Page 14 - 《广西植物》2020年第2期
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                 Guihaia  Feb. 2020ꎬ 40(2): 151-158

   DOI: 10.11931/ guihaia.gxzw201905005
   庄静静ꎬ 王晓冰ꎬ 郭晖. 单种及混合种植对花叶芦竹铅积累量的影响 [J]. 广西植物ꎬ 2020ꎬ 40(2): 151-158.
   ZHUANG JJꎬ WANG XBꎬ GUO Hꎬ et al. Effects of independent planting and mixed planting of Arundo donax on lead accumulation [ J].
   Guihaiaꎬ 2020ꎬ 40(2): 151-158.


                                   庄静静ꎬ 王晓冰ꎬ 郭  晖                 ∗

                                ( 新乡学院 生命科学技术学院ꎬ 河南 新乡 453003 )

       摘  要: 该研究采用盆栽试验法ꎬ选取石菖蒲、水生鸢尾、美人蕉、花叶芦竹为试验材料ꎬ将石菖蒲、水生鸢
       量的影响ꎮ 结果表明:(1)在不同浓度铅污染处理下ꎬ与花叶芦竹单种相比ꎬ混种模式增加了花叶芦竹的根
       冠比ꎬ且随着铅污染浓度的增加ꎬ表现出先上升后下降的趋势ꎮ (2)在单种和混种模式下花叶芦竹体内和土
       式ꎬ且与单种模式之间的差异性显著(P<0.05)ꎮ (3) 在高浓度铅污染处理下ꎬ单种和混种模式的花叶芦竹
       铅转运系数均大于 1ꎬ而富集系数则表现为在低浓度和高浓度铅污染处理下均大于 1ꎻ在美人蕉+花叶芦竹
       的混种模式中ꎬ花叶芦竹的地上部分和地下部分的铅富集系数达到最大ꎮ 因此ꎬ我们认为美人蕉+花叶芦竹
       关键词: 重金属污染ꎬ 植物修复ꎬ 转运系数ꎬ 富集系数ꎬ 种植模式

       中图分类号: Q945.78    文献标识码: A
       文章编号: 1000 ̄3142(2020)02 ̄0151 ̄08                  开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID):

         Effects of independent planting and mixed planting

                   of Arundo donax on lead accumulation

                         ZHUANG Jingjingꎬ WANG Xiaobingꎬ GUO Hui
                   ( College of Life Science and Technologyꎬ Xinxiang Universityꎬ Xinxiang 453003ꎬ Henanꎬ China )

       Abstract: We studied the effects of mixed planting pattern on the biomassꎬ root ̄shoot ratio and lead accumulation of Arun ̄
       do donaxꎬ through potting experiment in outdoorꎬ by selecting Acorus tatarinowiiꎬ Iris tectorumꎬ Canna indica and Arundo
       donax as experimental materials. The mixed patterns were formed by Acorus tatarinowii + Arundo donaxꎬ Iris tectorum +
       Arundo donaxꎬ Canna indica + Arundo donaxꎬ and Arundo donax was taken as control. The results were as follows: (1)
       Compared with the single patternꎬ mixed planting patterns with three aquatic plants improved the root ̄shoot ratio of A. donax

       under the different concentrations of lead pollution. With the increase of lead pollution concentrationꎬ the root ̄shoot ratio

    收稿日期: 2019-07-04
    基金项目: 河南省科技攻关项目(182102110031)ꎻ 新乡市科技攻关项目(CXGG17016) [Supported by the Key Technology Research
    and Development Program of Henan Province(182102110031)ꎻ Key Technology Research and Development Program of Xinxiang Cityꎬ
    Henan Province (CXGG17016)]ꎮ
    作者简介: 庄静静(1988-)ꎬ女ꎬ河南洛阳人ꎬ博士ꎬ讲师ꎬ主要从事污泥重金属修复和土壤碳循环研究ꎬ( E ̄mail) zhuangjingnd@
    通信作者: 郭晖ꎬ硕士ꎬ副教授ꎬ主要从事植物抗逆性及污泥重金属修复研究ꎬ(E ̄mail)290711657@ qq.comꎮ
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