联合国《生物多样性公约》第十五次缔约方大会(以下简称COP15)通过了《昆明-蒙特利尔全球生物多样性框架》(以下简称《昆蒙框架》),包括4个长期目标和23个行动目标(马克平,2023),为全球2030年前应对生物多样性丧失问题明确了目标和路径。近年来,中国实施了一系列生态文明建设的举措,包括国土空间规划、生态保护红线划定和管控、以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系的建设等,率先实现了《昆蒙框架》中关于通过全域空间规划实现生物多样性主流化(行动目标1)、保护30%陆地面积(行动目标3)等重要目标,为国际社会,特别是发展中国家提供了可复制、可推广的样板。尽管如此,还必须认识到,中国生物多样性丧失的态势尚未得到全面扭转,在气候变化背景下存在加剧的趋势。作为COP15的主席国,中国应将推动《昆蒙框架》的实施作为2030年前参与全球环境治理的重要工作内容。在国家水平采取有效的保护举措,并实现对生物多样性有利的变革性转变和高质量发展;在区域水平帮助“一带一路”国家加强生物多样性保护规划和管理的能力,寻求适合不同地区的可持续发展模式;在全球水平坚持“共同但有区别”的原则,推动发达国家和发展中国家的合作,实现公平有效的生物多样性保护和环境治理。所有这些行动都需要有针对性的研究来支持,目前的研究虽然取得了比较大的进展(Mi et al.,2021),但距离保护实践的需求还远远不够。
第二,从多个角度、跨文化视角探讨生物多样性保护,包括国家植物园文化建设(李飞飞等,2023)和华南国家植物园迁地保护进展(谢丹等,2023);我国1 032种国家重点保护野生植物的分布特征、保护现状以及潜在分布区(余江洪等,2023);通过种群遗传多样性分析,并结合种群历史动态分析以及不同气候情景下物种潜在分布区预测,探讨了水角(Hydroceratriflora)的濒危机制(吴欣怡等,2023);合蕊柱和花粉团一直被视为兰科物种多样性演化过程中的关键性状,其形态建成离不开雄蕊发育的多样性(李璐,2023);采取其他有效的基于区域的保护措施(OECMs)是当前国际上广泛关注的就地保护方式,中国的风水林(靳程等,2023)和保护小区(胡仁传等,2023)是有效的案例;展示了青海热贡唐卡的生物文化多样性(林晨等,2023);通过完善法律法规和标准体系,推动野生食用菌资源保护和产业的协同发展(李才慧等,2023)。
第五,国家标本资源共享平台(NSII)的标本数字化信息等对生物多样性研究起到重要的支撑作用,在过去的十年间,有1 070篇文章(其中,期刊论文822篇)使用了NSII数据(金冬梅等,2023)。
HU RC, ZHOU Y, DONG YF, et al. , 2023. A new attempt to conserve biodiversity in China —A case study in Qu’nan Community of Fusui County [J/OL]. Guihaia: 1-14 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230626. 2145. 006. html. [胡仁传, 周迎, 董亦非, 等, 2023. 中国生物多样性保护的新尝试——以社区为主体的渠楠保护小区管理模式研究 [J/OL]. 广西植物: 1-14 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230626. 2145. 006. html. ]
JIN C, YANG YC, ZHOU LH, et al. , 2023. Village Fengshui forests contribute to the biodiversity conservation in mountainous villages: a case study of Pseudolarix amabilis [J/OL]. Guihaia: 1-13 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230721. 1641. 006. html. [靳程, 杨永川, 周礼华, 等, 2023. 村落风水林助力山地乡村生物多样性保护 ——以金钱松为例 [J/OL]. 广西植物: 1-13 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230721. 1641. 006. html. ]
JIN DM, YANG L, XU ZP, et al. , 2023. Analysis of the effectiveness of the National Specimen Information Infrastructure (NSII) in supporting scientific research on biodiversity [J/OL]. Guihaia: 1-18 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. q. 20230803. 0916. 002. html. [金冬梅, 杨灵, 许哲平, 等, 2023. 国家标本资源共享平台(NSII)支撑生物多样性科学研究的成效分析 [J/OL]. 广西植物: 1-18 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. q. 20230803. 0916. 002. html. ]
LI CH, XU S, 2023. Exploring the sustainable development of wild edible fungus industry in Yunnan Province under the background of biodiversity conservation [J/OL]. Guihaia: 1-14 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230512. 0902. 002. html. [李才慧, 徐爽, 2023. 生物多样性保护背景下云南省野生食用菌产业可持续发展探讨 [J/OL]. 广西植物: 1-14 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230512. 0902. 002. html. ]
