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Guihaia May 2024ꎬ 44(5): 1003-1006
DOI: 10.11931/ guihaia.gxzw202305043
李孟凯ꎬ 余应鹏ꎬ 王伟ꎬ 等ꎬ 2024. 中国石斛属(兰科)植物新资料 [J]. 广西植物ꎬ 44(5): 1003-1006.
LI MKꎬ YU YPꎬ WANG Wꎬ et al.ꎬ 2024. New records of Dendrobium (Orchidaceae) from China [J]. Guihaiaꎬ 44(5): 1003-1006.
李孟凯 ꎬ 余应鹏 ꎬ 王 伟 ꎬ 邢 震 ꎬ 陈学达 1ꎬ2∗
( 1. 西藏农牧学院 资源与环境学院ꎬ 西藏 林芝 860000ꎻ 2. 西藏农牧学院 兰科植物资源中心ꎬ 西藏 林芝 860000 )
摘 要: 在西藏开展兰科植物资源调查过程中ꎬ发现了 2 种石斛属(金石斛组)物种ꎬ通过文献和标本的查阅
之后ꎬ分别确定为麦氏金石斛(Dendrobium macraei Lindl.) 和西藏金石斛(D. ritaeanum King & Pantl.)ꎬ两者
均为中国首次记录ꎮ 其中ꎬ麦氏金石斛与流苏金石斛(D. plicatile Lindley)近似ꎬ不同之处在于前者唇瓣中裂
片边缘全缘ꎬ中裂片具 2 条纵脊ꎬ并仅延伸至唇瓣中部ꎬ先端凹ꎻ西藏金石斛虽然植株与狭叶金石斛[ D.
angustifolium (Blume) Lindl.]近似ꎬ但该种花很小ꎬ萼片和花瓣不具紫色条纹且唇瓣长达 1.4 cmꎬ侧裂片三
角形ꎬ花期时容易区分ꎮ 同时ꎬ该文还提供了该 2 种石斛属植物详细的形态特征描述以及解剖图版等资料ꎬ
凭证标本保存于西藏农牧学院标本馆ꎮ 该发现丰富了中国兰科植物本底资料以及潜在药用植物资源储备ꎬ
关键词: 石斛属ꎬ 兰科ꎬ 新记录ꎬ 地理分布ꎬ 西藏ꎬ 中国
中图分类号: Q949 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1000 ̄3142(2024)05 ̄1003 ̄04
New records of Dendrobium (Orchidaceae) from China
LI Mengkai ꎬ YU Yingpeng ꎬ WANG Wei ꎬ XING Zhen ꎬ CHEN Xueda 1ꎬ2∗
( 1. Resources & Environment Collegeꎬ Xizang Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Universityꎬ Nyingchi 860000ꎬ Xizangꎬ Chinaꎻ
2. Orchid Conservation Centerꎬ Xizang Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Universityꎬ Nyingchi 860000ꎬ Xizangꎬ China )
Abstract: Dendrobium is the second largest genus of Orchidaceaeꎬ distributed in southern and southwestern China. The
number of Dendrobium is largeꎬ but some taxa have not been discovered. During the investigation of orchid resources in
Xizangꎬ two Dendrobium species were discoveredꎬ which were identified as D. macraei Lindl. and D. ritaeanum King &
Pantl. Both were recorded for the first time in China. The results are as follows: D. macraei is similar to D. plicatileꎬ with
the difference that the edge of the middle lobe of lip is entireꎬ apex concaveꎻ D. ritaeanum is similar to D.
angustifoliumꎬ the flowers of the former are very smallꎬ and sepals and petals do not have purple stripesꎬ and the lip is
triangular up to 1.4 cm in length. The detailed morphological characteristics and photographs of the two species are
provided. The specimens are stored in the Herbarium of Xizang Agricultural and Animal Husbandry University. This
discovery enriches the local data and the potential medicinal plant resource reserve of orchids in Chinaꎬ and is of great
significance to the biodiversity study of orchids and the investigation of medicinal orchid resources.
Key words: Dendrobiumꎬ Orchidaceaeꎬ new recordsꎬ geographical distributionꎬ Xizangꎬ China
收稿日期: 2023-10-22 接受日期: 2023-12-30
基金项目: 西藏农牧学院 2023 年研究生教学改革建设项目ꎻ 西藏现代林业技术支撑体系研究项目 (2018XZ503118002)ꎮ
第一作者: 李孟凯(1997—)ꎬ硕士研究生ꎬ研究方向为兰科植物分类ꎬ (E ̄mail)571778219@ qq.comꎮ
通信作者: 陈学达ꎬ硕士ꎬ助教ꎬ研究方向为植物种质资源及遗传育种ꎬ(E ̄mail)dalacat@ 126.comꎮ