Page 131 - 广西植物2024年1期
P. 131
1 期 余道平等: 峨眉拟单性木兰雄性不育的细胞形态学及生理生化特性研究 1 2 7
( 1. Sichuan Provincial Institute of Natural Resource Scienceꎬ Chengdu 610041ꎬ Chinaꎻ 2. Emeishan Botanical Gardenꎬ Emeishan 614200ꎬ
Sichuanꎬ Chinaꎻ 3. Wild Plants Sharing and Service Platform of Sichuan Provinceꎬ Chengdu 610041ꎬ Chinaꎻ 4. Emeishan
Biodiversity Observation and Research Station of Sichuan Provinceꎬ Emeishan 614200ꎬ Sichuanꎬ China )
Abstract: Parakmeria omeiensis an evergreen tree belonged to Parakmeria of Magnoliaceaeꎬ is listed as a critically
endangered plant under the first ̄grade State protection. Aimed to clarify the abortion period of male sterility in bisexual
flowers of P. omeiensis and its physiological and biochemical characteristicsꎬ sterile stamens of bisexual flower and fertile
stamens of male flower were test materialsꎬ the anther development was observed by paraffin sectionꎬ the contents of soluble
sugarꎬ soluble proteinꎬ proline were determinedꎬ and catalase (CAT) and peroxidase (POD) activities were analyzed. The
results were as follows: (1) Significant difference were detected in meiosis stage in anther development between sterile
stamens and fertile stamensꎬ the tapetum layer of sterile stamens was dense and undevelopedꎬ the microspore mother cells
didn’t develop into the tetrad and subsequently disintegratedꎬ so the pollen sac was empty. The tapetum layer and the
microspore mother cells of fertile stamens developed normallyꎬ most pollen sac were broken and pollen grain were
export. (2)The contents of soluble sugarꎬ soluble proteinꎬ proline of sterile stamens were significantly lower than fertile
stamens during the stages of meiosisꎬ microspore monuclear and pollen mature. (3) POD activity of sterile stamens
increased overall and was significantly higher than fertile stamens during the stages of meiosisꎬ microspore monuclear and
pollen mature. CAT activity of sterile stamens decreased as a whole and was significantly lower than fertile stamens in the
same stage. We conclude that the microspore abortion occurs at the stage of meiosisꎬ the decrease in metabolism of material
and energy causes the abortion of male in bisexual flowersꎬ the tapetum layer don’t develop further and it doesn’t provide
nutrients to the microspore mother cells. CAT and POD activities are abnormal which results in the failure of timely
scavenging free radicals in cellsꎬ and meiosis of microspore mother cells is blockedꎬ so tetrads fail to be formed.
Key words: Parakmeria omeiensisꎬ male sterilityꎬ anther developmentꎬ physiological and biochemical
characteristicsꎬ cytomorphology
植物雄性不 育 ( male sterilityꎬMS) 是 指 植 物 氨酸等物质含量的研究表明ꎬ在不育株材料花器
体不能产生正常有功能的花粉、花药或雄配子的 官中ꎬ出现物质代谢水平降低、脯氨酸亏损现象
遗传现象( 范彦君等ꎬ2016) ꎮ 国内外研究者分别 ( 盛云燕等ꎬ2016ꎻ陈伟等ꎬ2017ꎻ王莹等ꎬ2018) ꎮ
从细胞发育、生理生化特性和分子生物学等领域 小麦( Triticum aestivum) 和 大 豆 ( Glycine max) 等
对植物雄性不育材料进行了大量研究ꎬ并在禾本 不育材料花器官中过氧化氢酶 ( catalaseꎬ CAT)
科( 沈亚琦等ꎬ2022) 、茄科( 吕晓菡等ꎬ2015ꎻ雷 和超氧 化 物 歧 化 酶 ( superoxide dismutaseꎬ SOD)
刚等ꎬ2022) 和十字花科( 唐鑫等ꎬ2021) 等多种 活 性 多 数 低 于 可 育 材 料ꎬ 而 过 氧 化 物 酶
作物上取得了一系列新进展ꎬ阐明了这些农作物 ( peroxidaseꎬ POD) 活性高于或低于可育材料ꎬ差
雄性不育发生败育的时期、细胞学特征及其基因 异较大( 刘子涵等ꎬ2017ꎻ 杨龙树等ꎬ2017) ꎮ
对雄性不育的调控作用ꎮ 但是ꎬ对木本植物的研 峨眉拟单性木兰( Parakmeria omeiensis) 为木
究相对较少ꎬ并且局限在细胞形态学和生理生化 兰科(Magnoliaceae)拟单性木兰属的常绿乔木ꎬ成
等初步 研 究 上 ( 张 博 等ꎬ2015ꎻ 刘 望 舒 等ꎬ2019ꎻ 树高为 20 ~ 25 mꎮ 为峨眉山特有种ꎬ分布于海拔
周洋等ꎬ2020) ꎮ 目前ꎬ有关木兰科植物的生殖发 1 100 ~ 1 500 m 的常绿阔叶林中ꎬ个体数量不到
育研究以观察大小孢子和雌雄配子体发育的细 100 株ꎬ被列为国家一级重点保护野生植物( 国家
胞形态为主ꎬ探索了小孢子败育发生的时期和细 林草局 农业农村部ꎬ2021)ꎬ被世界自然保护联盟
胞学 特 征 ( 谭 金 桂 等ꎬ 2007ꎻ 王 亚 玲 和 张 寿 洲ꎬ (IUCN) 红 色 名 录 列 为 极 度 濒 危 物 种 ( IUCNꎬ
2008ꎻ赵兴 峰 等ꎬ2008ꎻ 张 凤 娟 等ꎬ2008ꎻ 潘 丽 琴 2022)ꎬ是我国亟待拯救保护的 120 种极小种群野
等ꎬ 2021 ) ꎮ 对 甜 瓜 ( Cucumis melo ) 、 高 羊 茅 生植物之一( 国家林业局ꎬ2012 年)ꎮ 峨眉拟单性
( Festuca arundinacea ) 和 紫 花 苜 蓿 ( Medicago 木兰为雄花两性花异株( 胡先骕和郑万钧ꎬ1951ꎻ
sativa) 等雄性不育材料的可溶性糖、蛋白质和脯 刘玉壶等ꎬ1995)ꎬ是木兰科植物中两性花向单性