引用本文: | 赵宏波, 陈发棣, 缪恒彬, 郭维明.栽培菊花与矶菊属间杂交亲和性及F1结实特性研究[J].广西植物,2009,(2):171-175.[点击复制] |
ZHAO Hong-Bo, CHEN Fa-Di, MIAO Heng-Bin, GUO Wei-Ming.Intergeneric cross-compatibility between Dendran-thema 215;grandiflorum and Ajania pacifica and the seed sets of their F1 progenies in different conditions of backcross, selfing and open pollination[J].Guihaia,2009,(2):171-175.[点击复制] |
摘要: |
研究菊属栽培小菊‘奥运火炬'、‘意大利红'与亚菊属矶菊的杂交亲和性和结实性,以及杂种F1自交、回交和开放授粉的结实特性。结果表明:无论是以栽培菊花还是矶菊为母本,父本花粉在柱头上均能很好萌发,但结实率较低,‘奥运火炬'和矶菊杂交结实率为每花序3.72粒,‘意大利红'和矶菊正反交结实率分别为每花序1.20粒和0.87粒。回交组合(‘奥运火炬'×矶菊)F1ב奥运火炬'结实率为0~1.24粒; ‘意大利红'与矶菊正反交F1无论是以‘意大利红'还是以矶菊为回交父本,结实率均较低,为0~1.37粒; ‘早意大利红'和矶菊正反交F1自交不结实,‘奥运火炬'×矶菊杂种F1自交仅有少数单株有一定结实性,但在开放授粉条件下结实率均较高,最高达每花序47.5粒,说明F1雌配子发育良好,回交结实率低的原因可能在于远缘杂交障碍,而自交结实率低可能由自交不亲和机制决定。 |
关键词: 矶菊 菊花 杂交 回交 自交 结实率 |
DOI: |
分类号:Q944.4 |
基金项目: |
Intergeneric cross-compatibility between Dendran-thema 215;grandiflorum and Ajania pacifica and the seed sets of their F1 progenies in different conditions of backcross, selfing and open pollination |
ZHAO Hong-Bo1,2, CHEN Fa-Di1*, MIAO Heng-Bin1, GUO Wei-Ming1
1.College of Horticulture, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China;2.School of
Agriculture and Food Technology, Zhejiang Forestry College, Lin'an 311300, China
1.College of Horticulture, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China; 2.School of
Agriculture and Food Technology, Zhejiang Forestry College, Lin'an 311300, China
Abstract: |
Intergeneric cross-compatibility between Dendranthema215;grandiflorum‘Aoyunhuoju',‘Yidalihong'and Ajania pacificaand the seed sets of their F1 progenies in different conditions of backcross,selfing and open pollination were investigated. The pollen germinated well on the stigmas no matter what D.215;grandiflorum or A.pacifica as the female parent,but the seed sets were very low even no seeds. The seed sets of reciprocal hybrids between‘Aoyunhuoju'and A.pacifica were 3.72 per capitulum,and the seed sets of reciprocal hybrids between‘Yidalihong'and A.pacifica were 1.2 and 0.87,respectively. The seed sets of the backcross of F1 progenies between‘Aoyunhuoju'and A.pacifica with‘Aoyunhuoju'were very low even no seeds,the same as those of the backcross of reciprocal hybrid F1 between‘Yidalihong'and A.pacifica with their parents. The selfing seed sets of all F1 progenies were almost 0. However,the seed sets in open pollination were very high and the highest seed set was up to 47.5 per capitulum. It can be inferred that the development process of female gamete was normal and the reproductive course of F1 was also normal. The reasons of low seed sets of backcross were the distant crossing barrier and low seed sets of selfing were determined by the mechanism of self-imcompatability. |
Key words: Dendranthema Ajania hybridization backcross selfing seed set |