引用本文: | 岑佳梦1, 金水虎2, 金孝锋1*.中国薹草属(莎草科) 研究随记(IV): 隐匿薹草组的分类修订(英文)[J].广西植物,2016,36(1):30-43.[点击复制] |
CEN Jia-Meng1, JIN Shui-Hu2, JIN Xiao-Feng1*.Notes on Carex (Cyperaceae) from China (IV): the identity and revision of sect. Infossae[J].Guihaia,2016,36(1):30-43.[点击复制] |
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中国薹草属(莎草科) 研究随记(IV): 隐匿薹草组的分类修订(英文) |
岑佳梦1, 金水虎2, 金孝锋1*
1. 杭州师范大学 生命与环境科学学院,杭州 310036;2. 浙江农林大学 林业与生物技术学院,浙江 临安 311300
摘要: |
隐匿薹草组(Carex sect. Infossae)为最近建立的薹草属(Carex)的组,当时报导分布于我国安徽和江苏,有2种和1变种,即隐匿薹草(C. infossa)、显穗薹草(变种) (C. infossa var. extensa)和矮秆薹草(C. minuticulmis)。根据描述,另有15种和2变种应归属本组,这些分类群具有较为一致的特征:果囊椭圆球状卵球形或卵球形,通常疏被短毛或近无毛,先端渐狭成中等长的喙,喙口具2小齿;瘦果卵球形,先端钝或微凹。通过文献考证、标本查阅、野外采集,并结合果囊和瘦果的扫描电镜观察,对隐匿薹草组所涉及的种(含种下类群)进行了分类修订。该组仅有2种:百里薹草(C. blinii)和尖叶薹草(C. oxyphylla)。将Carex elmeri、C. granifera、矮秆薹草(C. minuticulmis)、上海薹草(C. shanghaiensis C. blinii subsp. shanghaiensis)、C. sublateralis、C. taihokuensis 和锐果薹草(C. tatsutakensis)并入百里薹草;将沟囊薹草(C. canaliculata)、樟木薹草(C. changmuensis)、C. distantiflora、隐匿薹草(C. infossa)、显穗薹草(C. infossa var. extensa)、C. lateralis、C. loheri、无芒长嘴薹草(C. longerostrata var. exaristata)、城湾薹草(C. longerostrata var. hoi)、C. lyi、和平菱果薹草(C. macrandrolepis)和C. sharyotensis并入尖叶薹草。 |
关键词: 隐匿薹草组,扫描电镜,形态学性状,新异名,中国 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201510002 |
分类号: |
基金项目:收稿日期:2015-10-06 修回日期:2015-12-23 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(31170183,31470304);国家科技部科技基础性工作专项(2013FY112100);国家自然科学基金委重大国际合作项目(31110103911)[Support by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31170183,31470304); Science and Technology Basic Work (2013FY112100); Major International Cooperation Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31110103911)]。 作者简介:岑佳梦(1994-),女,浙江慈溪人,主要从事植物分类学研究,(E-mail)1455722086@qq.com。 |
Notes on Carex (Cyperaceae) from China (IV): the identity and revision of sect. Infossae |
CEN Jia-Meng1, JIN Shui-Hu2, JIN Xiao-Feng1*
1. College of Life & Environmental Sciences,Hangzhou Normal University,Hangzhou 310036,China;2. School of
Foresrty and Bio-technology,Zhejiang Agricultural and Forestry University,Lin’an 311300,China
1. College of Life & Environmental Sciences,Hangzhou Normal University,Hangzhou 310036,China; 2. School of
Foresrty and Bio-technology,Zhejiang Agricultural and Forestry University,Lin’an 311300,China
Abstract: |
Carex sect. Infossae S. W. Su was recently described from Anhui and Jiangsu provinces of East China,containing two species with one variety: C. infossa var. infossa,C. infossa var. extensa and C. minuticulmis. According to the sectional description,fifteen additional species and two varieties should be placed in this section. Based upon literature survey,specimen examination,field work,and SEM observation of perigynia and achenes,a concise table of different treatments between Florae Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae and Flora of China was provided,as well as the morphological characters distinguishing these taxa and micromorphology of perigynia and achenes for the selected taxa were compared. Among the diagnostic characters,arrangement of spikes and perigynium indumentum are inseparable from each other,and two species in sect. Infossae are consequently recognized in the present paper. Carex elmeri,C. granifera,C. minuticulmis,C. shanghaiensis,C. blinii subsp. shanghaiensis,C. sublateralis,C. taihokuensis and C. tatsutakensis were synonymized to C. blinii. Carex canaliculata,C. changmuensis,C. distantiflora,C. infossa,C. infossa var. extensa,C. lateralis,C. loheri,C. longerostrata var. exaristata,C. longerostrata var. hoi,C. lyi,C. macrandrolepis,C. sharyotensis were reduced as synonyms to C. oxyphylla. |
Key words: Carex sect. Infossae,scanning electron microscopy,morphological character,new synonym,China |