Page 199 - 《广西植物》2023年第2期
P. 199

2 期                     潘燕林等: 鱼藤属植物优异物种筛选及引种栽培研究                                            3 9 3

                                  表 1  14 种鱼藤属植物在桂林市引种栽培的主要生物学特性
                            Table 1  Main biological characteristics of 14 Derris species cultivated in Guilin
                                Plant introduction location  干根粉鱼藤
                                                            Rotenone  生物学性状               越冬情况
                Species                     市县(标本号)
                name      国家      省 / 区      City / County   content  Biological characteristics  Overwintering condition
                                 Province /                 in dry root
                         Country              (Specimen
                                  Region                      (%)
               白花鱼藤       中国       广西     东兴(YT013)、        0 ~ 0.028  未见开花ꎬ常绿               盖膜ꎬ未冻伤
              D. alborubra  China  Guangxi  南宁(YT020)                 Flowering was not observedꎬ  Covered  with  plastic
                                          Dongxing (YT013)ꎬ           plants were evergreen  filmꎬ not frostbitten
                                          Nanning (YT020)
               黔桂鱼藤       中国       广西     天峨(YT018)、           0      未见开花ꎬ常绿                露天ꎬ嫩叶受冻伤
              D. cavaleriei  China  Guangxi  那坡(YT029)、               Flowering was not observedꎬ  Open airꎬ young leaves
                                          龙州(YT037)                   plants were evergreen  were frostbitten
                                          Tian’e (YT018)ꎬ
                                          Napo (YT029)ꎬ
                                          Longzhou (YT037)
                毛鱼藤       中国       广东     丰顺(YT045)        5.990 ~ 8.090  6 月开花ꎬ1 月初落叶       盖膜ꎬ地上枝 条 50%
               D. elliptica  China  Guangdong  Fengshun (YT045)       Flowering in Juneꎬ leaves drop  冻死ꎬ地下 15%冻死
                                                                      was observed in early January  Covered  with  plastic
                                                                                             filmꎬ 50%  branches
                                                                                             were frozen to deathꎬ
                                                                                             15% roots were frozen
                                                                                             to death
               毛果鱼藤       中国       广西     龙州(YT038)          0.002    6 ~ 10 月开花ꎬ常绿          2021 年春种植ꎬ尚未
              D. eriocarpa  China  Guangxi  Longzhou (YT038)          Flowering from June to Octoberꎬ  越冬
                                                                      plants were evergreen  Planted in spring 2021ꎬ
                                                                                             not yet overwintered
               锈毛鱼藤       中国       广西     靖西(YT031)            0      —                      2021 年春种植ꎬ尚未
              D. ferruginea  China  Guangxi  Jingxi (YT031)                                  越冬
                                                                                             Planted in spring 2021ꎬ
                                                                                             not yet overwintered
               中南鱼藤       中国       广西     桂林(YT002) 、      0.088 ~ 0.220  4 ~ 6 月开花ꎬ常绿       露天ꎬ未冻伤
               D. fordii  China   Guangxi  灵川(YT008)、                 Flowering from April to Juneꎬ  Open airꎬ plants were
                                          临桂(YT050)                   plants were evergreen  not frostbitten
                                          Guilin (YT002)ꎬ
                                          Lingchuan (YT008)ꎬ
                                          Lingui (YT050)
                                   广东     连南(YT001)、
                                 Guangdong  蕉岭(YT044)
                                          Liannan (YT001)ꎬ
                                          Jiaoling (YT044)
                                   贵州     荔波(YT034)
                                  Guizhou  Libo (YT034)
             亮叶中南鱼藤       中国       广西     凌云(YT017)、        0 ~ 0.007  未见开花ꎬ常绿               露天ꎬ嫩叶受冻伤
              D. fordii var.  China  Guangxi  天峨(YT019)、              Flowering was not observedꎬ  Open airꎬ young leaves
                lucida                    大新(YT021)、                  plants were evergreen  were frostbitten
                                          柳州(YT042) 、
                                          Lingyun (YT017)ꎬ
                                          Tian’e (YT019)ꎬ
                                          Daxin (YT021)ꎬ
                                          Jingxi (YT030)ꎬ
                                          Pingxiang (YT033)ꎬ
                                          Longzhou (YT040)ꎬ
                                          Liuzhou (YT042)ꎬ
                                          Napo (YT053)
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