Page 160 - 《广西植物》2022年第10期
P. 160
1 7 7 8 广 西 植 物 42 卷
25-37 mm longꎬ 12-16 mm wide when freshꎬ 24-34 [barcodeꎬ HITBC0040545!])ꎻ 780 - 800 mꎬ 2 June
mm longꎬ 9 - 12 mm wide when dryꎬ ovate to ovate ̄ 1974ꎬ Li Yanhui(李延辉)11873 (specimen No. 001926
lanceolateꎬ puberulent abaxially and adaxiallyꎬ often [barcodeꎬ HITBC0040546!]ꎬ Plate Ⅲ: C1)ꎻ Banlao
yellowish ̄greenꎬ grey white when mature. Inner petals Township(班老乡)ꎬ Shangbanlao(上班老)900 mꎬ 21
3ꎬ shortly clawed and free in lower partꎬ cohering and May 1975ꎬ Li Yanhui ( 李 延 辉) 20975 ( specimen
forming an ovate ̄attenuate to ovate ̄acuminate cone at No. 001922 [ barcodeꎬ HITBC0040548!])ꎻ Yingjiang
apexꎬ 13-15 mm longꎬ 5-6 mm wide when freshꎬ 12- County(盈江县)ꎬ Longmen(陇门)ꎬ voucher from a
14 mm longꎬ 4-5 mm wide when dryꎬ ovate ̄lanceolate cultivated plant at the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical
to oblong ̄lanceolateꎬ puberulous abaxially and Gardenꎬ 21 April 2021ꎬ Xiao Wenqiang ( 肖 文 强)ꎬ
adaxiallyꎬ densely in upper partꎬ greenish yellowꎬ base C400663 ( HITBC0031632!)ꎻ 6 May 2019ꎬ Sheng
obtuse to a 2 - 3 mm clawꎬ apex attenuate to Caiyu(盛才余)ꎬ C400846 (HITBC0031129!)ꎻ 26 May
acuminate. Stamens ca. 100 per flowerꎬ 2.5 mm longꎻ 2020ꎬ Yang Bin(杨斌) & Xiao Chunfen(肖春芬)ꎬ
connectives slightly apiculateꎬ sometimes hemispherical XTBG0128 (HITBC).
when dryꎬ yellowish brown pubescent. Carpels 20 - 30 Notes: Goniothalamus lii X. L. Hou & Y. M. Shui
per flowerꎬ ovary ca. 2 mm longꎬ greenish ̄yellowꎬ white was characterized by its oblong or oblong ̄lanceolate leaf
pubescentꎻ stigma and style 2 - 3 mm long. Immature blades with (10-)13-21 pairs of lateral veinsꎬ pedicels
fruits greenꎬ mature fruits deep blackish blueꎻ fruiting 9-13 mm longꎬ sepals ca. 5 × 4 mmꎬ outer petals 2.5 ×
pedicels 1.2-1.5(-4.8) cm long. Monocarps 4-25ꎬ 1- 1.3 cmꎬ the stamens with hemispherical connectivesꎬ
2 seeded per monocarpꎬ fresh monocarps 17 - 25 mm sometimes with densely brownish puberulent ( Hou &
longꎬ 8-9 mm wideꎬ ellipsoid to ellipsoid ̄oblongꎬ base Shuiꎬ 2003)ꎬ all these characters are consistent with
roundedꎬ apex rounded with a small tipꎬ sub ̄glabrous to G. peduncularis. Moreoverꎬ examination of relevant type
sparsely puberulentꎬ pericarp ca. 1 mm thick when materials of G. lii and observations on living plants of
freshꎬ stipes 5 - 12 mm long. Seeds 10 - 13 mm longꎬ G. peduncularis introduced from Yingjiang County show
6.5-8 mm wideꎬ ellipsoidꎬ testa with white puberulous that both species share the liner style and ellipsoid
hairs outsideꎬ yellowish brown when immatureꎬ monocarps. Thereforeꎬ G. lii is considered as conspecific
endosperm ruminations lamellate. with G. peduncularisꎬ and we propose it as a synonym
Distribution: China ( Yunnan: Yingjiangꎬ with the latter in this study. In Flora of Chinaꎬ Li &
Cangyuanꎬ Menghai) (new record)ꎻ Myanmar (Kress Gilbert (2011) synonymized G. lii with G. yunnanenis
et al.ꎬ 2003ꎻ Turnerꎬ 2015ꎬ 2018). W. T. Wang ( Plate Ⅲ: D) ( Wu & Wangꎬ 1957)
Additional specimens examined: China ( 中 without further explanation. We don not agree with that
国). Yunnan ( 云 南): Yingjiang County ( 盈 江 县)ꎬ treatmentꎬ however. As Hou & Shui (2003) mentioned
Xima Township(昔马乡)ꎬ Nabangba(那邦坝)ꎬ 300 in the protologue of G. liiꎬ it is morphologically similar
mꎬ 10 December 1978ꎬ Tao Guoda ( 陶 国 达) 17895 to G. yunnanenisꎬ but clearly differs by having 10-21
(specimen No. 002077 [barcodeꎬ HITBC0040544!])ꎻ (vs. 7-9) pairs of lateral veins and pedicels 9-13 mm
Menghai County(勐海县)ꎬ Mengman Town(勐满镇)ꎬ ( vs. ca. 4 mm ) long. Moreoverꎬ based on our
995 mꎬ 22°9′25.23″ Nꎬ 100°5′34.29″ Eꎬ 28 June 2021ꎬ observations of living plantsꎬ the distinction between
Zhou Shishun(周仕顺)19431 (HITBC)ꎻ 909 mꎬ 22° these two species is obvious on many other
10′50. 79″ Nꎬ 100° 4′32. 98″ Eꎬ 29 June 2021ꎬ Zhou characters. G. lii ( here as G. peduncularis) has grey
Shishun(周仕顺) 19474 (HITBC)ꎻ Cangyuan County white outer petals when mature (Plate Ⅱ: d3)ꎬ styles
( 沧 源 县 )ꎬ Banhong Township ( 班 洪 乡 )ꎬ linear (PlateⅡ: d7)ꎬ monocarp stipes 5-12 mm long
Fabaomangkuhe(法保芒库河)700 mꎬ 30 May 1974ꎬ Li (Plate Ⅱ: Eꎬ Fꎬ G)ꎬ and monocarps deep blackish
Yanhui ( 李 延 辉 ) 11770 ( specimen No. 001923 blue when mature (PlateⅡ: F)ꎻ whereas G. yunnanenis
[ barcodeꎬ HITBC0040547!]ꎬ specimen No. 001925 has redidish brown outer petals when matureꎬ styles