LI FF, LUO BS, CUI X, et al. , 2023. Plant culture construction and plant diversity protection and management in the China national botanical garden [J/OL]. Guihaia: 1-11 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230711. 1339. 006. html. [李飞飞, 罗斌圣, 崔夏, 等, 2023. 国家植物园植物文化建设与植物多样性保护和管理 [J/OL]. 广西植物: 1-11 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230711. 1339. 006. html. ]
LI L, 2023. Research progress on diversity of androecium development of Orchidaceae [J/OL]. Guihaia: 1-16 [2023-09-06]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230905. 1022. 002. html. [李璐, 2023. 兰科雄蕊发育多样性研究进展 [J/OL]. 广西植物: 1-16 [2023-09-06]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230905. 1022. 002. html. ]
LI S, LIU XJ, MA KP, 2023. Research progress of Biodiversity-Ecosystem Functioning Experiment China Platform (BEF-China) [J/OL]. Guihaia: 1-17 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230711. 1420. 014. html. [李珊, 刘晓娟, 马克平, 2023. 亚热带森林生物多样性与生态系统功能实验研究基地(BEF-China)研究进展 [J/OL]. 广西植物: 1-17 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230711. 1420. 014. html. ]
LIN C, CHENG Z, LONG CL, 2023. Biocultural profiles of Qinghai Regong Thangka [J/OL]. Guihaia: 1-12 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. q. 20230707. 2159. 003. html. [林晨, 程卓, 龙春林, 2023. 青海热贡唐卡的生物文化初探 [J/OL]. 广西植物: 1-12 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. q. 20230707. 2159. 003. html. ]
LUO M, ZHANG LR, YANG CY, et al. , 2023. Utilizing nature-based solutions to promote biodiversity conservation [J/OL]. Guihaia: 1-10 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230506. 1057. 002. html. [罗明, 张丽荣, 杨崇曜, 等, 2023. 利用基于自然的解决方案促进生物多样性保护 [J/OL]. 广西植物: 1-10 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230506. 1057. 002. html. ]
LUO MF, YANG M, MA KP, 2023. Core targets of the Kunming-Montreal Global Framework and recommendations for conservation action in China [J/OL]. Guihaia: 1-7 [2023-09-01]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230901. 0830. 004. html. [罗茂芳, 杨明, 马克平, 2023. 《昆明-蒙特利尔全球生物多样性框架》核心目标与我国的保护行动建议 [J/OL]. 广西植物: 1-7 [2023-09-01]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230901. 0830. 004. html. ]
MA KP, 2023. Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework: An important global agenda for biodiversity conservation[J]. Biodiver Sci, 31(4): 23133. [马克平, 2023. 《昆明-蒙特利尔全球生物多样性框架》是重要的全球生物多样性保护议程[J]. 生物多样性, 31(4): 23133. ]
MI XC, FENG G, HU YB, et al. , 2021. The global significance of biodiversity science in China: an overview[J]. Natl Sci Rev, 8: nwab032.
REN H, 2023. Succession theory and vegetation restoration [J/OL]. Guihaia: 1-10 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230420. 1723. 002. html. [任海, 2023. 演替理论与植被恢复 [J/OL]. 广西植物: 1-10 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230420. 1723. 002. html.
