引用本文: | 赵健, 赵志国, 唐凤鸾, 蒋庆鸿, 龚庆芳, 仇硕*.三种植物生长调节物质对白及幼苗假鳞茎生长发育的影响[J].广西植物,2017,37(1):96-101.[点击复制] |
ZHAO Jian, ZHAO Zhi Guo, TANG Feng Luan, JIANG Qing Hong,
GONG Qi Fang, QIU Shuo*.Effects of three plantgrowth regulators on the growth of pseudobulbs in Bletilla striata seedlings[J].Guihaia,2017,37(1):96-101.[点击复制] |
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三种植物生长调节物质对白及幼苗假鳞茎生长发育的影响 |
赵健, 赵志国, 唐凤鸾, 蒋庆鸿, 龚庆芳, 仇硕*
中国科学院 广西植物研究所, 广西 桂林 541006
摘要: |
该研究以一年生白及幼苗为材料,通过测定生物量、氨基酸含量、蛋白质及多糖含量的变化,研究不同浓度的芸苔素内酯(BR)、萘乙酸(NAA)和茉莉酸甲酯(Me JA)喷施对白及幼苗假鳞茎快速生长发育影响。结果表明:1.6 × 10 4 mmol·L 1的BR处理组,假鳞茎鲜重达3.39 g/株,高于其他处理组,分别是清水对照(CK1)和沼气肥对照组(CK2)的1.19倍和1.25倍;单个假鳞茎(单株)的新生萌芽数也高于其他处理,达到2.17个,说明生产效益至少可提高19%。把两个对照组和三种植物生长调节物质处理后假鳞茎产量最高的处理组(即1.6 ×10 4 mmol·L 1的BR、0.5 mmol·L 1的NAA和0.25 mmol·L 1的Me JA)进一步测定假鳞茎氨基酸、蛋白质和多糖含量,发现CK2氨基酸含量最高,高达8.58%,而CK1含量最低,仅为5.21%,三种植物生长调节物质处理组分别是7.26%、7.53%和5.69%。蛋白质含量由高到低依次是沼气肥对照组、1.6 ×10 4 mmol·L 1 BR、0.5 mmol·L 1 NAA、0.25 mmol·L 1 ME JA和清水对照组,它们的含量分别是11.6%、11.0%、10.5%、9.14%、7.72%,这说明与氨基酸含量基本一致。三种植物生长调节物质处理后白及多糖含量分别为24.2%、26.5%、26.5%,均远高于清水对照(19.3%)和沼气肥对照(21.8%)。综合分析认为,1.6 ×10 4 mmol·L 1的BR能同时提高白及假鳞茎的产量和质量。该研究结果对于白及规模化种植栽培具有重要指导意义。 |
关键词: 植物激素, 产量, 品质特性, 多糖 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201604003 |
分类号:Q945; R282.2 |
文章编号:10003142(2017)01009606 |
基金项目:广西科学研究与技术开发项目(桂科重1355001 5 11,桂科重14124002 5,桂科能14121008 1 10);广西自然科学基金(2013GXNSFBA019105) [Suppprted by Guangxi Technology R & D Program (1355001 5 11; 14124002 5; 14121008 1 10); Natural Science Foudation of Guangxi (2013GXNSFBA019105)]。 |
Effects of three plantgrowth regulators on the growth of pseudobulbs in Bletilla striata seedlings |
ZHAO Jian, ZHAO ZhiGuo, TANG FengLuan, JIANG QingHong,
GONG QiFang, QIU Shuo*
Guangxi Institute of Botany, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guilin 541006, Guangxi, China
Guangxi Institute of Botany, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guilin 541006, Guangxi, China
Abstract: |
Effects of Brassinolide (BR), Naphthaleneacetic acid(NAA) and Methyl Jasmonate(Me JA) on the growth of pseudobulbs in Bletilla striata seedlings were studied by measuring biomass, amino acid contents, protein contents and polysaccharide contents with annual seedlings, and economic efficiency were further analyzed. The results showed that the pseudobulbs weight of B. striata treated by 1.6×10 4 mmol·L 1 BR was 3.39 g·FW, which was the highest among all treatments, and it was 1.19 times and 1.25 times of water treatment (CK1) and biogas fertilizers treatment (CK2), respectively. At the same time, the new bud number was 2.17 for B. striata treated by 1.6×10 4 mmol·L 1 BR, which was also higher than other treatments. The results indicated the production efficiency will be improved at least 19% treated by 1.6 ×10 4 mmol·L 1 BR for B. striata. In comparison to CK1 and CK2, amino acid contents, protein contents and polysaccharide contents of the pseudobulbs of B. striata treated by 1.6 ×10 4 mmol·L 1 BR treatment, 0.5 mmol·L 1 NAA treatment and 0.25 mmol·L 1 Me JA treatment were further measured, respectively. It was 5.21% and 8.58% for the amino acid contents of CK1 and CK2, respectively. And it were 7.26%, 7.53% and 5.69% for that of 1.6 ×10 4 mmol·L 1 BR, 0.5 mmol·L 1 NAA and 0.25 mmol·L 1 Me JA, respectively. The protein contents were the same to that of amino acid contents from high to low for the pseudobulbs of B. striata, that was CK2>1.6×10 4 mmol·L 1 BR>0.5 mmol·L 1 NAA>0.25 mmol·L 1 ME JA>CK1, the contents were 11.6%, 11.0%, 10.5%, 9.14% and 7.72%, respectively. However, the polysaccharide contents treated by 1.6 ×10 4 mmol·L 1 BR, 0.5 mmol·L 1 NAA and 0.25 mmol·L 1 Me JA were 24.2%, 26.5% and 26.5%, respectively, the three treatments were all higher than that of CK1(19.3%) and CK2(21.8%). In conclusion, not only the yields of pseudobulbs were promoted but the quality characteristics were improved if B. striata were treated by 1.6 ×10 4 mmol·L 1 BR. This plays an important role in the large scale planting of B. striata in the future. |
Key words: plant hormones, yields, quality characteristics, polysaccharide |