Page 87 - 《广西植物》2024年第2期
P. 87

2 期                      魏丽琴等: 三个玫瑰品种花色物质的代谢组学分析                                            2 8 9

                                          表 4  花色表型与关键代谢物的相关性分析
                            Table 4  Correlation analysis between flower color phenotype and key metabolites
                   L ∗  a  ∗  b  ∗  C ∗  h ꎮ  Na   Ap    Vi   Er    Ch   Ci    Pi   My  (-) ̄Ep  Qu  Lu   Ka
              L ∗  1
              a ∗  -0.985    1
              b ∗  -0.073  0.142  1
              C  ∗  -0.988    1.000    0.120  1
              h ꎮ  -0.023  -0.069  -0.985   -0.045  1
              Na   0.288  -0.364  -0.915   -0.345  0.902    1
              Ap   -0.214  0.128  -0.939    0.151  0.971    0.827    1
              Vi   0.132  -0.217  -0.969   -0.195  0.970    0.926    0.927    1
              Er   0.912   -0.884    0.031  -0.891   -0.120  0.284  -0.293  0.003  1
              Ch   0.316  -0.391  -0.910   -0.372  0.895    0.999    0.815    0.922    0.306  1
              Ci   -0.547  0.472  -0.786   0.493  0.840    0.586  0.919    0.749   -0.599  0.564  1
              Pi   -0.912    0.870    0.121  0.874   -0.005  -0.275  0.153  -0.176  -0.798   -0.302  0.450  1
              My   -0.700   0.626  -0.628  0.644  0.708   0.461  0.834    0.607  -0.682   0.436  0.962    0.594  1
             (-) ̄Ep  -0.460  0.379  -0.813    0.400  0.870    0.669   0.957    0.810   -0.505  0.650  0.973    0.353  0.951    1
              Qu   -0.360  0.439  0.928    0.417  -0.902   -0.880   -0.795   -0.934   -0.173  -0.887   -0.564  0.394  -0.365  -0.609  1
              Lu   0.865   -0.812    0.414  -0.826   -0.500  -0.203  -0.649  -0.343  0.803   -0.174  -0.867   -0.777   -0.939   -0.810    0.111  1
              Ka   0.876   -0.835    0.272  -0.846   -0.355  0.031  -0.512  -0.219  0.950    0.051  -0.767   -0.723   -0.827   -0.690   0.057  0.888    1
              注: 部分缩写具体见表 3ꎮ   表示显著相关(P<0.05)ꎻ    表示极显著相关(P<0.01)ꎮ
              Note: See Table 3 for some abbreviations.   represents a significant correlation (P<0.05)ꎻ    represents a extremely significant correlation

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