引用本文: | 李宗峰, 李旭光, 王永健, 张炜银, 丁 易, 陶建平.不同恢复群落中辽东栎种群空间格局分析[J].广西植物,2007,(4):576-580.[点击复制] |
LI Zong-Feng, LI Xu-Guang,WANG Yong-Jian,
ZHANG Wei-Yin,DING Yi,TAO Jian-Ping.Spatial pattern of Quercus liaotungensis population in different recovering community[J].Guihaia,2007,(4):576-580.[点击复制] |
摘要: |
通过对茂县大沟流域人工恢复9年、人工恢复16年和自然恢复16年3个不同群落的取样调查,研究了辽东栎种群的空间分布格局及其动态变化。采用扩散系数、T检验、负二项参数、丛生指数和聚块性指数等指标进行拟合。结果表明,辽东栎种群大多呈显著性聚集分布,辽东栎幼苗、幼树和大幼树的聚集强度、格局规模在时间序列上大多呈上升趋势。辽东栎种群的聚集性与其本身具有的萌蘖性有关,聚集分布可以增强辽东栎种群的竞争能力,有利于辽东栎种群的演化和健康发展。辽东栎作为本地区的原生种是极具恢复价值的优势种,有关辽东栎种群在这一地区的生态恢复价值需要进一步的深入研究和充分利用。 |
关键词: 茂县 退化植被 辽东栎 空间格局 |
DOI: |
分类号:Q948 |
基金项目: |
Spatial pattern of Quercus liaotungensis population in different recovering community |
LI Zong-Feng1, LI Xu-Guang1,WANG Yong-Jian1,
ZHANG Wei-Yin2,DING Yi2,TAO Jian-Ping1*
1.Key Laboratory of Eco-environment of Three Gorges Reservoir Region(Ministry of Education), College
of Life Sciences, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China;2.Institute of Forest Ecology,
Environment and Protection, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing 100091, China
1.Key Laboratory of Eco-environment of Three Gorges Reservoir Region(Ministry of Education) , College
of Life Sciences, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China; 2.Institute of Forest Ecology,
Environment and Protection, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing 100091, China
Abstract: |
At Dagou valley of Maoxian,the spatial patterns and their dynamic changes of Quercus liaotungensis population were measured with 5 indexes,such as Dispersion index(DI),T-test,Negative index(K),Clumping index(I),and patchiness index(m*/m). The species in these communities showed aggregation distribution. The aggregation intensity and pattern scale of Quercus liaotungensis showed ascending trend by time series. The pattern performance and the dynamic change illuminated sufficiently that the local species with a strong competition capacity favor the restoration of degradative vegetation. The ecological recovering value of Quercus liaotungensis of the Maoxian should be given more study and sufficient utilization. |
Key words: Maoxian degraded vegetation Quercus liaotungensis spatial pattern |