Page 37 - 《广西植物》2023年第10期
P. 37

10 期                       陈乐雯等: 中国星文衣属地衣型真菌的分类研究                                         1 7 9 1

                   conpsoromic acid   Sa. heterospora
                  4a. Ascospores 4-6 ̄locular   5
                  4b. Ascospores 6-8 ̄locularꎬ ascocarps often branchedꎬ disc openꎬ exciple weakly basally carbonizedꎬ ascospores (20-30)
                     μm × (5-8) μmꎬ presence of stictic acid   S. dendroides
                    5a. Exciple completely carbonized   6
                    5b. Excipleuncarbonized   8
                      6a. Lichen acids presentꎬ ascocarps ovalꎬ intensiveꎬ disc weaklyopenꎬ ascospores 4-6 ̄locularꎬ (14-22.5) μm × (5-
                         7) μmꎻ mainly presence of stictic acid and cryptostictic acid   S. labyrinthica
                      6b. Lichen acids absent   7
                        7a. Ascospores 4-6 ̄locularꎬ (18-20) μm × (6-7.5) μmꎻ carbonisation of the exciple spreading to the adjacent
                          parts of the stroma    S. medusulina
                        7b. Ascospores 4 ̄locularꎬ (15-18) μm × (6-8) μmꎻ only exciples of the ascocarps carbonisedꎬ and adjacent parts
                          of the stroma uncarbonized   S. tricosa
                          8a. Lichen acids absentꎬ ascospores 4 ̄locularꎬ (15-16) μm × (5.5-6.5) μm  
                                S. melanocarpa
                          8b. Lichen acids present   9
                            9a. Presence of norstictic acidꎬ ascospores 4-6 ̄locularꎬ (15-20) μm × (5-7) μm
                                 S. intricans
                            9b. Presence of stictic acidꎬ ascospores 4-6 ̄locularꎬ (19-25.5) μm × (6-7) μm
                                S. flavescens
                [note: Sa. = Sarcographina]

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                                                                 衣一新记录种 [J/ OL]. 热带亚热带植物学报. https:/ /
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