引用本文: | 张文娟, 姚云峰, 李钢铁, 白玉如, 王玉涛.五种植物抗寒性的比较研究[J].广西植物,2009,(2):269-271.[点击复制] |
ZHANG Wen-Juan, YAO Yun-Feng, LI Gang-Tie,
BAI Yu-Ru, WANG Yu-Tao.Comparative experimental studies for cold resistance of five plant species[J].Guihaia,2009,(2):269-271.[点击复制] |
摘要: |
采用电导法对五种植物(四种美国引进的植物和一种乡土植物)进行不同低温处理,研究其在各温度下的细胞膜透性改变情况,并配以Logistic方程求拐点值确定低温半致死温度LT50。结果表明:低温处理下各种植物组织电解质渗透率增加,并呈“S”形曲线增长,各种植物的低温半致死温度分别为:沙地柏为-46.58 ℃,四翅滨藜-1,四翅滨藜-2分别为-42.44 ℃和-40.09 ℃,黑油脂木为-27.7 ℃,伏地肤为-22.18 ℃。故其抗寒性从强到弱的顺序为沙地柏>四翅滨藜-1>四翅滨藜-2>驼绒藜>黑油脂木>伏地肤。 |
关键词: 电解质透出率 半致死温度 抗寒性 |
DOI: |
分类号:Q945 |
基金项目: |
Comparative experimental studies for cold resistance of five plant species |
ZHANG Wen-Juan1, YAO Yun-Feng1*, LI Gang-Tie1,
BAI Yu-Ru2, WANG Yu-Tao1
1.College of Ecological and Environmental, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Huhhot 010019,
China;2.Forestry Institute of Chifeng, Inner Mongolia Chifeng 024001, China
1.College of Ecological and Environmental, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Huhhot 010019,
China; 2.Forestry Institute of Chifeng, Inner Mongolia Chifeng 024001, China
Abstract: |
Five plant species including four kinds from America and one local species were selected to plant materials for comparing the ability to cold resistance using freezing LT50 based on electrical conductivity method and fitting in with Logistic function between percentage of electrolyte efflux from plant tissues and temperatures of treatment. It was shown that kinds of plants' percentage of electrolyte efflux tend to increasing,and take on an S-curve growth. local Savin Juniper was the strongest to resist cold. Its freezing LT50 was -46.58 ℃. The LT50 of both Fourwing Saltbush were -42.44 ℃ and -40.09 ℃ respectively. The cold resistance ability of Prostrate Broomsedge was the lowest. Its LT50 was only -22.18 ℃. |
Key words: percentage of electrolyte efflux lethal temperature cold resistance |