SUN MH, LI YS, ZHAO FW, 2023. Discussion on digital sequence information on genetic resources [J/OL]. Guihaia: 1-9 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230809. 1258. 002. html. [孙名浩, 李颖硕, 赵富伟, 2023. 遗传资源数字序列信息问题刍议 [J/OL]. 广西植物: 1-9 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230809. 1258. 002. html. ]
WANG J, ZHANG HP, SU X, et al. , 2023. Microbial diversity study in rhizosphere soil of Anemone altaica [J/OL]. Guihaia: 1-16 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230725. 1006. 006. html. [王晶, 张会萍, 苏晓, 等, 2023. 阿尔泰银莲花根际土壤微生物多样性研究 [J/OL]. 广西植物: 1-16 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230725. 1006. 006. html. ]
WU XY, WANG M, ZHENG XL, et al. , 2023. The RAD-seq revealed the endangered mechanism of Hydrocera triflora [J/OL]. Guihaia: 1-14 [2023-09-01]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230901. 1023. 008. html. [吴欣仪, 王蒙, 郑希龙, 等, 2023. 基于简化基因组测序揭示水角的濒危机制 [J/OL]. 广西植物: 1-14 [2023-09-01]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230901. 1023. 008. html. ]
XIE D, ZHANG YQ, REN H, et al. , 2023. Plant introduction and ex-situ conservation in South China National Botanical Garden [J/OL]. Guihaia: 1-18 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. q. 20230711. 1340. 008. html. [谢丹, 张奕奇, 任海, 等, 2023. 华南国家植物园植物引种及迁地保育 [J/OL]. 广西植物: 1-18 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. q. 20230711. 1340. 008. html. ]
YU JH, QIN F, XUE TT, et al. , 2023. Conservation status and prediction analysis of potential distribution of National Key Protected Wild Plants [J/OL]. Guihaia: 1-13 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230130. 1036. 002. html. [余江洪, 秦菲, 薛天天, 等, 2023. 国家重点保护野生植物的保护现状及潜在分布区预测分析 [J/OL]. 广西植物: 1-13 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230130. 1036. 002. html. ]
ZHANG LR, LUO M, ZHU ZX, et al. , 2023. Analysis on the implementation path of biodiversity mainstreaming in China under the guidance of ‘Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework’ [J/OL]. Guihaia: 1-14 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230711. 0858. 002. html. [张丽荣, 罗明, 朱振肖, 等, 2023. “昆明-蒙特利尔全球生物多样性框架”指引下我国生物多样性主流化实施路径探析 [J/OL]. 广西植物: 1-14 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230711. 0858. 002. html. ]
ZHOU S, 2023. A global perspective on the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on forest areas in biodiversity hotspots [J/OL]. Guihaia: 1-16 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. q. 20230711. 1343. 010. html. [周帅, 2023. 新冠疫情对全球生物多样性热点地区森林面积的影响 [J/OL]. 广西植物: 1-16 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. q. 20230711. 1343. 010. html. ]
HU RC, ZHOU Y, DONG YF, et al. , 2023. A new attempt to conserve biodiversity in China —A case study in Qu’nan Community of Fusui County [J/OL]. Guihaia: 1-14 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230626. 2145. 006. html. [胡仁传, 周迎, 董亦非, 等, 2023. 中国生物多样性保护的新尝试——以社区为主体的渠楠保护小区管理模式研究 [J/OL]. 广西植物: 1-14 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230626. 2145. 006. html. ]
JIN C, YANG YC, ZHOU LH, et al. , 2023. Village Fengshui forests contribute to the biodiversity conservation in mountainous villages: a case study of Pseudolarix amabilis [J/OL]. Guihaia: 1-13 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230721. 1641. 006. html. [靳程, 杨永川, 周礼华, 等, 2023. 村落风水林助力山地乡村生物多样性保护 ——以金钱松为例 [J/OL]. 广西植物: 1-13 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230721. 1641. 006. html. ]
JIN DM, YANG L, XU ZP, et al. , 2023. Analysis of the effectiveness of the National Specimen Information Infrastructure (NSII) in supporting scientific research on biodiversity [J/OL]. Guihaia: 1-18 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. q. 20230803. 0916. 002. html. [金冬梅, 杨灵, 许哲平, 等, 2023. 国家标本资源共享平台(NSII)支撑生物多样性科学研究的成效分析 [J/OL]. 广西植物: 1-18 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. q. 20230803. 0916. 002. html. ]
