摘要: |
槭属植物是世界园林绿化中的重要植物种类,种质资源丰富且大多数种类具有重要的观赏价值。针对目前我国槭属植物杂交育种工作中面临的品种混杂不清、亲缘状况不明等情况,该研究采用ISSR分子标记对槭属25份植物材料进行了亲缘关系分析。结果表明:选用12条扩增带型清晰且重复性好的引物共获得84条谱带,其中81条呈多态性,多态性比例(PPB)达96.43%,表明槭属植物遗传多样性较高。25份槭属植物材料的遗传相似性系数介于0.405与0.952之间,平均值为0.627,表明不同品种或物种之间遗传相似性系数变化较大。根据Nei遗传相似性系数,在0.578处,UPGMA结果将25份植物材料分为2个类群,其中鸡爪槭品种(或变种)聚为一类,显示了各品种(或变种)之间具有较高的亲缘关系,其余槭属植物则聚为类群II; 在0.646处,可进一步分为6个亚类群,部分鸡爪槭品种间表现出了叶形、叶色等表型形状与其遗传关系的相关性。研究未发现鸡爪槭品种(或变种)的亲缘关系与地理分布存在相关性。我国槭树资源丰富,但目前我国对槭树新品种的开发及选育工作仍十分薄弱,建议采取自行选育结合国外引进新品种的方式,丰富我国的槭树种质资源。 |
关键词: 槭树植物 ISSR 亲缘关系 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201402009 |
分类号:Q943; S687.9 |
基金项目: |
ISSR analysis of the genetic relationships among 25 Acer plants germplasm resources |
LIN Le-Jing, LIN Li, ZHU Zhi-Yong*
Ningbo Key Laboratory of Landscape Plant Development, School of Landscape and Ecological Environment,
Ningbo City College of Vocational Technology, Ningbo 315502, China
Ningbo Key Laboratory of Landscape Plant Development, School of Landscape and Ecological Environment,
Ningbo City College of Vocational Technology, Ningbo 315502, China
Abstract: |
Acer plants are important landscape trees around the world wide,and most of which have high ornamental value. But few of the germplasm resources was utilized,and much problem also existed in these plants' crossbreeding work,such as confusion of the hybrid varieties,less information of the genetic relation between different cultivars,etc. In this study,we analyzed the genetic relationships among 25 samples of Acer plants by inter-simple sequence repeat(ISSR)molecular-marked technique,and twelve ISSR primers were screened to assess the genomes of 25 samples of Acer plants. The result showed that a total of 84 DNA bands were amplified and 81 of which(96.43%)were polymorphic. The genetic identities among 25 plants varied from 0.405 to 0.952 with an average of 0.627,indicating that the genetic similarity coefficient between different cultivars or species were relatively different. According to the Nei-Li genetic similarity of 0.578,UPGMA method cluster analysis indicated that these 25 samples were classified into 2 cluster groups,and they were classified into 6 subcluster groups with the genetic similarity of 0.646. The result showed that the genetic relationship among 18 A. palmatum cultivars were close,and a correlation was found between genetic relationship and phenotype,such as leaf shape and leaf colour. Economic values of Acer plants were concluded as important ornamental trees. In future,people should paid more attention to collect and protect the gene resources,introduction and domestication,integrative research and development utilization,and in order to realize rational utilization and detailed research of plant resources. |
Key words: Acer plants ISSR genetic relationships |