引用本文: | 曹晶潇, 邢琴琴, 卜家豪, 韩文军, 周 韬.生长周期对四数九里香叶片代谢物的累积影响[J].广西植物,2025,45(2):240-250.[点击复制] |
CAO Jingxiao, XING Qinqin, BU Jiahao, HAN Wenjun, ZHOU Tao.Effects of growth cycle on accumulation of metabolites in leaves of Murraya tetramera[J].Guihaia,2025,45(2):240-250.[点击复制] |
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生长周期对四数九里香叶片代谢物的累积影响 |
曹晶潇1, 邢琴琴2, 卜家豪2, 韩文军2, 周 韬2,3*
1. 广西蚕桑生态学与智能化技术应用重点实验室,广西现代蚕桑丝绸协同创新中心,微生物及植物资源开发利用
广西高校重点实验室, 河池学院 化学与生物工程学院, 广西 河池 546300;2. 中南林业科技大学
生命与环境科学学院, 长沙 410004;3. 新疆林业科学院, 乌鲁木齐 830000
摘要: |
为探明不同生长周期对四数九里香(Murraya tetramera)代谢物种类差异的影响,建立科学的培育体系及采摘体系,该研究采用非靶向代谢组学分析方法对四数九里香新叶和老叶进行分析,通过主成分分析法(PCA)、正交偏最小二乘法-判别分析法(OPLS-DA)对代谢物的组间差异进行分析,采取将差异倍数、t检验的P值和OPLS-DA模型的VIP值相结合的方法来筛选差异积累代谢物。结果表明:(1)共筛选到850个差异积累代谢物(DAMs),其中426 个DAMs在老叶中表达较高,424个 DAMs在新叶中表达较高。(2)对筛选到的DAMs进行分类,共分为41类,其中较为丰富的是羧酸及其衍生物、脂肪酰基、有机氧化合物、苯和取代衍生物、黄酮类、有机氮化合物。(3)通过KEGG进行通路富集分析发现,差异积累代谢物在2-氧代羧酸代谢、嘌呤代谢、苯丙氨酸、酪氨酸和色氨酸生物合成、乙醛酸和二羧酸代谢等代谢通路中显著富集。综上认为,在老叶中表达较高的差异积累代谢物与在新叶中表达较高的差异积累代谢物所富集的KEGG通路具有显著性差异。 |
关键词: 四数九里香, 叶片, 代谢组, 差异积累代谢物, KEGG途径 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw202402037 |
分类号:Q946 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2025)02-0240-11 |
基金项目:河池学院2022年度校级重点课题项目(2022XJZD003); 湖南省研究生科研创新项目(QL20220179)。 |
Effects of growth cycle on accumulation of metabolites in leaves of Murraya tetramera |
CAO Jingxiao1, XING Qinqin2, BU Jiahao2, HAN Wenjun2, ZHOU Tao2,3*
1. Guangxi Key Laboratory of Sericulture Ecology and Applied Intelligent Technology, Guangxi Collaborative Innovation Center of Modern
Sericulture and Silk, Guangxi Colleges Universities Key Laboratory of Exploitation and Utilization of Microbial and Botanical Resources,
School of Chemistry and Bioengineering, Hechi University, Hechi 546300, Guangxi, China;2. College of Life and
Environmental Sciences, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004,
China;3. Xinjiang Academy of Forestry, Urumchi 830000, China
1. Guangxi Key Laboratory of Sericulture Ecology and Applied Intelligent Technology, Guangxi Collaborative Innovation Center of Modern
Sericulture and Silk, Guangxi Colleges Universities Key Laboratory of Exploitation and Utilization of Microbial and Botanical Resources,
School of Chemistry and Bioengineering, Hechi University, Hechi 546300, Guangxi, China; 2. College of Life and
Environmental Sciences, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004,
China; 3. Xinjiang Academy of Forestry, Urumchi 830000, China
Abstract: |
In order to investigate the effects of different growth cycles on the differences in metabolite species of Murraya tetramera, and to establish a scientific cultivation system and harvesting system. This study used non-targeted metabolomics to analyze the new and old leaves of M. tetramera, the inter-group differences of metabolites were analyzed by principal component analysis(PCA)and orthogonal partial least square-discriminant analysis(OPLS-DA), and the method of combining the fold change, the P value of the t-test and the VIP-value of the OPLS-DA model were adopted to screen for differentially accumulated metabolites(DAMs). The results were as follows:(1)A total of 850 DAMs were screened, of which 426 DAMs were highly expressed in old leaves and 424 DAMs were highly expressed in new leaves.(2)The scrcened DAMs were classified into 41 categories, among which carboxylic acids and their derivatives, fatty acyls, orgdnic oxygen compounds, benzene and substituted derivatives, flavonoids and organonitrogen compounds were more abundant.(3)Pathway enrichment analysis by KEGG showed that the differential metabolites were significantly enriched in 2-oxocarboxylic acid metabolism, purine metabolism, phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan biosynthesis, glyoxylate and dicarboxylate acid metabolism. The KEGG pathway enriched by DAMs expressed at higher levels in old leaf was significantly different from that enriched by DAMs expressed at higher levels in new leaf. |
Key words: Murraya tetramera, leaves, metabolome, differentially accumulated metabolites(DAMs), KEGG pathway |