摘要: |
该文续报道胡麻科、桑寄生科等科7个分类单位。胡麻科的茶菱属和茶菱均为广东新记录。云南槲寄生、锈毛钝果寄生和枫香钝果寄生均为海南新记录。《海南植物志》第二卷记载的五蕊桑寄生(产于琼中),现订正琼中的标本应为枫香钝果寄生,海南不产五蕊寄生属植物。大戟科的子弹枫现已成为广西和广东的归化种。无患子科的雅旗是我国新引种的经济植物。 |
关键词: 胡麻科 桑寄生科(广义的) 大戟科 无患子科 中国 |
DOI: |
分类号:Q949 |
基金项目: |
Continued from Guihaia 26:1-4.2006.Noteworthy taxa from Southern China |
QIU Hua-Xing, CHEN Bing-Hui*, ZENG Fei-Yan
South China Botanical Garden,the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, China
South China Botanical Garden,the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, China
Abstract: |
The paper reports 7 taxa from China. The genus Trapella Oliv.and T.sinensis Oliv.are new records from Guangdong; Viscum yunnanense H.S.Kiu,Taxillus levinei(Merr.)H.S.Kiu and T.liquidambaricola(Hayata)Hosokawa are new records from Hainan; Dendrophthoe pentandra(L.)Miq.,which grows in Guangdong,Guangxi and Yunnan,does not occur in Hainan; Jatropha gossypiifolia L.is new record from Guangxi; Blighia sapida Koen.(Akee,Akee Apple)is a cultivated plant in Shenzhen City(Guangdong). |
Key words: Pedaliaceae Loranthaceae(s.l.) Euphorbiaceae Sapindaceae China |