Page 120 - 《广西植物》2023年第6期
P. 120
1 1 0 6 广 西 植 物 43 卷
Abstract: Sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) is an important dioecious tree species of protective plantation with
insufficiently documented on the sexual responses difference to environmental stress as well as the interaction between
sexual competition and heavy metal stress. In order to provide the practical guidance for repairing heavy metal pollution
in soilꎬ the physiological responses and tolerance of male and female sea buckthorn plants under Mn stress and different
sexual competition interaction patterns were discussed. The physiological responses of sea buckthorn under Mn stress
(4 000 mgkg ) and three different sexual combinations (female × femaleꎬ male × maleꎬ female × male) were
determinedꎬ including the contents of chlorophyllꎬ peroxidase (POD)ꎬ superoxide dismutase (SOD)ꎬ malondialdehyde
(MDA)ꎬ total phenols (TP)ꎬ free proline (Pro)ꎬ soluble sugar (SS)ꎬ glycine betaine (GB) and manganese in male
and female leaves. The results were as follows: (1) Under Mn stressꎬ the SOD of male plants (M/ FM) was the highest
in all competition combinationsꎬ while the MDA content was not significantly increased compared with the controlꎬ
indicating that the male plants had better antioxidant capacity and less membrane oxidative damage. ( 2) M/ FM
accumulated more free proline and showed better osmotic adjustment ability under Mn stressꎬ indicating that male plants
under sexual competition showed better tolerance to Mn stress. (3) The study indicated that male ̄female interaction and
Mn stress interaction significantly affected the physiological response characteristics of sea buckthorn leavesꎬ such as
chlorophyll contentꎬ antioxidant enzyme activity and osmotic adjustment. Principal component analysis showed that the
contents of SODꎬ PODꎬ MDAꎬ chlorophyll b (Chlb)ꎬ SS and Pro in leaves could be used as the main physiological
response indicators. The results can be used as a reference for the remediation of soil heavy metal pollution by sea
buckthorn plants.
Key words: soil remediationꎬ Mn stressꎬ sea buckthorn ( Hippophae rhamnoides )ꎬ sexual competitionꎬ
physiological response
由于不合理的矿山开采、冶金以及锰肥等各 等ꎬ2019)ꎻ 廖 阳 等 ( 2015) 研 究 了 油 茶 ( Camellia
种富锰物质的过度使用ꎬ导致高浓度的锰严重污 oleifera)幼苗对锰的生理响应和耐受性ꎬ发现油茶
染土壤ꎮ 因此ꎬ对锰污染土壤进行生态修复已成 会产 生 大 量 的 SOD 和 过 氧 化 物 酶 ( peroxidaseꎬ
为重要课题ꎮ 植物修复是利用具有重金属富集作 POD)等抗氧化酶以抵御植株体内的锰毒ꎮ 这说
用的植物将重金属从土壤转移到植物的根系或者 明锰胁迫下植物产生的抗氧化酶以及分泌的渗透
地上部分的植物体中ꎬ利用植物的根系吸收、钝化 调节物质将影响其对锰的耐受性ꎮ
有毒金属ꎬ降低重金属生物有效性ꎬ从而达到固定 最新统计表明ꎬ全世界的雌雄异株植物大约
或者 从 土 壤 中 去 除 重 金 属 的 目 的 ( 张 玉 秀 等ꎬ 有15 600 种ꎬ 隶 属 于 约 175 科 987 属 ( Rennerꎬ
1999ꎻ罗玉虎ꎬ2019)ꎮ 在植物修复技术应用中ꎬ植 2014)ꎬ其中有许多物种是重要的造林和生态防护
物对重金属污染的生理生态响应和富集特性的研 树种ꎮ 前人的研究已发现ꎬ环境胁迫条件下雌雄
究是筛选植物修复物种的基础和关键环节ꎮ 虽然 异株植物表现出明显的性别差异ꎮ 干旱胁迫下黄
锰是植物生长发育必需的微量元素ꎬ对植物的叶 柳(Salix gordejevii) 雌株的抗氧化能力较强ꎬ受到
绿素形成以及酶活性调节等方面具有重要作用 的氧化损伤和膜质过氧化水平较低( 马少薇等ꎬ
(李欣航等ꎬ2020)ꎮ 但是过量的锰会导致植物的 2019)ꎮ Jiang 等(2013)研究发现在锌(Zn) 胁迫下
质膜结构改变ꎬ线粒体损伤ꎬ甚至细胞死亡ꎮ 目前 滇杨(Populus yunnanensis)雄株比雌株具有更有效
关于锰胁迫下植物的生理生化响应已有一些研 的自我保护机制ꎮ 也有研究显示重金属胁迫下雌
究ꎮ 有研究发现马尾松(Pinus massoniana) 可通过 株相比雄株具有更强的耐受性和富集能力ꎬ如白玉
改变气体交换参数、光合色素含量和叶绿素荧光 草(Silene latifolia) 雌株组织中累积了更多的铜ꎬ雌
来维持光合作用ꎬ并通过提高过氧化氢酶、超氧化 株对镉的耐受性也较高(Vilas et al.ꎬ 2016)ꎮ 沙棘
物歧化酶( superoxide dismutaseꎬSOD) 等抗氧化酶 (Hippohgae rhamnoides)是胡颓子科沙棘属落叶性灌
活性和可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白等非酶代谢物含量 木ꎬ具有耐旱、抗逆能力强、适应性广、抗风沙和水
来抵御锰胁迫( Bai et al.ꎬ 2021)ꎻ黄花草( Cleome 土保持能力强等特点(裴斌等ꎬ2013)ꎮ 研究显示在
viscosa)能通过提高脯氨酸、可溶性蛋白和可溶性 NaCl 胁迫下沙棘幼苗的生物量以及单株总叶面积
糖含量缓解较高浓度锰胁迫带来的毒害( 肖泽华 显著下降(秦景等ꎬ2009)ꎬ但未有研究其雌雄植株