Page 144 - 《广西植物》2024年第2期
P. 144
3 4 6 广 西 植 物 44 卷
Abstract: In order to identify the pathogens that caused tuber rot in Bletilla striata and study the inhibiting effects of
herbal extracts on pathogensꎬ the pathogens that caused tuber rot of B. striata were isolated using usual tissue isolation
the strains were identified by morphological and molecular biological techniquesꎬ and inhibiting effects of seven
traditional Chinese medicine extracts on pathogen were observed. The results were as follows:(1) A total of fourteen
fungi and four bacteria were isolated from diseased leavesꎬ leaf sheaths and tubers. But only strain GF ̄1 caused diseaseꎬ
whose symptoms consistent with those in the field. The incidences of GF ̄1 disease reinoculated in the field and laboratory
were both 100%. (2)GF ̄1 was identified as a member of Epicoccumꎬ and its colonial morphology was a circular formꎬ
with white myceliumꎬ prostrate on the mediumꎬ aerialꎬ diaphragms and branches. There were conidia and
chlamydospores. (3)At lastꎬ the sequence of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of GF ̄1 were analyzedꎬ the length
was 522 bp. The sequence was compared with other species in the GenBank and reached 99.62% similarity to Epicoccum
sorghinum ( MN493119. 1) isolated form Sorghumꎬ which was closer than othersꎬ including Epicoccum sorghinum
(MF948994.1) isolated form leaves of Bletilla striata. (4) GF ̄1 could be fully inhibited when the medium contained
0.1-0.2 gmL extracts that extracted from seven traditional Chinese medicinesꎬ respectively. It also could be fully
inhibited by 0.05 gmL of Cinnamomum cassia or Syringa oblate. In summaryꎬ the pathogen that caused tuber rot in
Bletilla striata was identified as Epicoccum sorghinum. And GF ̄1 could be fully inhibited cultivated on the medium which
contained 0.1-0.2 gmL herbal extractsꎬ e.g.: Cinnamomum cassiaꎬ Syringa oblateꎬ Cyclocarya paliurusꎬ Bletilla
striataꎬ Houpoea officinalisꎬ Illicium verum or Cnidium monnieri. The results provide theoretical references for the control
of tuber rot of Bletilla striata.
Key words: Bletilla striataꎬ tuber rotꎬ pathogen isolation and identificationꎬ Epicoccum sorghinumꎬ Chinese
herbal extracts
白及( Bletilla striata) 为兰科( Orchidaceae) 白 鞘早期表现为褐色干枯状长条形病斑ꎬ边缘黄色
及属( Bletilla) 多 年 生 草 本 植 物ꎬ别 名 白 芨、连 及 晕染状ꎬ后期则干枯至死ꎬ病株易连根茎从土中拔
草、利知子、甘根等ꎮ 白及属植物全球有 6 种ꎬ均 出ꎬ发病块茎呈木质化纤维ꎮ 整体发病率在 15%
分布在亚洲ꎬ其中中国有 4 种ꎬ分别为白及、小白 左右ꎬ危害较大ꎬ一旦受害就会严重影响药材的品
及、华白及、黄花白及( 中国植物志ꎬ1999)ꎮ 白及 质和产量ꎮ 该病害易与叶斑病混淆( Zhou et al.ꎬ
具有止血补肺、生肌止痛之功效ꎬ用于防治咯血、 2018)ꎮ 目前ꎬ虽然研究报道表明引起白及根腐病
吐血、慢性胃溃疡及肿瘤、外伤出血、疮疡肿毒、皮 的 病 原 菌 主 要 是 尖 孢 镰 刀 菌 ( Fusarium
肤皲裂等症(中华人民共和国药典ꎬ2020)ꎻ此外ꎬ oxysporum)和腐皮镰刀菌( F. solani) ( 孙乐乐等ꎬ
白及叶态优美、花大色艳、花期长ꎬ可在园林景观 2013ꎻ宋莉莎ꎬ2019)ꎬ但这些研究并未报道引起根
中用于布置花坛、花境或花海( 石晶ꎬ2010ꎻ朱娇 腐病的地上部症状的病原菌ꎮ 鉴于以上情况ꎬ在
等ꎬ2020)ꎮ 此外ꎬ白及还可用于制作粘合剂、浆丝 广西地区引起白及根腐病的病原菌是否与叶斑病
绸、面 膜 或 涂 料 以 及 酿 酒 等 ( 刘 光 斌 等ꎬ 2005ꎻ 致病菌一致或者与根腐病致病菌一致目前尚不清
Gouvg et al.ꎬ 2009)ꎮ 因此ꎬ白及是一种兼具药用、 楚ꎮ 中药材提取物具有低污染、低毒、低残留的特
观赏和工业价值的多用途植物ꎮ 点ꎬ广泛用于中药材病害防治ꎬ如厚朴和蛇床子提
近年来ꎬ随着市场需求量的逐年上升ꎬ种植规 取液分别对黄芪和五味子根腐病具有很好的防治
模不断扩大ꎬ各类病害频繁爆发ꎬ如叶斑病( 柯尚 效果(刘莹等ꎬ2009ꎻ马伟等ꎬ2010)ꎮ 然而ꎬ这些中
艳等ꎬ2018ꎻZhou et al.ꎬ 2018)、叶褐斑病和锈病等 药材提取物对白及病害的防治效果还需要验证ꎮ
(宋莉莎ꎬ2019)ꎬ严重影响了白及的产量和质量以 本文以白及根腐病为研究对象ꎬ采用常规组织分
及观赏价值ꎮ 根腐病是白及的常见病害之一ꎬ大 离法分离不同组织部位的病原菌ꎬ通过形态学且
多发生在 6—8 月ꎬ地下块茎出现褐色病斑ꎬ内部 结合分子生物学技术鉴定病原菌ꎬ并采用菌丝生
呈黑褐色软腐状ꎬ并伴有腥臭味ꎬ整个根部维管束 长速率法测定中药材提取液对病原菌的抑制效
被破坏ꎬ失去输水能力ꎻ地上茎秆、叶片基部和叶 果ꎬ以期明确鉴定广西地区根腐病的病原菌ꎬ并筛