引用本文: | 温 放, 王 越, 范文锋, 郭利峰, 张启翔.广西苦苣苔科唇柱苣苔属一新种——李氏唇柱苣苔[J].广西植物,2009,(6):719-723.[点击复制] |
WEN Fang, WANG Yue, FAN Wen-Feng, GUO Li-Feng, ZHANG Qi-Xiang.Chirita leeii(Gesneriaceae), a new species from Guangxi, China[J].Guihaia,2009,(6):719-723.[点击复制] |
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广西苦苣苔科唇柱苣苔属一新种——李氏唇柱苣苔 |
温 放1, 王 越1, 范文锋1, 郭利峰1, 张启翔2
1.浙江森禾种业股份有限公司 研发中心, 杭州 310012;2.北京林业大学 园林学院, 北京 100083
摘要: |
报道了在广西柳州市市区附近一岩溶洞穴发现的苦苣苔科唇柱苣苔属一新种,并命名为李氏唇柱苣苔。本种与寿城唇柱苣苔及百寿唇柱苣苔相近,与寿城唇柱苣苔的主要区别在于植株体形、叶和花较大,叶为长卵状椭圆形或椭圆形,叶缘具锯齿,每花序1-3花,退化雄蕊3而与之不同; 与百寿唇柱苣苔的区别主要在于叶缘具锯齿,每花序仅1-3花,花药背部密生紫色髯毛,退化雄蕊3而不同。 |
关键词: 唇柱苣苔属 李氏唇柱苣苔 苦苣苔科 新种 石灰岩溶洞 广西 中国 |
DOI: |
分类号:Q949.778.4 |
基金项目: |
Chirita leeii(Gesneriaceae), a new species from Guangxi, China |
WEN Fang1, WANG Yue1, FAN Wen-Feng1, GUO Li-Feng1, ZHANG Qi-Xiang2
1.Zhejiang Senhe Seed Co.,LTD, Hangzhou 310012, China;2.College of Landscape
Architecture, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China
1.Zhejiang Senhe Seed Co.,LTD, Hangzhou 310012, China; 2.College of Landscape
Architecture, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China
Abstract: |
A new species of Gesneriaceae,Chirita leeii Fang Wen,Yue Wang & Q.X.Zhang,which was only found to grow in a karst caves nearby the downtown of Liuzhou City,Guangxi,China,is described and illustrated. This species resembles C.shouchengensis Z.Y.Li and C.baishouensis Y.G.Wei,H.Q.Wen et S.H.Zhong. It differing from the former in its larger stature,leaves and flowers,denticulate long ovate-elliptic or elliptic leaves,1-3-flowered inflorescences,and three staminodes per flower,and from the latter in its denticulate leaves,1-3-flowered inflorescences,dorsally densely purple-barbate anthers,and three staminodes per flower. |
Key words: Chirita Chirita leeii Gesneriaceae new species karst cave Guangxi China |