摘要: |
通过对广西那坡县475份苔藓植物标本的整理和鉴定,获得该地区苔藓植物40科81属163种及亚种、变种,其中有34个广西新纪录种。在科属组成分析中,优势科有灰藓科、丛藓科、蔓藓科等,优势属为真藓属、灰藓属、青藓属等。区系成分以东亚成分为主,占总数的3006%,温带和热带成分所占比例也较高,反映那坡县具南北过渡的特点;中国特有成分占总数的1411%,属于我国特有种属分布中心的过渡地带上。 通过与红水河谷地区和大围山自然保护区藓类植物区系的比较发现,那坡县与大围山的Kroeber系数高于红水河谷地区;区系谱的比较反映出那坡县藓类植物区系以东亚成分为主,区系划分上应归于岭南区。 |
关键词: 苔藓植物 区系分析 新记录 广西那坡县 |
DOI: |
分类号:Q948 |
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Preliminary study on the Bryoflora in Napo County of Guangxi |
JIA Peng1, XIONG YuanXin2*, WANG MeiHui2, MA JianPeng1, LIANG AXi2
1.College of Forestry, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China;2.College of Life Sciences, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China
1.College of Forestry, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China; 2.College of Life Sciences, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China
Abstract: |
475 bryophyte specimens from Napo County of Guangxi were collected through filed and carefully identified. It was found that there were 163 species(including subspecies and variation)which belonged to 81 genera in 40 families. And 34 of them were newly recorded in Guangxi. According to the checklist, the main families were Hypnaceae,Pottiaceae,Meteoriaceae etc.;and the main genera were Bryum,Hypnum,Rhynchostegium etc. In floristic compositions, the East Asia took up a predominant position(3006%),the temperate elements and the tropic elements had a high inverse proportion,showing the transition characteristics from north to south;compositions endemic to China occupied 14.11% of the total, and they were located in the transition zone of distribution center of Chinese endemic species. Comparing the moss flora between Red River region and Daweishan Nature Reserve,it was showed that Kroeber index on similarity between Napo County and Daweishan Nature Reserve are higher than that between Nopo county and Red River region. The floristic spectrum of Napo county showed the highest percentage of elements of East Asia type,and it should be classified into Lingnan zone. |
Key words: bryophytes floristic analysis new records Napo County in Guangxi |