摘要: |
对于建园无性系较少或缺株较多的种子园增补无性系是种子园科学管理的重要措施。该研究以南宁市林科所湿地松无性系种子园为研究对象,分析增补无性系对该园遗传多样性的影响作用,以期为种子园科学管理提供参考建议。采用16对SSR标记对该园增补无性系前后的遗传多样性变化进行分析,并通过构建指纹图谱和遗传聚类分析解析建园材料的遗传特异性与近缘性。结果表明:(1)通过将该无性系由18个增补至50个,遗传位点多态信息含量提高了2.24%、平均等位基因数提高了14.29%、平均有效等位基因数提高了1.19%、Shannon指数提高了3.84%。(2)采用11对SSR标记即可鉴定全部50个建园无性系,并以此构建50份湿地松无性系的指纹图谱。(3)50个无性系间遗传距离为0.018~0.670,UPGMA聚类图以0.251为阈值,可将50个无性系分为7组。基于上述研究结果可得出以下结论:补充无性系可以提高湿地松种子园遗传多样性,但提升幅度有限;通过构建指纹图谱可为湿地松优良无性系鉴定及种子园子代亲本分析提供可靠工具;建园无性系遗传聚类结果可为湿地松杂交试验的亲本选配提供参考依据,能够有效避免近交发生。 |
关键词: 湿地松,EST-SSR,遗传多样性,无性系扩充,遗传育种 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw202401008 |
分类号: |
基金项目:广西科技基地和人才专项(桂科AD19254004)。 |
Effects of supplementary clones on genetic diversity of Pinus elliottii seed orchard |
Qin Xianyu1,2 , Feng Yuanheng2, Xie Junkang2, Meng Lanyang3, Yang Zhangqi2*
1. College of Life Sciences, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541006, Gaungxi, China; 2. Guangxi Institute of Forestry Science Timber Forest Research Institute, Nanning 530002, China; 3. Nanning Institute of Forestry, Nanning 530107, China
Abstract: |
Supplementing clones in seed orchards with limited or missing clones represents a crucial scientific management strategy. This research focused on the clonal seed orchard of Pinus elliottii at Nanning’s Forestry Research Institute, examining how additional clones influence the orchard''s genetic diversity to offer insights for its scientific management. Utilizing 16 SSR marker pairs, the study assessed genetic diversity variations pre and post-clone augmentation, analyzing material genetic uniqueness and relationships through fingerprint and genetic clustering. The results were as follows: (1) Enhancing clone numbers from 18 to 50 led to a 2.24% rise in polymorphic information content, a 14.29% increase in average allele number, a 1.19% boost in average effective allele number, and a 3.84% uplift in the Shannon index. (2) It was determined that 11 SSR marker pairs could identify all 50 clones, for which fingerprint maps were established. (3) The genetic distance among these clones varied between 0.018 and 0.670, and using a 0.251 threshold, the UPGMA clustering diagram grouped them into seven categories. The study concludes that while clone supplementation enhances the genetic diversity of P. elliottii seed orchards, improvements are modest. Developing fingerprints offers a dependable method for identifying premium P. elliottii clones and analyzing seed orchard progeny parentage. The genetic clustering of established clones serves as a reference for parent selection in P. elliottii hybridization experiments, efficiently preventing inbreeding. |
Key words: Pinus elliottii, EST-SSR, genetic diversity, clonal expansion, genetic breeding |