Page 112 - 《广西植物》2024年第2期
P. 112

3 1 4                                  广  西  植  物                                         44 卷
                 Abstract: To clarify the chemical constituents of the traditional Chinese medicine Aloe made from Aloe barbadensisꎬ
                 i.e.ꎬ the concentrated dry matter of the juice of the leaves of A. barbadensisꎬ a systematic qualitative analysis of them was
                 conducted using the technique of HPLC ̄DAD ̄ESI ̄IT ̄TOF ̄MS in conjunction with the comparison of reference
                 compounds and literature search. The gradient elution was performed with water (A)-acetonitrile (B) as mobile phase
                 at a flow rate of 1. 0 mLmin . The liquid chromatography ̄mass spectrometry data were acquired under alternate
                 negative ion and positive ion detection mode using an ESI ion source. The structure elucidation of the chemical
                 constituents was mainly based on negative ion mass spectrometry data. The results were as follows: (1) For the first
                 timeꎬ the fragmentation pathways of anthraquinones ( aloe ̄emodinꎬ physcionꎬ and emodin ̄8 ̄O ̄β ̄D ̄glucoside )ꎬ
                 anthrones ( aloin Aꎬ aloinoside A)ꎬ chromones ( aloeresin Dꎬ 7 ̄O ̄methylaloeresin Aꎬ altechromone Aꎬ aloesinꎬ
                 aloeresin Gꎬ and aloeresin C)ꎬ and α ̄pyranones ( aloenin Aꎬ aloenin B) in Aloe made from A. barbadensis were
                 clarified. The fragmentation pathway of anthraquinones was dominated by loss of CO and COꎬ and that of anthrones was
                 dominated by cleavage of hexosides and loss of CO. The fragmentation pathways of chromones was dominated by cleavage
                 of hexosides and hydrolysis of the ester groupꎬ and that of α ̄pyranones was dominated by cleavage of hexosides and loss
                 of CO and H O. (2) A total of 168 chemical constituents of Aloe made from A. barbadensis were detectedꎬ and 78 of
                     2     2
                 them were identified on the basis of reference compound comparisonꎬ literature retrievalꎬ and chemical database (such
                 as SciFinder) searching. The 78 compounds included 3 anthraquinonesꎬ 29 anthronesꎬ 35 chromonesꎬ 7 α ̄pyranones and
                 4 other constituents. Twenty ̄three of 78 compounds were discovered in the leaves of A. barbadensis for the first
                 time. Fourteen of 23 were newly discovered compoundsꎬ including aloinoside Dꎬ isoeleutherinꎬ and ethylidene ̄aloeninꎬ
                 possessed antibacterialꎬ anti ̄inflammatoryꎬ or free radical scavenging activities. The results of this study further enrich
                 the information on the chemical constituents of the traditional Chinese medicine Aloe made from A. barbadensisꎬ and lay
                 a foundation for the study of the therapeutic material basis and quality control methods of Aloe.
                 Key words: Aloeꎬ HPLC ̄DAD ̄ESI ̄IT ̄TOF ̄MS ꎬ anthraquinoneꎬ anthroneꎬ chromoneꎬ chemical constituentsꎬ
                 fragmentation pathways

                据«中华人民共和国药典» ( 一部ꎬ2020 年版ꎬ                     2013ꎻZhong et al.ꎬ 2013)ꎮ 蒽醌类化合物为芦荟
            以下简称«中国药典»)记载ꎬ中药芦荟为百合科植                            的主要活性成分( 陈彤彤等ꎬ2022)ꎮ 如芦荟大黄
            物 库 拉 索 芦 荟 ( Aloe barbadensis)、 好 望 角 芦 荟         素具有较强的抗肿瘤、心血管保护、抗病毒等活性
            (A. ferox)或其他同属近缘植物叶的汁液浓缩干燥                        (李牧和杜智敏ꎬ2015)ꎻ芦荟苷具有抑菌和抗炎的
            物ꎮ 其具有泻 下 通 便、清 肝 泻 火、杀 虫 疗 疳 的 功                  作用(王晔等ꎬ2018)等ꎮ 如上所述ꎬ对中药库拉索
            效ꎬ可用于治疗热结便秘、惊痫抽搐等ꎮ 芦荟具有                            芦荟及其主要活性成分的药理活性研究较为深
            抗炎、抗菌、抗过敏、免疫调节等多种药理活性( 樊                           入ꎬ其已知的化学成分已有 77 种( Kahramanogˇ lu et
            娇娇ꎬ2018)ꎮ 现代药理学研究表明ꎬ芦荟提取物                          al.ꎬ 2019)ꎬ但这些化学成分是对中药库拉索芦荟
            对三硝基苯磺酸( TNBS) 诱导的大鼠结肠炎有治                          众多的天然药物化学研究结果的汇总ꎬ而对一份
            疗作用(Naini et al.ꎬ 2021)ꎬ芦荟植物中的有效成                  中药库拉索芦荟样品究竟可以检测到多少种化学
            分具有 促 进 伤 口 愈 合 的 作 用 ( Sahuꎬ 2013)ꎮ 目             成分及其主要化学成分的液质裂解规律尚未见有
            前ꎬ在库拉索芦荟植物中ꎬ已报道有化学成分 110                           系 统 的 研 究ꎮ 在 以 往 研 究 中 ( 吴 小 芳 等ꎬ2014ꎻ
            种(Kahramanogˇ lu et al.ꎬ 2019)ꎬ这 110 种化学成分         Nazeam et al.ꎬ 2017ꎻBendjedid et al.ꎬ 2021ꎻ陈彤彤
            均在 A. barbadensis(A. vera) 中被发现ꎬ其中 77 种            等ꎬ2022)ꎬ在一次分析中同时可鉴定出的芦荟化

            成分是从叶子( 或叶汁或叶提取物) 中发现的ꎬ1                           学成分不超过 40 种ꎮ 此外ꎬ液相色谱-二极管阵
            种成分的提取部位未见详细报道ꎬ32 种是从其他                            列检测器-电喷雾离子化-离子阱-飞行时间 -多
            部位(花、根、叶皮等) 发现的ꎬ即在中药库拉索芦                           级质谱( HPLC ̄DAD ̄ESI ̄IT ̄TOF ̄MS ) 技术具有高
            荟中已报道了 77 种化学成分ꎮ 根据文献报道ꎬ中                          灵敏度、高分辨率、高质量精度和宽质量范围的特
            药芦荟中的化学成分主要包括蒽醌、蒽酮、多糖、                             点ꎬ其被认为是一种理想的结构鉴定工具( 王炳然
            黄酮、 色 酮、 有 机 酸 和 甾 体 等 ( Palermo et al.ꎬ           等ꎬ2023)ꎮ 因此ꎬ本研究采用该技术快速检测和
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