 192 ( E)ꎻ Assamꎬ Master
Grierson & D. G. Long 1964 ( E). INDIA. Assamꎬ ( P)ꎻ Niwoa to Wawaꎬ 1 441 mꎬ 2 September 1958ꎬ
Dehhoꎬ 700 ft. ( ca. 213 m )ꎬ 29 March 1895ꎬ G. Panigrahi 15046 (E)ꎻ 5 000 ft. (ca. 1 524 m)ꎬ