摘要: |
中国是遭受生物入侵危害和威胁最严重的国家之一,掌握全国尺度上外来植物的物种组成、区系特征及其影响因素对减少外来植物的入侵风险和促进防控管理至关重要。该文以《中国外来植物数据集》为基础,统计分析其物种组成、生活型、区系类型等特征,并利用相关性分析和逐步回归模型深入探究了社会经济和生态因素与外来植物之间的关联机理。结果表明:(1)我国已有的外来植物中大型科(99科,13 741种)和大型属(205属,7 199种)对总物种数的贡献率分别为93.41%和48.94%。从生活型组成看,草本植物构成了我国外来植物的主体,占比59.82%。(2)全国范围内热带成分科占据明显优势,占总科数的52.65%;其次分别为温带成分科(21.56%)和世界广布科(20.49%)。(3)外来植物总数的分布格局支持了各区系成分科的分布格局,即东部沿海和西南地区的外来植物总数和各区系成分最丰富,向内陆减少。然而,北方省市的世界广布和温带成分科的比重较高,南方省市的热带成分科的占比最高。(4)相关性分析表明入侵植物所在科的入侵种数与该科所包含的外来种数存在显著正相关关系。各省市经济因素和气候条件共同决定了我国外来植物总数和各区系成分科数的空间分布格局,但各区系成分占比主要受热量条件(年均温)的影响。未来我国应大力加强对具有热带性质和世界广布的大科、大属的草本植物的引种评估与监管。 |
关键词: 外来植物,区系成分,物种组成,多样性,分布格局 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw202405030 |
分类号: |
基金项目:江苏省高等学校自然科学研究项目(22KJD170003);江苏省“双创博士”人才引进项目(JSSCBS20210378);湖州市自然科学资金项目(2022YZ33)。 |
Species composition, floristic characteristics and influencing factors of alien plants in China |
ZHANG Jinmeng1, ZHU Liangliang1, YIN Haonan1, WANG Li1, LIU Yuli2*
1. School of Geographical Sciences, Jiangsu Second Normal University, Nanjing 211200, China; 2. Institute of Sustainable Development, Huzhou University, Huzhou 313000, Zhejiang, China
Abstract: |
China is one of the countries most severely affected and imperiled by biological invasions. Mastering the species composition, floristic characteristics, and influencing factors of alien plants on a national scale is paramount to mitigating the risk of alien plant invasion and bolstering preventive measures. Based on a comprehensive dataset of alien plants in China, this paper statistically analyzed the species composition, life forms, floristic types and other characteristics. Furthermore, it employed correlation analysis and a stepwise regression model to deeply explore the influence mechanism of alien plants from socio-economic indicators and ecological factors. The results were as follows: (1) The existing alien plants in China belonging to large families (99 families, encompassing 13 741 species) and genera (205 genera, with 7 199 species) significantly contributed 93.41% and 48.94% to the total species number, respectively. Regarding life form composition, herbaceous plants dominated the alien plants in China, comprising 59.82% of the total. (2) Nationally, tropical component families held a significant advantage, accounting for 52.65% of the total families, followed by temperate families (21.56%) and cosmopolitan families (20.49%). (3) The distribution pattern of the total number of alien plants mirrored that of their floristic components, that is, the total number of alien plants and their floristic components were most abundant in the eastern coastal and southwestern regions, gradually decreasing inland in China. Notably, cosmopolitan and temperate families were more prevalent in northern provinces, whereas tropical families dominated southern regions. (4) Correlation analysis underscored a robust linear relationship between the number of invasive alien species and the total alien species within the same family. Socio-economic factors and climate conditions of various provinces and cities jointly determined the spatial distribution pattern of alien plants and floristic component family numbers in China. However, the proportion of each floristic component was mainly influenced by heat conditions (annual average temperature). In the future, China should vigorously strengthen the introduction assessment and supervision of alien plants, particularly the herbaceous plants of large families and genera with tropical characteristics and cosmopolitan distributions. |
Key words: alien plants, floristic component, species composition, plant diversity, distribution pattern |