LI CH, XU S, 2023. Exploring the sustainable development of wild edible fungus industry in Yunnan Province under the background of biodiversity conservation [J/OL]. Guihaia: 1-14 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230512. 0902. 002. html. [李才慧, 徐爽, 2023. 生物多样性保护背景下云南省野生食用菌产业可持续发展探讨 [J/OL]. 广西植物: 1-14 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230512. 0902. 002. html. ]
LI FF, LUO BS, CUI X, et al. , 2023. Plant culture construction and plant diversity protection and management in the China national botanical garden [J/OL]. Guihaia: 1-11 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230711. 1339. 006. html. [李飞飞, 罗斌圣, 崔夏, 等, 2023. 国家植物园植物文化建设与植物多样性保护和管理 [J/OL]. 广西植物: 1-11 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230711. 1339. 006. html. ]
LI L, 2023. Research progress on diversity of androecium development of Orchidaceae [J/OL]. Guihaia: 1-16 [2023-09-06]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230905. 1022. 002. html. [李璐, 2023. 兰科雄蕊发育多样性研究进展 [J/OL]. 广西植物: 1-16 [2023-09-06]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230905. 1022. 002. html. ]
LI S, LIU XJ, MA KP, 2023. Research progress of Biodiversity-Ecosystem Functioning Experiment China Platform (BEF-China) [J/OL]. Guihaia: 1-17 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230711. 1420. 014. html. [李珊, 刘晓娟, 马克平, 2023. 亚热带森林生物多样性与生态系统功能实验研究基地(BEF-China)研究进展 [J/OL]. 广西植物: 1-17 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230711. 1420. 014. html. ]
LIN C, CHENG Z, LONG CL, 2023. Biocultural profiles of Qinghai Regong Thangka [J/OL]. Guihaia: 1-12 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. q. 20230707. 2159. 003. html. [林晨, 程卓, 龙春林, 2023. 青海热贡唐卡的生物文化初探 [J/OL]. 广西植物: 1-12 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. q. 20230707. 2159. 003. html. ]
LUO M, ZHANG LR, YANG CY, et al. , 2023. Utilizing nature-based solutions to promote biodiversity conservation [J/OL]. Guihaia: 1-10 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230506. 1057. 002. html. [罗明, 张丽荣, 杨崇曜, 等, 2023. 利用基于自然的解决方案促进生物多样性保护 [J/OL]. 广西植物: 1-10 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230506. 1057. 002. html. ]
LUO MF, YANG M, MA KP, 2023. Core targets of the Kunming-Montreal Global Framework and recommendations for conservation action in China [J/OL]. Guihaia: 1-7 [2023-09-01]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230901. 0830. 004. html. [罗茂芳, 杨明, 马克平, 2023. 《昆明-蒙特利尔全球生物多样性框架》核心目标与我国的保护行动建议 [J/OL]. 广西植物: 1-7 [2023-09-01]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230901. 0830. 004. html. ]
MA KP, 2023. Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework: An important global agenda for biodiversity conservation[J]. Biodiver Sci, 31(4): 23133. [马克平, 2023. 《昆明-蒙特利尔全球生物多样性框架》是重要的全球生物多样性保护议程[J]. 生物多样性, 31(4): 23133. ]
MI XC, FENG G, HU YB, et al. , 2021. The global significance of biodiversity science in China: an overview[J]. Natl Sci Rev, 8: nwab032.
REN H, 2023. Succession theory and vegetation restoration [J/OL]. Guihaia: 1-10 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230420. 1723. 002. html. [任海, 2023. 演替理论与植被恢复 [J/OL]. 广西植物: 1-10 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230420. 1723. 002. html.
SUN MH, LI YS, ZHAO FW, 2023. Discussion on digital sequence information on genetic resources [J/OL]. Guihaia: 1-9 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230809. 1258. 002. html. [孙名浩, 李颖硕, 赵富伟, 2023. 遗传资源数字序列信息问题刍议 [J/OL]. 广西植物: 1-9 [2023-08-31]. http: //kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/45. 1134. Q. 20230809. 1258. 002. html. ]
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