引用本文: | 郑国琦, 张 磊, 王 俊, 胡正海.宁夏枸杞果实与种子形态发育初探[J].广西植物,2012,(6):810-815.[点击复制] |
ZHENG Guo-Qi, ZHANG Lei, WANG Jun, HU Zheng-Hai.The morphology development of fruit and seed in Lycium barbarum[J].Guihaia,2012,(6):810-815.[点击复制] |
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宁夏枸杞果实与种子形态发育初探 |
郑国琦1,2, 张 磊1, 王 俊1, 胡正海2*
1.宁夏大学 生命科学学院, 银川 750021;2.西北大学 生命科学学院, 西安 710069
摘要: |
研究了宁夏枸杞不同发育时期果实和种子形态的变化特征及种子内胚的变化。结果表明:宁夏枸杞果实的生长发育曲线为花后8 d以前为其第一次快速生长期,花后8~24 d为缓慢生长期,花后24~34 d是第二次快速生长期,属于典型的双“S”型。宁夏枸杞种子的生长曲线既不属于单“S”型,也不属于双“S”型,表现为果实的第一次快速生长期同样也是种子的快速生长期,但种子完成的生长比例快于果实完成的生长比例,此期种子内的胚乳生长快; 当果实进入缓慢生长期,种子也表现出缓慢生长的特性,且种子长度和宽度的增加速率均显著低于果实第一次快速生长期种子的生长速率,此期种子主要进行胚的分化; 在果实的第二次快速生长期,果实体积和重量迅速增加,而种子的长度和宽度增加很少,此期种子内仅胚进一步增大,从而反映出宁夏枸杞果实的发育与种子发育有一定的相关性。 |
关键词: 宁夏枸杞 果实 种子 胚 形态发育 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-3142.2012.06.018 |
分类号:Q944.59 |
基金项目: |
The morphology development of fruit and seed in Lycium barbarum |
ZHENG Guo-Qi1,2, ZHANG Lei1, WANG Jun1, HU Zheng-Hai2*
1.College of Life Sciences, Ningxia University, Yinchuan 750021;2.College of
Life Sciences, Northwest University, Xi'an 710069
1.College of Life Sciences, Ningxia University, Yinchuan 750021; 2.College of
Life Sciences, Northwest University, Xi'an 710069
Abstract: |
The morphology development of fruit and seed, and the change of seed endoderm of Lycium barbarum in different developmental stages were studied. The results showed that the fruit growth curve of Lycium barbarum belongs to the double “S” curve. Its growth can be divided into three stages: the first rapid stage spanned 8 days after blossom; slow growth stage(8-24 days after blossom); the second rapid growth stage(24-34 days after blossom). While the seed growth curve of L.barbarum was not only single “S” curve,but also double “S” curve. The first rapid stage of fruit was also the first rapid stage of the seed,but the ratio of seed growth increasing was more than that of fruit,and the increasing of endosperm in seed was notable. During the slow growth stage of fruit,the increasing ratio of length and width were lower than those of seed in the first rapid stage,and embryo differentiation was token place in seed during this period. During the second rapid growth stage of fruit,the volume and weight of fruit significantly increased,on the contrary,the length and width were almost not increasing,only embryo gradually grew up. The results indicated that there was an relativity between the morphology development of fruits and seeds in L.barbarum. |
Key words: L. barbarum fruit seed embryo morphology development |